Awakening Mind – How Your Consciousness Creates Reality
Awakening Mind – How Your Consciousness Creates Reality
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Soul Alchemy
128K subscribers
11,204 views 26 Dec 2023 #peacewithin #consciousness #peaceofmind
Discover how to unlock your spiritual power and initiate profound spiritual changes in your life. Elevate your consciousness and embrace the inherent power of your true nature through this profound guidance.
Everything you experience is a mere reflection of your own inner world. It is by embracing your role as the creator of your own reality that you break free from these self-imposed chains.
Unlock the profound potential within by delving into the depths of consciousness, where the veil is lifted, and the key to empowerment is discovered in unifying mind and reality.
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Transcript of the above video (Original)
in the vast expanse of your Consciousness lies the power to cultivate a mind that resonates with peace and Harmony. The Journey Begins by recognizing the profound impact your Consciousness has on the world around you.Not a mere spectator but an active participant in the process of creation close your eyes for a moment and envision a world where your thoughts and emotions transcend the boundaries of subjective experience becoming the very building blocks of the reality that envelops you.
It is a world where your Consciousness is a powerful force that shapes the very fabric of reality each thought you think each intention you set each emotion you feel ripples out into the world and influences the collective Consciousness. Picture a world where your thoughts and emotions Are Not Mere fleeting experiences but rather the very essence that shapes the reality around you immerse yourself in the profound understanding that the universe is not a cold assembly of lifeless matter and energy but a living breathing entity that pulsates with vibrancy responding to the deepest stirrings of your mind.
This is a world where the boundaries between the physical and the metaphysical blur where the secrets of creation lie. Not in the external realm but in the infinite depths of your own Consciousness. In this world everything is connected every thought every feeling every intention.
The universe far from being a mere expanse of space and time becomes a vast landscape of infinite possibilities eagerly waiting for your thoughts to shape and mold its potential.
From the tiniest subatomic IC particles to the grandest cosmic phenomena everything is in a state of constant flux responding to the subtlest changes in your mental and emotional states in this wondrous World.
Your mind is not a passive Observer but an active participant in the grand spectacle of creation.
You hold the reins of your reality sculpting thoughts and emotions into tangible existence, manifesting them in the external world. Everything you experience is a mere reflection of your own inner world the gods you worship the fears that grip you the joys that elate you each resides within you born from the depths of your own Consciousness.
Embrace this Truth for it holds the key to your Liberation know that everything you see hear touch and feel is a manifestation of your thoughts brought into being being by your organic perception.
You hold the power to shape your destiny and unlock the shackles that confine you.
As you Traverse the dimensions of your existence you may encounter illusions that lead you astray blinding you to the immense power within. Yet remember that true transformation stems not from external circumstances but from the depths of your own being let us remember that while the world seems tangibly real you dwell within the confines of the third dimension a realm finite and bounded.
The people and energies that surround you possess a certain reality but in a profound sense they are extensions of your own Consciousness. To navigate this enigmatic realm you must first recognize that the world you perceive is a projection of your own thoughts and beliefs.
If you seek to transform the world or anything external to you, you must first transform form the dialogue that unfolds within it. Is through the Alchemy of your thoughts and beliefs as the ancient mentalists and hermit practitioners have known that you can reshape your reality.
Realizations profound and life altering emerge from the depths of your own being no external force can grant you Enlightenment or bestow upon you the gift of awareness.
It is a solitary path a sacred pilgrimage within yourself self where progress depth and Discovery are solely in your hands.
Embrace the Solitude and accept the discomfort anxiety and fear that arise along the way for within them lie profound lessons and transformative growth in this journey of self-discovery.
You come face to face with the true nature of your being you realize that external circumstances are but Illusions mere Shadows cast upon the stage of your life the true prison is the belief that something outside yourself holds the key to your Liberation.
It is only by embracing your role as the creator of your own reality that you break free from these self-imposed chains . Discomfort anxiety and fear lies profound lessons waiting to be learned even if you encounter like-minded people who share your journey. Their insights and realizations can never replace the inner work each person must undertake disconnecting from those who prioritize superficial Pursuits may bring moments of loneliness but within discomfort lies the fertile ground for growth.
If only you accept and observe it, it is within this Solitude that the seeds of true wisdom take root and it is through embracing the discomfort that you find the strength to Blossom.
Imagine your mind as a vast an intricate landscape housing two distinct ecosystems one resembling a Barren desert devoid of life and inspiration while the other a lush jungle teeming with diverse thoughts and ideas the latter a vibrant ecosystem sustains itself and flourishes while the former becomes increasingly stagnant and uniform.
To cultivate a mind that blooms with richness you must learn to nurture inter internal resources for entertainment and excitement relying Less on external distractions.
In the Solitude of your mind you uncover the ability to be alone with your thoughts to contemplate your life and to delve deep into the Wellspring of your emotions. It is through this introspective Journey that you Foster the capacity to think for yourself to discover the richness within and to cultivate a vibrant mental landscape. We are all here to illuminate our own Darkness to know the unknown and to awaken to the great power within us.
The awakened human being unifies rather than divides for they understand that everything comes from the great one the infinite Consciousness that is beyond physical form we are all part of this great mystery and it is up to each of us to uncover it.
The awakened human being recognizes that all existence is sacred for it is a reflection of the most sacred thing that exists.
The being itself they value and respect everything around them and seek to expand their minds and perceptions to unify with the truth of the great one the sleeping Minds seek to divide to seek external control to escape responsibility.
But the awakened human being knows that the only Liberation is the liberation of their own mind and they work to illuminate their darkness and love themselves deeply in all parts of their being.
The awakened human being does not fight with anyone for they understand that everything around them is a reflection of their own inner world they pray and connect with deities not to invoke external energies but to activate the power within themselves.
The awakened human being knows that everything is a reflection of their own Consciousness and they use this knowledge to escape the prison of the world of mirrors.
In the eyes of the awakened human being the world is a grand projection of their own Consciousness a dazzling display of infinite possibilities they recognize that they hold the key to unlock the mysteries of the universe they become the Alchemists of their own lives transmuting their thoughts and beliefs to create a reality beyond their wildest dreams.
They are the Masters and architects of their own destiny shaping the world around them with the power of their own Consciousness by embracing all aspects of themselves and taking full responsibility for their thoughts feelings and actions.
The awakened human being can transcend the illusions of the ego and experience a profound sense of unity with “all that is”.
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