The God Eaters

An End to all wars now?


Wikipedia β€’ The Illuminati is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically, the name usually refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on 1 May 1776 in Bavaria, today part of Germany.

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Hello friends of the truth.

Accelerating vibrations are hastening the pace of bringing to light the wounds of your world so they can be healed what heals is light the same energy as love and the most powerful force in the universe.

And souls far distant and on Earth are providing it this began about 80 years ago when highly Advanced civilizations beamed massive amounts of light to save the life of gaia’s planetary body.
More light was provided by the many thousands of evolved Souls who left their homelands to Incarnate on Earth and help her peoples respond positively to lights.

High vibrations, all individuals who did so were healed of wounds caused by harsh experiences chosen in Soul contracts to complete 30 density lifetimes or difficult non-chosen experiencing by radiating the light they had absorbed. These persons uplifted others who also responded positively and
started radiating light and as this critical light healing process kept expanding Earth gained more strength and the healing of her deep wounds progressed.
Light has been provided by other sources too the animal and plant kingdoms nature people the Elementals and minerals are contributors to the health and wholeness of your world.

As a civilization’s Consciousness grows the consciousness of all other life forms and forces in that world grows commensurately but on Earth that has differed in this way.

The situations trees.
Advanced Souls that chose to experience a lifetime as an animal and the multitude of nature people have long had Universal knowledge that only now is unfolding within most of the human population.

Yet never has it been a question of can Earth’s peoples manifest a peaceful world where all share in its abundance and live in harmony with nature? Always it has been how quickly can they manifest when the 10year delay in the society’s advancement in conscious and spiritual awareness ended.
Minds and hearts began to open around the world the peoples realized that fear Waring deception poverty unjustness greed and Corruption had long been the way of life in their world.

Refusing to accept those conditions any longer many set out to change them and in growing numbers individually are undertaking this Monumental Venture with enthusiasm determination and optimism. Resolving new or long-standing conflicts and writing all wrongs will zigzag for a time but light-filled intentions are undergirded by vibratory rates that will continue to increase along Earth’s Ascension course beneficial changes that once were on Earth’s far Horizon are approaching her near Horizon.

What is in Earth’s energy field of potential like how do the souls at Matthew’s station see what is there what is the fields relationship with the collective Consciousness and what happens here on Earth.

It is indeed important for us to explain this, the collective Consciousness and the energy field of potential are the generators of what happens on Earth the thoughts and feelings of all life forms on the planet comprise the collective Consciousness.
And the power of this everchanging energy Mass steers all activity in the energy field of potential. We give the Consciousness and the field those designations to describe their functions however the energy of these integral aspects of the universal law of attraction which is in constant motion is the same and they operate in tandem.
The field is Limitless numbers of neutral energy streamers each with an attachment each thought and feeling of every person and the emotions of every animal and the attachment is the streamer’s direction finder connector.

So to say we see the streamers as threads connecting activity in the field with like activity on the planet the threads Shimmer and gleam when there is joy happy excitement affection encouragement or any other uplifting.
Sensation on both ends they are ragged and Dim when connecting low vibratory Sensations such as discouragement vengefulness anguish anger or Prejudice.
Many thoughts and feelings enter the field with the addiction of intention and every intention creates a situation that has the possibility of development potential if more of the same kinds of thoughts and feelings about that situation enter the field their energy activates the development process when those thoughts and feelings grow in sufficient numbers and strength their combined energy moves the situation from a possibility to a probability.

If the quantity and strength of those particular thoughts and feelings keep increasing the additional energy produced moves the Situation’s probability status towards certainty and motion in the field is smooth and steady.

When nearly all thoughts and feelings about the situation are unified the momentum of their energy becomes Unstoppable and enables the manifestation of the outcome intended by the people involved.

Stop all wars now; we can if we unite in the demand worldwide?

If a large number of streamers with attachments of thoughts and feelings about a different outcome suddenly enter the field their Collective energy interrupts the process that had been propelling the situation toward certainty. The tumultuous activity that ensues makes the field look like a gigantic fireworks display as the energy of the first intended outcome attempts to regain its former strength and the energy of the opposing intention tries to become dominant.
Depending upon the importance of the situation at issue the intensity of the differing thoughts and feelings about it and an increase or decrease in numbers of each sides streamers the Seesaw motion can continue for days months or years before one of the energy masses becomes powerful enough to generate sustained activity.

Until the outcome is manifested by the people who achieved their intended result now then putting the activity in the field into the context of what is happening on Earth.

The dark ones are feudally struggling to keep their world domination intention alive and the awakened peoples are acting upon their light-filled intention to end that long era of control and so it is dear family wild storms tornadoes flooding and record high and low temperatures cause a great deal of humankind’s low vibratory emotions and dark hearts and Minds require that kind of energy for their very existence to prevent negativity from amassing and becoming the dark ones refueling station.

Earth releases it via earthquakes and volcanic eruptions she chooses areas where loss of life and property damage are reduced to the greatest possible extent and the technology of crws in your skis assists in leveling out effects of the releases.

The crews also are reducing the toxins in Chemtrails and Industrial pollutants as well as the harmful emissions of 5G and other Technologies.

Let us speak about California’s two earthquakes which were not Mother Nature’s doing that seismic activity was caused by the explosive destruction of The Illuminati’s vast underground base of Laboratories and well although both events happened in the United States their impact is worldwide.

Your light has been Paving the way to ending Darkness on Earth dear sisters and brothers and every day that passes brings closer the grandly transformed world you volunteer to help.

The peoples bring to fruition all light beings in this universe honor and support you with the unparalleled power of unconditional love wild storms tornadoes flooding and record high and low temperatures cause a great deal of humankind’s low vibratory emotions and dark hearts and Minds.

Require that kind of energy for their very existence your light has been Paving the way to ending Darkness on Earth dear sisters and brothers and every day that passes brings closer the grandly transformed world you volunteered to help.

The peoples bring to fruition all light beings in this universe honor and support you with the unparalleled power of unconditional love.


Some of my readers will wonder about the above name being a god eater?

It has to do with drink of blood and preferable jong children because of the absorption of toxic components over time. The lifeforce is also located within our blood the so-called spark of god. A high energy standing wave also ref to as blue light.


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1:01 / 1:36:19

Khazarian Mafia: The God Eaters

Chuck Swindoll, Jr.
46.6K subscribers


894,538 views 17 Sept 2023
This video is indeed about the Kazazian Mafia, but more importantly offers the patterns by which they have fed on God by way of humanities ignorance.

As Nature creatures we are an outpouring of God, and the only way we can escape the Black Sun, is to understand their modus operandi; this means changing our world view, so that true evil can be seen; for we all have been beguiled with assumptions which disguise the Demiurge. The Khazarian Mafia has worked extremely hard to present a false reality based on inculcated lies, falsified histories, and projected blame. So the point of this lecture is to not only educate the listener to the bloodlines of the Khazarian Mafia, but more importantly, the psychology by which they have eviscerated us.

To disembowel a person or animal; to deprive something of its essential content – Webster
1 songs

Passacaglia in do Minore di Giovanni Sebastiano Bach: Andante con moto
George Hanson, Sinfonieorchester Wuppertal
Respighi: Orchestral Works

Please have a look at the original video/link for clarity.



in 1933 33rd degree Freemason Franklin D Roosevelt added the Great Seal to the U.S dollar transforming it into an occult Talisman the same year he signed a gold confiscation order and took the U.S off the gold standard at a press conference on March 8 1933 he joked as long as nobody asks me whether we are off the gold standard that’s all right because nobody knows what the gold
standard really is.

