The Self, perception, beliefs and conditioning?
1:10 / 12:31
Soul Alchemy
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Does consciousness create reality? Reality is not what it seems. We may think we know the world around us, but in truth, we see only a distorted reflection of our own minds.
Is life an illusion?
While the physical world exists, it’s not absolutely real; rather, it’s a construct shaped by our senses and perception, limited by the names and forms we give to objects. This perception is subjective and incomplete, representing only a small part of what truly exists.
The great spiritual traditions of India commonly teach us that the world is Maya, usually translated as ‘illusion’ or ‘unreality’. Maya also means the unreality of ephemeral things.
To transform the world, or anything outside yourself, you must first transform your internal dialogue. You must transmute your thoughts and beliefs, as the ancient mentalists and hermetic practitioners knew.
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Reality is not what it seems we may think we know the world around us but in truth we see only a distorted reflection of our own minds as the great philosopher and Mystic William Blake once wrote.
If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is infinite.
Blake understood that our perception of reality is limited by our own condition in and beliefs we see what we want to see and believe what we want to believe constructing a world of our own making.
But this world is not the true reality it is merely a projection of our own minds while the physical world exists it’s not absolutely real rather it’s a construct shaped by our senses and perception limited by the names and forms we give to objects.
This perception is subjective and in complete representing only a small part of what truly exists to fully grasp the true nature of reality one must acknowledge the limitations of senses and the subjective nature of perception and broaden their understanding beyond the physical world.
Our bodies are Miraculous Creations, complex systems that seamlessly sustain our lives but what allows this perfect harmony to exist it is consciousness an intelligent force that regulates and directs all the processes in our bodies.
Enabling us to exist and connect with the world around us this same intelligence is present throughout the Universe orchestrating all the processes that make up the infinite Cosmos.
To truly see the world as it is we must cleanse the doors of our perception we must learn to let go of our preconceptions and open ourselves up to the infinite possibilities of the universe.
Only then can we begin to Glimpse the true nature of reality and find our place within it.
In the words of Carlos Castaneda the great Visionary and writer we are all dreamers wandering through the Labyrinth of our own minds we mistake our thoughts for reality and our perceptions are filtered through a maze of beliefs prejudices and social conditioning creating a web of illusions that we mistake for objective truth.
However what if we were to awaken from this dream and realize that everything we see and experience is a projection of our own Consciousness, by recognizing the elusory nature of our perceptions we can
transcend our limited understanding of reality and embrace a more expansive and enlightened perspective. Only by freeing ourselves from the shackles of our own Illusions can we truly experience the world as it is infinite and boundless.
In The Art of Living one of the most valuable skills we can cultivate is that of controlled Folly this entails a light-hearted and detached approach to the many illusions that we encounter in our daily lives. by refraining from taking our perceptions and beliefs too seriously we can liberate ourselves from the confining grip of our own mental constructs and open ourselves to a newfound sense of openness and curiosity moving away from narrow perspectives.
According to Castona controlled Folly is not a method of dissociating from reality but rather an approach to engaging with it more intimately by realizing that everything is a dream or a mirage we can start to challenge our presumptions and seek out fresh possibilities for perceiving and existing in the world.
In the eyes of Miguel Ruiz the Mexican Shaman and author our reality is not an objective truth but a personal interpretation of the world around us we are all living in our own version of reality shaped by our individual perceptions and experiences. Yet at the same time there is a shared illusion that we all
participate in a collective dream that shapes the way we see and interact with the world.
This dream is the product of the agreements and beliefs that we inherit from our culture and society and it can either liberate us or limit us depending on how aware we are of its influence.
The great spiritual traditions of India commonly teach us that the world is Maya usually translated as
illusion or unreality.
Maya also means the unreality of ephemeral things the world as it stands before our mental eye is a cosmic illusion a deceptive prison, it is only when true knowledge Dawns on us that we will be in a position to free ourselves from the meshes of ignorance and from the snares of birth and death.
Maya is a kind of power filled with mystery we know that electricity is a power but we do not actually know what electricity is the same truth is applicable to Maya.
In the modern world we exist within a turbulent ocean of appearances Impressions and influences unless we learn to delve Beyond these surface waves discovering the truth of life becomes unlikely. Often we find our ourselves deceived not just by others but also by our own perceptions as each of us holds Illusions about ourselves and the world.