David Icke wrote the 33rd degree Freemason and black Mobility President Franklin Delano Roosevelt had this symbol printed on the dollar bill from 1933. It was a symbol of secret societies in Europe long before anyone heard of the United States and it is Awash with free Masonic and secret society symbolism.
Going back to the ancient world notice the symbology and numerology used on the dollar bill the most obvious symbol is the Illuminati pyramid with the hovering All-Seeing Eye in the Capstone opposite this is the All-American eagle with a downturned U.S flag affront its chest.
These and many other symbols on the dollar come from the ancient Stellar solar and lunar cults Michael tesarian wrote the pyramid is for the Stellar cult as are the various stars that appear on the bill the golden eagle is for the solar cult.
The eagle is the symbol of America because it signifies the constellation in Scorpio called Ikea
Scorpio is the sign of power money and wealth as well as secret knowledge.

The U.S elections are held right in the middle of Scorpio and the birthday of America is in the scorpionic deconate of cancer the double-headed eagle symbol which came from Babylon and survived through the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry has been today adopted by America Mexico Israel Germany France Chile Italy Honduras and many others.

David Icke wrote The Eagle is a widely used Brotherhood symbol and it can be found on the Coats of Arms of many countries including Egypt Libya and Iraq it was a major symbol for Germany and it appears in the designs of pulpits and lecterns used by the Christian church seals, like the one used in the Great Seal of the United States can be traced back to at least 4000 BC in Egypt
Babylon Assyria and India.

The word money comes from the lunar Cults early words for the moon were Mon and Min giving us money printed at a mint. We have a worldwide monarchy that controls the world’s money supply we have Finance ministers Prime Ministers and their Ministries being controlled by occult Elites and societies it is interesting to note that the plant mint is green. Our money printed at the mint is green and the Isis Moon Goddess Statue of Liberty is also green.

Jordan Maxwell wrote you will see beneath the pyramid 1776 spelled out in Roman numerals plus the words Inuit coeptus and is translated as Inuit our Enterprise coeptus is translated to mean crowned
with success or is crowned with success therefore Inuit coeptus is our Enterprise which is now a success then in order to find out what Enterprise was a success read on the one dollar bill at the bottom of the pyramid novos ordo seclorum which translates as the New Order of the world.

The New World Order the Latin translation of Inuit coeptus novos ordo seclorum is our new world order is crowned with success the other Latin phrase e pluribus unum means one out of many order out of chaos the hegelian dialectic the problem reaction solution.

Paradigm used by the elites to drive world events opinions and policies there are 13 letters in Inuit coeptus and 13 letters in e pluribus Unum. The dollar encodes the number 13 repeatedly there are 13 stars above the Eagle’s head 13 steps on the pyramid 13 vertical bars on the shield, 13 horizontal stripes at the top of the Shield, 13 leaves on the Olive Branch 13 arrows 13 fruits and 13 members if you draw a six-sided Star of David hexagram around the pyramid on the back of the dollar.

Five of the Six Corners will point to letters a-s-m-o-n or when you rearrange them m a s o n.

Jordan Maxwell wrote you will find on the dollar bill the eagle which comes from the ancient concept of the Phoenix and has 13 stars above it the 13 stars are arranged in the configuration of the Star of David or the hexagram. Most people think the 13 stars represent the original 13 colonies in the first place why did they have to have 13 colonies why couldn’t they have 27 or 4 or 10

When one understands that the number 13mis a very important profound Masonic number and that many of the founding fathers of this country were Freemasons as well as Rosicrucian’s then you will follow this connecting thread of material to see what was actually being created they knew what they were doing when they divided this country into 13 colonies. The number 13 is not an unlucky number for them it’s an unlucky number for you.
Hey everybody how are you doing I’m glad that you’re here I know that I’ve been talking about this video for quite a while now and I just now am getting my arms around it and the subject and so it’s taken me a while longer than usual.
To go from when I thought I was going to be releasing it to now to actually releasing it and so I say all that to say that it’s been a real journey for me and I think that anybody that takes on this subject which is who actually runs the world who actually rules the world anyone who takes on this subject will find that it is not something that is quickly gathered.

Who I’ve really found that as I’ve dug into this it seems it seems like almost every day another layer is revealed and that’s also been a reason for the delay is that I just I keep uncovering more and more about this group because this group goes so far back.
So what I’ve decided to do is I’ve decided I’ve decided to cut the video in half so this first video we’re going to be covering from the origin or our known origin of human beings all the way till about 180 which was the beginning of the formal Kazarian Mafia between the Caspian and that would be the Black Sea just north of the caucus mountains and 180 really marks the beginning of their infiltration formally and organized into the West into the organized West and into what became the group what became of the groups that ended up ruling the world.

And so since that is a story in and of itself from about 180 we’re going to be covering the first part because I haven’t to be honest I haven’t found any narratives that cover the origin of human beings and how this group came about.
Through the Bloodlines of human beings I haven’t found any essays I haven’t found anything that really digs into it and the essay that I’m going to be using which here let me get the name of the gentleman who wrote it uh yeah Preston James and Mike Harris wrote an essay that’s going to be carrying us from 180 to present day but I haven’t found any essays that cover from the origin of human beings until 180.

Tat really do this group Justice and since this is our history since this is the human uh history and origin It Matters and so if you’re looking for a five minute uh quick and dirty I am not your guy.

Uh this is going to take probably I’d say about an hour and a half two hours to get through this first part and then the essay is probably going to be that again and that’s really going to be the only way I feel to communicate to effectively communicate our history and why the world is the way that it is.

I think that’s uh awesome introduction into the titling of this which is why is the world the way that it is I’ve named this essay Kazarian Mafia, the God Eaters by Charles rig and Swindoll and I’m starting with this nice quote from Aristotle nice doesn’t do this quote.

Justice this awesome quote from Aristotle knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom and that really is true that’s why Alan Watts spent his entire career asking the question who are you and that’s why the Buddha spent his entire life pursuing the question of absolving suffering and the way one absolves suffering is knowing who you are.
Knowing the Divinity that you are knowing the Divinity that you reflect and come from and emanate and the journey to that space is extremely varied and so that the end at the end of the day what matters is knowing who you are and finding that out.
Because no one can tell you I can’t tell you your pastor can’t tell you your government official can’t tell you no book no movie no lecture is going to be able to tell you who you are.
This is going to be a journey of self-discovery that’s how you find out who you are and typically it comes through pain. I had an interesting dialogue with a friend on the internet and she asked the question is there any way to wisdom that doesn’t involve pain and I really sat and thought about it for a while and I realized the stuff in my life that matters most cost me the most.

There’s a great Buddhist quote or Eastern quote that says to know anything I must lose everything and that’s been my experience and I’ve found that the more that I have lost the more that I have um just set aside as not the answer but just a part of the answer the more I’ve been able to open my mind to a larger reality a larger truth that is hearkening all of us especially right now during the Great Awakening.

So I wanted to start this off with a good question which is who are you and this essay is hopefully going to help you understand who you are okay so getting right into it uh what we’re going to be talking about. Today is the Kazarian Mafia and it’s of my opinion that this group as well as constellating groups around and about the Kazarian Mafia are who have ruled the world since our Inception and I think that the human being the human genome is a multifaceted Endeavor when you’re attempting to understand our history when you’re attempting to know where and what and how we came about.

So it is quite a journey because that true essence of us has really been hidden from us in this group The Kazarian Mafia has worked very hard for us to not know who we are because if we find out as a society as the human Collective if we find out who we are we will be unrulable and we will think for ourselves and we will develop for ourselves and we won’t be held back and Shackled down by evil groups and so the work of the Kazarian Mafia has been to suppress the knowledge of human beings the history of human beings the essence of human beings and that really is what we’re pursuing today is our essence.

Our history contains it but they haven’t want us to know it because we become extremely powerful and on an Unstoppable Force. When we know who we are okay.
So to begin before we dive into the history of human beings let’s look very quickly at who in my opinion are the Kazarian Mafia. So I’ve developed this little slide here that shows a hierarchy and at the top of the slide what you’re going to see is the top of the pyramid the top of the hierarchy and at the bottom of this slide is the bottom of the pyramid.

What this shows what I’m hoping to do here is to begin to open your eyes to a larger reality than the one that has been taught. To you by about level two here the entertainers and three the low-level government officials and so forth those are the quote unquote emissaries the representatives of this evil group.

But they present the world this evil group in such a way that you would never know that there are many layers below them or above them.
So let’s look at this at the top we have what agnosticism is called the demiurge Satan Lucifer ball Molech these are anthropomorphisms of the evil that undergirds all of these groups.

So at the very top of the pyramid is the ruler overseer the penultimate example of evil which would be Satan and so just below that are the Fallen Angels Watchers archons reptoids.

It depends sort of what level you’re at as far as what you know and understand about the world but Fallen Angels Watchers this comes out of the Book of Enoch The Book of Enoch lays out the world in that there was a developing and thriving community history of human beings that was going on and then there was a moment when that history that ongoing saga was infiltrated by an outside group.

These many there it just depends on where you come from on this planet to determine what the name of this group is but the common names are the Fallen Angels the Watchers the archons and the reptoids.
The theories that the Watchers involve themselves with humans human women bred with them and the children that came out of those copulations were the Nephilim the Giants and that’s the next level down black nobility black pope order the black snake zoroastrian and Nephilim bloodlines.

Again these are all hidden these are not individuals entities groups that you would ever know about and you were to never know about and these are what are behind the next level here which is the
Kazarian Mafia.
And the Kazarian Mafia really there’s a line that’s drawn between those top three and the rest of the groups and that is this is when you begin to fall into categories of people that you know of that you might have seen once or twice the Jesuit order Babylonian Canaanite Bloodlines this is this fills
this next level of the Freemasons Illuminati Committee of 300 Club of Rome Scottish Rite CIA the Bloodlines of those group are inside the Kazarian Mafia jez would order Babylonian Canaanite bloodlines.

I know this is a mouthful but uh it our history is very involved.
So um this then would lead to the low-level government officials judges FBI who and DEA supposedly the people that you vote in the office which you all know that you don’t but supposedly these would be the common everyday people that you’re seeing all the time so you can see by looking at this order these groups you could see we moved from a totally invisible order to a fully visible order and it shifts Within These groups here in the middle.
What’s also interesting Club of Rome Scottish Rite these groups require pedophilia to enter what you’re going to notice the Common Thread that comes out of these ancient orders of people groups of people is child sacrifice blood sacrifice and to be a part of these groups you must be a person who involves yourself at that level.
So the Scottish Rite and Club of Rome these groups it’s required that you engage in some kind of P what would that be a CP in order to enter the group and then you have the bottom three low-level government officials judges FBI who DEA entertainers media sports .

Public officials these would not be the Bloodlines these would not be the true Origins these
would be people that have sold their soul they have sold their life and sold to molec and they have given over all their Humanity all their compassion over to evil.

So they are in service they are in service to evil and you are not to know, that us that the bottom there the feeders the Breeders Commodities and assets that’s us the world the Earth in my opinion is a farm and we are the assets the Commodities that come out of.

The way the Earth is put together the way that it’s run right now obviously this is a Blasphemous version of the original Earth it wasn’t like this at one time but it has been the Earth us as a society have been infiltrated by a parasite and that parasite is a Pure Evil and so in order to overcome this in order to overcome these groups and to uh change the world we must save ourselves
and the way we save ourselves is through knowledge is through learning and understanding.

Not only who we are but the world roundabout and in order to do that you’re going to have to remove the assumptions that you have. And when you see a list like this you’re going to have to begin to see the world in a larger scope than the assumed constriction that has been inculcated into you and that’s inculcated into you through entertainers media sports figures public officials your education your science your medicine your religion these are all ways disciplines used to constrict your world and to make your focus much smaller to only see the world through a pair of binoculars rather than seeing the world naturally through your own eyes.

So when you see the world confined like this you’re only seeing so much of the world and really
science medicine politics religion government these things even our agriculture these things are what deplete and sicken us as individuals and as a society because they are they are false realities and so my words here and what I’m showing you here is very revulsive to folks that are really caught up but it’s the only way we’re going to grow, it’s the only way we’re going to learn is to find out that the history we’ve been taught the medicine we’ve been taught the life we have been taught is false and it’s because it comes out of this order.

As I showed you these groups here a quick look at the costumes these group these groups wear is the uh let’s see let me find it here yes is this slide here the cult of fall image drawn by Dylan Monroe and this shows you looking at the top here this shows you the costumes that these groups have worn so that you would never see the actuality below the costume and so they’ve hidden themselves.

Inside of the Kings inside the royalty inside the ruling groups and Empires that have controlled and steered humanity and this evil has cloaked itself in many different forms such as the Roman Empire the Roman Catholic Church the Jesuit order pharaonic Egypt.

These would be the costumes that the Eve that the evil has adorned so that you would never know that you’re being ruled by evil and when you look at a map like this where it shows how they’ve simply changed their costume within the theater that is the human uh the human Collective you’ll see how they have mastered the human race and con and controlled it and held it to account in a very small world that does not reflect actual nature actual reality they’ve put us into a conflict-oriented world is what they’ve done and I’ve spent many videos talking about that.

And one of the ways that you shorten the life and constrict the mind of a human being is by filling them with lies and filling them with poisons feeling them not only with food poisons but religious poisons and governmental poisons and historical poisons and you do that enough to any human being any human Collective you will permanently disable them permanently in the sense that as long as they are within and absorbed by those poisons and taken by those poisons they will not get out.

Okay so from that basic General look at the actual world let’s go to the beginning here on the first slide where I talk about where this essay came from and yeah let’s get started this essay is an offspring of the cliff High sub stack write-up called walk without Rhythm found here.

And if you’d like please feel free to copy that that address down put that in your computer and check it out I’m going to also present uh his essay here as you know I agree with some of what cliffhi says and I disagree with some of what Cliff eye says that’s called a healthy relationship.

Cliff retweeted my luciferian video as legit info years ago so I can’t dismiss the guy completely his human manipulation theory has legit clout and it ties in well to our discussion today now before I continue any further I know that this evil group has done a very good job of tribing out Humanity
tribing out meaning coercing different groups of people into set beliefs and the beliefs that these different groups subscribe to are incongruent with each other.

So these tribes of people don’t intermingle very well because they have been tried out in their beliefs here’s a great example there’s a whole host of people who believe in Flat Earth and there’s a whole host of people who believe in a spherical Earth and both of these tribes of people are 100 percent convicted with the idea that they’re right that they have enough information to show and prove Beyond any shadow of a doubt.