There are two levels of this Maya of the world.
The first is the Maya of the world of nature which holds a wealth of beauty and Grace behind the appearances of the various Landscapes that we take for granted. The magic of the mountains rivers Ocean Sky and stars. Nature is a Maya of beauty and wonder intimating a yet deeper Cosmic reality this Maya of nature can help us develop spiritually once we learn to decode its symbols and subtle processes and learn how to mediate deeply upon it.
The second and more difficult level of Maya is the Maya of the human world which contains various hidden influences control mechanisms and power games behind the social economic political intellectual religious and spiritual influences that make up our social order a great example of the Maya of Our Lives is a rainbow a rainbow looks beautiful in the distance but when you go closer it disappears it is only an optical illusion there are many rainbows in our lives.
Some are Illusions based on how we look at the world but others are indications of yet greater realities that we cannot see the world is a magical place never to be experienced as mundane.
If we are open to perceiving it a new at every moment what we see outwardly are only symbols indications and connections with something greater ultimately with the entire universe.
Everything we encounter serves as gateways to a deeper reality not as realities themselves the question is whether we choose to open these doorways or mistake the door itself as the ultimate never Crossing through to explore what lies on the other side.
The ignorant see only the surface of life and are content with a surface view of themselves the wise take nothing for granted and always look more deeply finding a vastness everywhere within and without.
The awakened human being understands that everything around them is a manifestation of their own
Consciousness they take responsibility for their thoughts actions and beliefs and do not blame anyone or anything for their experiences.
So give up your sense of familiarity your conclusions and opinions likes and dislikes the idea that you really know who you are or what the world really is.
The deeper reality is unknowable to the mind and cannot be put into words it can only be experienced in the heart as the mystery that it always will be. The heart Union is infinitely stronger than the Mind.
Division if we see the world as Maya or Illusion at its surface we can discover the depths of the cosmic reality wherever we look we can find the whole in each part the Eternal.
In a moment the infinite in a point the entire universe in every object all that we see is sacred and divine a display of vibrations in which creatures and objects arise like patterns in a kaleidoscope only to dissolve back again into the light.
We are the light behind appearances that is also the Light through which we see that light alone remains and yet in it nothing is ever lost.
To see the world as Maya means to look through that Maya to the divine presence behind it, through which its Wonder delight and transformational power can unfold.
The reality is known for those who do not think they know and it is unknown to those who think that they know true knowledge is not information about appearances it is knowledge by identity in which we become one with all that we see.
It requires that we see with the light of the heart not with the memories of the mind we must learn to look beyond the illusion of Multiplicity to the one being the inner self that shines radiant through all understanding.
Reality isn’t just about knowledge but overcoming self-imposed limits staying confined to personal limitations keeps your perception stagnant to grasp different facets of reality.
Internal trans-transformation is essential to achieve this we must develop internal strategies blending rationality intuition and all available tools to transform our perception.
Prolonged suffering often roots from a stagnant perception linked to existing limitations.
The choice becomes clear either embark on the path of changing limitations inevitably altering your identity built within a zone of safety or persist with the status quo and endure the consequences of stagnant limitations. But how can we break free from this state of being where we are confined and unable to see clearly.
To transform the world or anything outside yourself you must first transform your internal dialogue you must transmute your thoughts and beliefs as the ancient mentalists and hermetic practitioners knew. Realizations do not come from outside of you they take place within.
The gods you worship the fears that grip you the joys that elate you all exist within you and are born from your own Consciousness.
The key to your Liberation lies within yourself holding the power to shape your destiny.
The path to God lies in recognizing the eternal life within the fleeting moments of life it transcends mere theoretical knowledge it is a personal experience that defies expression in words.
What can only be felt God uses the Maya power in order to enter into the field of manifestation it is the process of the becoming of the one into many and again the return of the many into the original one.
By understanding the Illusions in your life you can transcend them and access the profound state of ultimate awareness and Bliss. The Cosmic reality omnipresent across time and space we are all integral parts of God.
God experiencing life in various forms and beings simultaneously and you yourself are not separate from this divine presence. No person is more or less Divine than another all people have equal value and the willpower to shape their own reality.
Realizing one’s Divinity involves acknowledging a deep connection with the universe and becoming rooted in its Boundless Energy intimately entwined with its essence.
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