That they are absolutely correct and so anyone who doesn’t subscribe to their belief is an idiot should be ostracized should be marginalized should be an outcast should never be listened to and see this is how you take a group of people and you isolate and alienate them because they will not hear any words but the words that they have subscribe to.

They they’re living in an echo chamber it doesn’t dumb you down to become familiar with both the arguments of the Flat Earth folks and the arguments of the spherical Earth folks because they both have convincing arguments and so it’s a good idea to learn those arguments it doesn’t matter if they’re right or wrong the point being it’s a good idea to learn them just like if you’re going to go and study many cultures of people it doesn’t mean you’re going to take on their Traditions it doesn’t mean that you’re going to take on their gods and their ideas of life but you’re going to be exposed to their Traditions to their gods to their ontologies which will expand your mind that’s called a well-rounded education.

You are not just learning the stuff you’re going to fully buy into but you also learning the stuff that you would never buy into because that makes you smarter person it makes you a wiser more refined individual because you have not spent your life rejecting everything that you just don’t see that you don’t agree with which makes you enslaved to your own mind and that’s really what this group has effectively done is enslave us to doctrines that are false doctrines about ourself and doctrines about the world whether that be a medical Doctrine a religious Doctrine a scientific Doctrine whatever the case may be these groups have worked extremely hard to hold us in contempt to the doctrines that they have foisted upon us okay.

So the way we’re gonna break out of that is we’re going to expose ourselves that’s the whole point of what I’m doing here expose ourselves to a different reality and therefore a larger reality and that’s exactly what cliffhigh’s walk without Rhythm essay does.

So I’m going to post this essay here it is reads from left to right and if you want you can just simply pause the video at each one of these slides and you will you can take the time for yourself to read it and what this is going to do is this is going to help you see the world from a different perspective than the one that you grew up in than the one that was indoctrinated into you.

That’s a good idea because then you can relate to others who maybe have subscribed to this and you don’t ostracize and alienate yourself from everybody who uh who knows these or believes these ideas that Cliff is expressing here to be true what I would like to say as we finish up this last slide as I would like to what I would like to say is the theory that Cliff holds and I’m going to talk about this here next the theory that Cliff holds really substantiates and brings understanding to some of the major questions?

We have as a human culture whether it be a religious or scientific consideration meaning the theory that Cliff has answers to why we have a fused chromosome to why we are structurally unfit for the gravitational pull of this planet and it accounts and resolves this intermediary type of situation that we’re living in. Meaning that we have this layer of people of Institutions and groups of people who have been ruling over the planet for a very long time and holding us as a human society in developmental contempt and so his accounting of our history really welcomes and integrates and coalesces well with this philosophy that really Watchers did come down that really there was an intermingling and genetic shift in change of human beings.
That the planet really was bombarded with all types of natural disaster.

That completely shifted not only the atmosphere of the planet but the history of those that inhabited the planet and so we’re going to talk about all of those issues today as we begin to search out and find out not only our history but these groups of people these families that have been ruling over us.
I do believe we are edging closer to our real origin story and sub-stack essays like those from Cliff High cause me to think it’s closer than we realize. Like the universe we are an organism in development and our complexifying history is simply the path we have taken to become aware of ourselves we chose the more difficult path than the universal average due to the compromised
condition foisted Upon Us by horrific outside forces nothing that cannot be outdone but the undoing will be costly no pain no gain. And again this reflects what I said earlier everything that you learn in life that really matters that makes it that has an influence that really changes you it as an individual is costly it requires a painful Endeavor enduring and working through and coming out the other side of some type of painful event and typically many painful events and often the more painful events you endure and survive the Richer and of an individual you become.

The Richer your character the Richer your perseverance the Richer and more deeply you see yourself and the world and this is because nature doesn’t hand itself to you the true aspects and true measures of nature come through extremely difficult paths because they’re hard to integrate because nature is so enormous so overwhelmingly huge that to begin to grasp just what we are what you are as an individual and the world that we live in.

You know you it takes everything that you have and that’s why you must empty yourself you go through the process of what in the west is called canosis which is to self-empty and by emptying of yourself you no longer are self-consumed one of the real tragedies of locking into one belief system is you become naturally self-consumed because the only belief system that you’ll subscribe to is the one that has consumed you and so you live a life of self-consumption because you can’t learn anything else.
Your mind is already full and so that’s why that Eastern philosophy which is to know anything I must lose everything that’s just the westerns the Western Way of uh kenosis of what is called kenosis it was called calcination in uh in um gnosticism and Alchemy and this was the burning away of the assumptions of one’s mind the burning away of what you know as fact and by burning away those aspects of your mind you then actually can learn something you then actually can learn something past what you have assumed.

To know seventy percent of the population lives in a consensus state which is basically a herd mentality so these are the literal NPCs of the world so they don’t form independent thought when they want to know what their opinions are on certain topics they just look to the external world so these kinds of people will tend to get the most offended when you present them certain views that go outside of their Paradigm because their beliefs actually represent unconscious security needs.

So they unconsciously gain Security in trusting the mainstream media celebrities the experts the government they basically can’t really think for themselves so they seek Security in Outsourcing their opinions to the outer world and moving from this consensus herd mentality to the next stage which is an individuated state is actually often a traumatic process because instead of trusting the external world like you always have the government the authorities you actually have to learn
how to trust self as an inner guidance system instead.

In order to do that you actually have to decondition and undo a lot of what you thought was true about yourself and the world in the process so this is a really alienating and lonely process by Design because in order to discover who you are you actually have to separate from the herd to begin with and the thing is you can’t actually force people out of this state.

It has to come from an inner calling so it has to come from them realizing that there is something different inside of them that can’t be explained by the expert science celebrities government
and in my view it really takes a certain ripeness of the soul to even want to go down that path because it’s not easy most people will actually refuse the call of their individuation again and again and again because their unconscious security needs to stay in the unknown the known rather of the consensus is so strong so you don’t want to like hate them for that it’s actually a necessary stage in their own Soul’s development and this is why trying to wake up family friends and others in general is almost always a failed project.

Really how I feel about it the best thing you can do in these times is focus on your own soul Evolution and find something unique about you that you can bring back to the world and the reason why I’m saying that is because it is the most highly individuated and spiritualized people who actually create the next consensus and they don’t do this by forcefully trying to wake up the people who are asleep they do this by bringing back their true Essence their true nature and their soul gifts back to the consensus where they can uplift Inspire and show people there’s a different way to be.

Cliff has a pretty far out theory about the origin of humans which I won’t detail but it involves aliens from a distant Galaxy seeding Earth with adult breeding pairs of humans long before written history some two to three hundred thousand years ago those were the first untainted versions of humans we were left to develop on our own in the garden that is the Earth this begins to open up questions about Earth’s history and in order to know uh Earth.

His Earth’s history you’re gonna have to open up to ideas that are maybe outside the normal balance that you’ve accepted as part of our origin scenario Cliff suggests the idea of an evil alien species called the Elohim who came or fell here and manipulated our DNA through interbreeding and genetic manipulation. Enoch called them the Watchers now one thing to mention here and this is key they came or fell here and manipulated our DNA through interbreeding and genetic manipulation now remember this would have been then according to this Theory this would have been the second intervention by an alien force the first one being our original creation and I’m following this narrative the first one being our original creation and then there being a fall that changed our genetics and then there’s a second quote-unquote creation that happens after the cataclysm after this massive shift that happened to us and to the planet and so this narrative really follows well even as the scriptural idea that there was an original creation of human beings and then the second creation of human beings so this this Common Thread you’re beginning to see in pattern you see in our history is that there was an original form of human beings that was directly from the work of an alien species.

Then there was a parasite that came in and manipulated us at the genetic level shortened Our Lives lowered our brain capacity and psychologically devalued us as individuals meaning our mind constricted.
Our constricted our minds and this points to the Elohim are essentially a demonic species From Another Dimension who have defiled nature God by manipulating our DNA and see this points to what I like to call.
And what I’ll get into here what this points to what I like to call the original sin and this was the original in my argument this was the original blasphemy of nature against God.
The Elohim demons came here long ago to manipulate our DNA and enslave Us by compromising our practical awareness our mind while keeping our God awareness coating our spiritual sense intact DNA
carries the coding to develop the material biology that allows for a sense of a larger reality than the material landscape. Altering our DNA disempowered our development while not compromising our etheric sensitivity creative Force they dumbed us down they lowered the capacity of our brain down to you know just five six percent they shortened our life we were living probably about a thousand years so how much wisdom can you acquire in say 80 90 years in comparison to how much you could acquire in say 900 to 1200 years.

So you’d be so incredibly Wise by the end of your life no one would be able to con or convince you of anything that’s false because you will have enough wisdom from the road to know the from Shinola
and so that etheric sensitivity is the key to all that.
So even though we were dumbed down biologically we spiritually remain sensitive and that is by design that that is they purposely did that because these creatures eat God and uh there are the reason why they Prey Upon Us is to get access to this love and compassion energy that they cannot access.

We are the intermediaries meaning we allow them access to a form of God they cannot access on their own and that is why we were farmed that is why we’re the children are tortured the innocence is stolen from children and all of this whole idea of downgraded the human being.

This is so that they can consume continue to consume that innocence we give them access to God because as pure evil they cannot access love and so they access that love through the consumption of children through the consumption of the blood that is love that flows through us.

You see the Elohim were actually the ones who committed the original sin and I mentioned this earlier they committed the original sin they blasphemed Nature by altering our DNA they altered the image of God by manipulating the DNA of an authentic being in development.

This is a defilement of nature God the universe your DNA is your biological image of nature God and to manipulate this is to manipulate the work of the creative Force DNA is just an abbreviation for a much longer name deoxy ribonucleic acid that’s what DNA stands for now.
The deoxy see that’s a Latin root if you trace its meaning it means god so deoxyribose in the Semitic language is rival is the same as rabbi or in Arabic we say Rob it means the master the Lord so here we have deoxyribose God Lord and Master nucleic acid nucleic means and at the center and acid
is like chemical fire so deoxyribonucleic acid DNA what does it mean God Lord and Master the fire at the center of my being.
Nature is the creative force or God manifesting incarnating transmogrifying into material matter to coerce the creative Force genetically is to blaspheme the work of God if I’m an abuser and I want to hold my Victim in contempt and I want to them to remain my Victim I blame them for the abuses that I put upon them.

So I tell them it’s their fault if I’m the abuser I tell the victim my Victim I tell them that it’s their fault that they’re being punished because they did something bad and so they deserve the punishment that they’re getting and eventually the victim will believe it they’ll believe that they deserve to be abused and in this same way this is what’s happened the we have been blamed for falling
separating from God whereas they were the ones who did the original manipulation and so they meaning to Elohim are projecting their crime their sin their evil upon us. Just like an abuser projects their own evil upon their victim when you understand this one thing you will understand everything about this reality that we live in called The Matrix including our governments and the way Society function.

This one thing is summed up in two words victim consciousness the government and all of the ruling Elite need you to believe that you are a victim now you can deep dive down the rabbit hole of your Consciousness and contemplation and philosophy and all of the other things and begin to understand this is at the core of all religions and all governments it’s why they removed God from us and made God separate to us something outside of you.

Something outside of me because if it was outside of us they could then control how we access it and if they can control how they access it AKA God AKA through priests through religions through the Bibles back in the day you had to speak Latin to be able to even read the Bible right it couldn’t be printed in English because they were gatekeeping access to God why because when you understand that you can access God in one place and only one place and that is within you through your own heart for your own portal in here through your own Consciousness through your own connection and you begin to understand that there is no separation between you and God. You begin to understand that you are Divine when you begin to understand that you are Divine you begin to understand that you are not a victim that nobody can control you that your rights that constitutions give you are unalienable they are god-given they are Divine they are because you are their whole system of class of hierarchy is based on one thing it’s based on you believing and seeing yourself as a victim that needs someone to govern you need someone to save you need someone to figure
it out for you.

You need someone to whatever right this is the whole welfare state you guys if you start to pick at this thread you will begin to unravel the entire fabric of this quote-unquote reality that we live in deception and so all of Western religion was built on this idea was built on this idea that you’re guilty at Birth was built on this idea that simply because you’re born from people that thought for themselves you also are tainted you see and so this is how you carry this prostrated spirituality over thousands of years within the human society.

You have people that could develop past this idea but you hold that Society in contempt by making them think that they’re guilty by making them think that they’re the reason why they’re separated from God whereas the truth of the matter is there is no such thing as separation and even though we were genetically modified there’s still no separation from the creative force from God because we have love and compassion within us.

Okay so this is one of the ways psychologically we have been preyed upon by this group how do you do that genetically well Cliff High has an idea next slide it was a simple fix they burned out the second chromosome and fused The Junction where it used to be with the non-activating codon thus the order of processing of the gene sequence was changed with third chromosome becoming number two the totality of chromosomes was reduced from 24 to 23.

Look up here in the top right human chromosome 2 was formed by the head-to-head Fusion of two ancestral chromosomes that remain separated in other primates meaning it’s not natural this was done and it’s not going to happen again because it was done in the lab.

What this is basically saying in science and biology is look here there’s been a
fusion that has happened in our chromosomes if we look at the next slide at the end of your chromosomes are telomeres okay and these are like a a ceiling Edge for the tube that holds your DNA inside that chromosome is your DNA your the map that is you. That map that creates you
and so at the end of the tube are caps so that the DNA strands that are inside the tube don’t Fray come out and spill out and are destroyed okay and so are metabolized and so what you see here genetically is you see two heads that have been fused together look here on the left human chromosome number two what do you see you see two telomere heads that have been fused together folks that’s laboratory work that’s not natural work happening in nature that’s laboratory manipulation genetic manipulation of our chromosome that’s what’s happening there you have something that has come in my argument is that it’s a species has come in who are genetic Geniuses and they have bonded these two telomeres and what this shows you is a first of all this wouldn’t have happened this doesn’t happen in evolution okay so that makes brings a huge question into the evolutionary theory and then this if you were a god creating a human being or a being this you would never leave this kind of signature in your work it would be like it would be like Chip .
You know Chip Foose is Chip Foose is a dude that that uh restores old cars makes absolute beautiful hot rods out of old cars so let’s say like your Chip Foose and you’re restoring a 32 Ford and so you’ve got awesome V8 in engine in it you paint it beautiful candy red and it’s just absolutely gorgeous spotless over the whole thing and then you leave a door Dent with a little bit of rust on the driver’s side door.

That’s what this telomere head-to-head Fusion is like it’s like if Chip Foose restored a car but left as a mark on his signature left a dent and rust on the driver’s side door sure the car is going to get a to B sure it’s going to be able to drive and go anywhere you need to go but with Chip Foose have ever left that Ding and rust in the door if he’s restoring the whole car from tires to the roof never he would never do that.

And if you are a deity a God and you’re creating a human being or a being you would never ever do this this is crude this is crude biology this is crude forced biology it’s the signature of a psychopath it’s not the signature of a deity so right there is evidence that something else is going on there is a larger scheme at work that’s being kept from you.

So and here’s one of the great things about knowing who you are by finding this out about yourself you now know a perspective about yourself that you were unaware of before you started this video and that’s why it’s valuable to you because this is evidence you carry you carry the evidence that you’ve been genetically manipulated it is in your DNA that is not the work of a Divine God and that is not the work of evolution it’s neither.

Which points to an origin for us as human beings which is different very different very different than what you have become accustomed.

This is one of the reasons why this changeover has taken so long because there and I’m not saying I’m right I’m just saying there’s a very real possibility of this that if this is the case how many people can handle that in society how many people can roll with that reality and totally accept it?

And a great example I give for that is to be able to accept the situation is doesn’t really matter what your origin is does it really matter to your value are you less value valuable because you find out.

This about your origin does that make you any less value in the same way if you have an orphan who doesn’t know who their parents are and you have a child who doesn’t know who their parents are is either child more valuable than the other simply because one doesn’t know who their parents are and one does that change their value at all no it doesn’t at all so this doesn’t change your value that’s one of the ways you can accept and swallow this.

Science this doesn’t change your value because you carry Consciousness within you you’re a miracle the fact that you come from a genetic manipulation doesn’t change the fact that you’re a miracle doesn’t change the fact that you are conscious Eternal being. Having a material experience in time you were a Timeless being having an experience in time does it matter at all whatsoever that your history may contain some genetic manipulation does that devalue at all.
So we genetically were modified they took us our perfect probably multi-strand like right now we have a double helix DNA we have a two-strand DNA that is held together in a crystalline structure with water and vibration and the theory is that that used to be something like a 10 strand 12 strand 15
strand maybe 30 strand DNA.

This next slide it was the original species of humans these extraterrestrial Elohim demonoids manipulated to form us as we are today a short-lived DNA compromised Brandy capacitated species this explains are only using five to eight percent of our brain’s capacity why 95 or more of our DNA is considered useless junk why our second chromosome is fused.

We are getting to the origins of why things are the way that they are which lead to how and who made things the way that they are.
You see is this the great secret that cannot be divulged to anyone for fear society would collapse is this the answer to why our planet has been turned into a human Farm.

Are the Elohim demons the parasitic species that has held human development in Check for over ten thousand years?
Is the Kazarian Mafia the intermediating society used by the leader of the Elohim Lucifer to control and steer the world into eternal self-enslavement.

Beginning to look like that’s the case from what I’ve researched through the testimonies of Satanic ritual abuse survivors Jay Parker Kathy O’Brien Banker Ronald Bernard former satanic and Catholic priests Mark Passio and John Spong autodidact Jordan Maxwell survivors of intense CP Kurth Barker and
Hampstead children women who were child breeders for sacrifice.

Teresa from the 60 Minutes interview I can show you if you want I have discovered the following I’ve discovered these things from studying the testimonies and hearing the testimonies of these people the amalekai Kazarian luciferian Masonic groups have anthropomorphized the Elohim into Lucifer whom they worship as God.

In exchange for raping and murdering children during ritual sacrifices devotees to evil are given wealth power long life Prestige and public notoriety we’ve been marginalized with abuse bonds
pacified with false religions coerced with harmful medicine mugged with pernicious usury and distracted with red herrings.

The science medical judicial political religious Sport and financial worlds are all direct and unmistakable testimonies to what kazarians call Babylonian money magic it dates back to Babylon amalek and the Bloodlines of Esau and the Canaanites and here we’re going to begin to get into the
Bloodlines directly so looking real quickly at again the image from Dylan Monroe look at the very top here Cult of ball. What is the entire world set upon ball worship and human sacrifice and from these two energies ball worship and Human Sacrifice we get the Canaanites the Pharaohs the kings of Babylon that’s the beginning okay and so we’re gonna go we’re gonna go back to that origin here in a minute but the entire world what needs to be understood here in my opinion and the opinion of all these people that I’ve mentioned before in this other slide.

Here these are the groups that rule the world and they come out of these human sacrificing ball worshiping groups which are direct descendants of the Nephilim the Watchers the Fallen Angels the group that genetically modified us Through Blood communion with Lucifer hellbent society’s learned and honed mind destroying techniques to disempower humanity.

History Science medicine religion and therefore the human race we’re twisted to the will and Destiny of Lucifer and his devotees and then I take a quote here from the hidden history of the incredibly evil khazarian Mafia the essay I’m going to read at the end the Kazarian Mafia used their vast Fortune to enter into a new system of banking based on secret Babylonian black magic money magic that
they claim to have learned from the evil spirits of ball in return for their many child sacrifices to him.

So how was the world taken over these groups formed a relationship cultivated fostered a relationship with evil with pure evil and that evil taught them this is how you manipulate humankind this is how you manipulate the money systems this is how you manipulate religious systems this is how you manipulate Medical Systems.

You take these societies that rule Humanity put them in authority and then whatever those authorities say is what all of society follows so if those authorities are corrupted which they are then all of
society becomes corrupted because the only medicine History Science religion that all of society knows is the ones that have been given to them handed down to them by the leadership and look at look at history look at history look at what’s in the center of this artwork the Vatican.
The Vatican Rome never fell see there on the left it never fell it combined the Judea to form the Roman Catholic Church this is a power institution and then out of that became the rulers of the world look the khazars the Kazarian Mafia the Knights Templar these are the rulers of the world the Masons the Jesuits then Switzerland 1291 that marks the beginning of the financial takeover of the world.

Black nobility the nobility that you don’t know and that you’ve never heard about that’s when they took over the world right here 1291 it’s this is self-organizing what you see is evil self-organizing the Earth nature is a self-organizing institution so to speak so whatever energy is put into power that energy will self-organized because nature doesn’t have an opinion it just simply foments what is being instigated what is being encouraged and it will simply follow that pattern.

Because everything is frequency and so these groups have simply developed a current a pattern that all of the world has followed and so all of the world is blinded by this pattern is blinded by
this resonant frequency this evil that they have instigated the intermediaries cane ham Esau the amalekites the Canaanites the Babylonian Kings Byzantine rulers Roman emperors the Phoenicians the kazars the Pope the black pope the Illuminati black nobility and the Order of the black snake these are the people in societies who have held a continuing relationship with true evil since the younger dryas.

If you don’t know what the younger dryas is I’m going to tell you here in a minute but this here this slide is pointing back to this group here look see these groups above you see and this hidden nobility is what has been steering us those are the groups that I just listed them right there and they have been the intermediaries for the world as we know it today.

And this all began at the younger dryas, what is the younger driest the younger driest was a massive cataclysm the underdress cataclysm was a three-miled watt was a three mile wide white hot meteor that struck the Seven Mile thick Greenland ice sheet 13 000 years ago excuse me it blew out a 19 mile wide crater that launched building-sized ice blocks into eight-minute flight trajectories a one thousand foot Ripple wall of melt water ice chunks trees and Rubble crushed and covered all of North America and Europe with three to six hundred feet of Earth in my opinion this was an attack.
Here’s the here’s the debris field here’s the coverage field here’s the crater on the left you can see and basically what you see in that field the younger driest uh debris field this shows all of the world that was affected that was covered over in massive amounts of Earth and then also flooded because we had so much melt water that formed from the cataclysm.

It actually changed the atmosphere of the Earth the Earth’s atmosphere changed if we look at this map here what we see is the Earth as it is now so meters below sea level so water level is normal in this photo this is from the NASA website and then what we see is when the uh Before the Flood came before the younger driest the Earth probably looked a lot more like this.

Now look the brown part is land and you can see how the land mass right up there in Alaska and Siberia. Look how it’s connected you see how uh look at England the UK is basically no longer an island you see this this changed everything and then everything you see in the west there look at the debris field everything in the west and all of North America and Mexico all the way to South America was covered up in Earth if you’ve seen pictures of the of a buried planet that most likely was from that time from the younger dryas because it very it buried the Earth in so much land it buried All.

The Landings in so much uh mass and then the flooding the Earth was flooded and so you had to change a complete transformation that happened at the younger drives and what this did if we look at the Timeline here that I’ve made what the younger driest did is it mixed up all the history so that it became very difficult to know what happened before the flood.

Because the flood the younger driest cataclysm wiped out all that history and quote unquote muddied it up because it covered the Earth with hundreds of feet of mud and this mud flood we know for a fact happened around 11 800 or so BC.

Right around there it happened we know it happened and we know that it covered up human habitats and fortresses and so forth because they’re buried and we’re uncovering them you can see I mean the the pyramids at Giza are not the only pyramids on the planet there are pyramids everywhere on this planet they are all over the place and what this pointing towards is a great cataclysm that stopped a development that was happening with Humanity on this planet.

You see that it was infiltrated a terrible event happened wiped out that culture and then we were genetically manipulated I came across a great uh slide from Cliff High that shows this and if you if you look here at this slide it shows it’s a timeline that’s following the vibrations of the galactic center and as we go in and out of the plane of the galactic center we increase and decrease our vibration as the planet goes up and down through the galactic plane a cliff is in a flat Earth
survival subscriber now since the writing on this is really small and hard to read I’ll just summarize the key points of what it says 43 000 BC pyramid civilizations founded eleven thousand five hundred BC.

Invasion of Earth by the Elohim which was the younger driest cataclysm according to this chart Antarctica was frozen the Sahara and Gobi deserts were created global coastal Island civilizations flooded 4791 BC. Elohim capture yemeni tribes 2700 BC. Elohim capture Mesoamericans and established human colonies from Central North America through all of South America.

2004 BC Babylon founded based on money magic schemes taught by the Elohim and ad100 Kazarian Mafia Empire formally begins.

What the evidence is showing us and what we’re pulling out of the ground is showing us is that actually we go far beyond the 10 000 BC startup of pre-anchient Egypt now around 10 000 BC to follow this real quickly around 10000 BC is the development of Agriculture.

What I found when I was doing all this research was that there was great disagreement among phds as to when the West began to develop as to how and what the West came out of but really this is the beginning of human beings after the cataclysm.

After the flood when all of human beings were wiped out and then we were genetically manipulated taught agriculture Witchcraft and all these things from the Watchers and then from that we then begin to develop the Dominator cultures that come out of Sumer this is why the West Was Dominator oriented was because it was already infiltrated by the Nephilim an and this is where I’m going to get great disagreement from a lot of folks but when Cain after Kane killed Abel supposedly in the Mythos of Eden he went to a place a city called nod that was fully I mean it was running it was it was an entire Society of people and supposedly Adam and Eve and their kids Cain and Abel and Seth this was the beginning of all human beings.

So there’s a huge problem in the biblical accounting and that where did all these people and not come from and but yet that fits really nicely into the Mythos of that human beings were already thriving long before the Thru the flood and there were definitely groups of people cities of people organizations of people that outside of this Noah and Adam and Eve Mythos.

You begin to see the tie-in between these two non-cohesive ideas of human origin and the great flood. Is the reason why there’s that disagreement passionate disagreement with people in the 6000 BC beginnings of human beings and the you know 250 000 BC beginnings of human beings and these two groups are as non-interchangeable as the flat earthers and spherical earthers.

You just you’re not going to get either of these groups to give in to the other and so we’re simply going to have to uh wait and find out what the truth is.

As it comes out over the next few years and so if we look at the bloodline here of Noah Shem ham and japheth their kids their sons there’s great discrepancy as to the order of birth of those kids that even among phds I heard strong arguments that japheth was second I heard strong arguments that ham was second I even heard arguments that japhethith was first and Hashem was second so there’s all kinds of discrepancy and the reason for that is again the flood the flood marked up and marred up all this history.

So we see there’s two lamex there’s two nemas there’s two Enochs Enoch obviously wrote the Book of Enoch and Enoch talks about the Watchers we see Noah is born in 2600 BC Abraham in 2000 BC Esau elephants are all in the 1800s this is the this is the development of the Levant and to give you an idea where on the map the Levant is it is here right north of Egypt just south of turkey modern day ancient Egypt and modern or ancient Anatolia and Mesopotamia this is where the Levant was.

If we look at this little map here showing kazaria we see the Levant right there at the Mediterranean Sea and we see that kazaria developing between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea we know genetically we have DNA that shows the Canaanites uh the Canaanite Bloodlines live on in Arab live on in modern Arabs and Jews and the ones were that had the most Canaanite blood was up here in kazaria the Canaanites moved out of the Levant area and slowly migrated.

The evil one slowly migrated up north of the caucus mountains between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea and joined into the khazarians that’s where the ancient bloodline is now looking at.

The uh the family lineage and what we find is the bloodline of ham was sort of the dark bloodline of Noah ham is basically the grandfather of the Canaanites and then we also see which is really interesting within shem’s bloodline Jacob and Esau.

As you know Jacob was second born and Esau was firstborn Esau was a hairy red colored individual and these two Esau and Jacob were fighting interminably inside the womb and when they came out Esau was first and hanging onto his heel was Jacob must have been quite a birth. Incredibly painful and uh what we see eventually is that deception because eventually Jacob deceived his father so that he could get the inheritance that was owed to Esau and this great deception is what formed the rift between the Canaanites and the Israelites.

And we see off of the bloodline of Esau we have eliphaz Eliphaz had sexual relations with kimna who was a concubine which gave birth to amalek we know for a fact that the Kazarian Mafia Bloodlines go back to the amalekites because many of the people who testified that were involved in CP and Satanic ritual abuse claim that their abusers said that they were from the bloodline of amalek and the amalekites which ties them directly into the Canaanites which ties them into the Kazarian Mafia.

Now something that everyone needs to understand very clearly the Kazarian Mafia is a group of Bloodlines it is not a singular bloodline there are a few very powerful Bloodlines within this group but the vast majority of the khazarian mafia are people who have grouped together with the same usurptive ideas of human existence these same ideas of rulership over all humanity and these same ideas of we are going to be and remain in power and everyone else is simply the cattle that we feed off of and control.

Okay that group is called the Kazarian Mafia and it all comes out of this genealogy from Noah and from ham and from the ancient Bloodlines of the Nephilim the Fallen Angels the story of that is you had these Watchers these multi-dimensional beings that quote unquote fell or came to Earth they then manipulated genetically the human race they changed our coding dumbed us down and so forth I talked about all of it already they came here and did all that and they eventually left.

They eventually didn’t stay and left this technology this human rulership technology in the hands of the Nephilim these giant human beings that came out of their copulating with women and that became the script that the khazarian mafia would follow and through their convening their continuing convening with the Devil with with Lucifer ball molec they’re continuing convening with that
higher Force they then they then use that evil force to rule and take over the planet.

Now the Kazarian Mafia is not composed of a single bloodline but a family of Bloodlines that Trace back to the Canaanites the Canaanites come out of the bloodline of Esau Esau father.
The chiefs of Edom who became the Canaanites Eternal haters of the Israelites who were the bloodline of Jacob the deceiver the Canaanites like any mafia were a society of people from many families not one family alone there certainly is royalty and hierarchy within the society but they all about the same evil God.

This is reiterating what I talked about just a moment ago with the Canaanites and the Canaanites carrying the bloodline of the Kazarian Mafia the bloodline of the Nephilim which is the bloodline of the Watchers Noah’s first son was Shem and he claimed to be the father of all semites.

Japheth was Noah’s Second Son and was the grandfather of ashkenaz ashkenaza’s son was Kazar a patriarch of the khazarian Kingdom. Ham was Noah’s last son Ham means hot warm or sunburned I think that points to Red Skin and Esau. I think that’s the same genetic I think that genetic that comes out of ham and that genetic that comes out of Shem was found in this red bloodline and that formed Edom which then moved up and became the khazarian nation. On our map ham had four Sons cush mizrem but and Kanan mizram is the grandfather of the Philistines and Kanan the grandfather of the Canaanites Esau the son of Isaac who was the son of Abraham was the founder of Edom which means red and the who were long haters of the Hebrews Jacob’s lineage.

It was from this group The that beget Herod the Great the same Roman Jewish Herod that tried to kill Infant Jesus and whose son lopped off the head of John the Baptist.

Here you can see that right in the Roman Empire here we can see it we can see the khazarian mafia at work Kanan the grandson of Noah settled the Levant and founded the Canaanites kanan’s grandson was Nimrod the king of Babel he built a Tower of Babel and the City of Nineveh the line of ham eventually became the Philistines in 1170 BC the greatest enemy of the lineage of Jacob hearkening all the way back to the stolen Birthright of Isaac something that I want to mention here.

Isn’t it interesting that the nation of Israel was born out of deception because Joseph excuse me Jacob didn’t deserve the birthright of Esau he got it because he deceived he deceived his father and he deceived his brother.

That anger and hatred in Esau passed down into his son’s grandson’s great-grandsons amalek being one of them and they carried that hatred because the the land the inheritance was to be theirs it had been stolen by their father’s brother you see and that even though the Bible says they made up trust me that lost inheritance that lost power the Lost land that everything that that was lost because of that deception fed the anger and hatred that fueled the Canaanites.

It all goes back to that deception and I just find it very interesting that all the nation of Israel supposedly the nation after God’s heart was born of deception is a nation that’s there because of a huge deceit that took place in its history.

The amalekite nation is from the bloodline of Esau Esau’s son eliphaz ancestor of the and his concubine timna were the parents of amalek amalek founded the Amalekites drinkers of blood.

Tim now was a horite a Canaanite and sex mistress and so made amalek an illegitimate child by Hebrew tradition the amalekites were Canaanites and they were descendants of ham amalek carried great disdain and hatred for the descendants of Jacob the Israelites because Jacob deceived his great-grandfather Isaac and stole the birthright that would have been his grandfather’s Esau.

This was the hatred that forged the amalekite nation and drove them against the bloodline of Jacob the Israelites.

The amalekites were renowned Sorcerers and used Witchcraft and blood sacrifice to drive their sick way of life they were known to shapeshift and take forms of animals to escape capture this notion may have come out of their vast knowledge of the plant kingdom and how to use hallucinogenic plant substances to fool an enemy.

This interesting in that that information came out of a scholar of the amalekites and what’s really interesting is it ties directly into this whole idea of Nature and hallucinogenic plant substances being used against people. We know that Esau was a man of the field and a cultivator of the land and within the kingdom of the the kingdom of phyla of of plants there are hallucinogenic properties they’re hallucinogenic chemicals and this group supposedly became a master of understanding how to use hallucinogenic plant medicines to manipulate and harm people so just like sugar can be made to make something taste very sweet well sugar is also a highly addictive drug you see same thing with caffeine it can it can give you all kinds of energy but it’s also highly addictive.

So in the same way how is cinegenic plants can be really helpful to a person’s psychology and breaking through old thoughts that are hard to get out of your mind and assumptions.

Right they’re very good at that but then they can also be used in an adulterous way they could be used to harm someone greatly and it’s thought that the amalekites really fostered this.

They really worked on and developed an understanding of how to use plants to manipulate other people
and so to get their will and so what I heard was this incredible story moving into kazaria now the amalekites moved up from the Levant they’re next to the Mediterranean Sea up north into kazaria and so there is within this nation of people this real strong understanding of plant herbs and how to use them to your advantage.

This then was carried out in a story that Cliff High described which actually got me going on this essay originally and the reason why it did was because it tied directly to another story that was the same story that I found in a book that’s unrelated to Cliff this book here cannibalism blood drinking and high Adept Satanism.

Kurth told a story in his book that he wrote quite a while ago uh that matched the exact behavior of the khazarians that Cliff High described in his story and I knew there was no way that these stories were unrelated because they were so sick they were so disgusting and morbid that I knew there’s no way that could have been brought up by these two different societies to be the exact same way that they operate.

So it opened uh it opened a door for me it opened a door for me as far as understanding the Kazarian Mafia by hearing the story because it not only told me how terrible how horrible they are but their actual actions which match to the human trafficking stories I’ve been getting out of the tunnels that uh are are being captured right now in our modern society today.

So it was it all just brought it together for me but I’ll tell you the story is that uh Kurth in from this book. Kurth described in his youth he was uh he was in the CP world he had been thrust into that world through his uncle who uh was tied to a high-ranking official in the khazarian mafia and Kurth was just a young boy five or six years old and was being raised by um by Christian parents who were totally unaware of this other world society. That their son was being manipulated and used in right under their watch they were completely aware because they so early this group so early captures the mind of their abused. So a Kurth as a child never communicated to his parents that he was being used in ritual abuse settings for satanism and so he was he grew up in this incredibly uh bipolar world where on one side he’s going to church and he’s being taught in the ways of Western religion and then literally during the week and at other weekends whatever when his parents aren’t around his uncle is taking him to these child sacrifice rituals.
These in insanely disgusting rituals uh that these people take part in okay so there were two stories that struck me. Okay so just make sure there are no kids around um he as a child was put into the CP
world as an infant he was taken as an infant before he even spoke and this is when he was literally an infant just a few months old he Kurth was taken into these ritualistic settings and abused and during that time I’m really sorry to tell the story during that time photographs were taken of these situations.
So um the photographs that were taken this is old school this is back in the 70s and 60s when there wasn’t any digital photography so this is hard film that the stuff is on and so these sick people would have collections photographs of children who were in the midst of being raped and tortured and murdered by these people. He Kurth was in one of the pictures that was highly sought after by these collectors of CP and so in one of the occasions he was taken by his uncle with this high-ranking official in the khazarian mafia to the home of a couple that were collectors of CP they wanted him because they wanted him to autograph they wanted kirth to autograph a photo of when he was in a some type of ritual and there was a black demon form shadow that was coming out from the wall with its hands open to receive kirth and a photograph was taken at that moment and these people wanted these sick people wanted kirth to autograph the photo.

So that they would so the photo would then become more valuable and they would be able to sell it for a higher price this. Is this is the world okay while he was there this is unbelievable while Kurth was there at their house this couple described him as a child what they did for food and in the midst of this meal that they were eating and these are this is a sick couple they described how they would find people down by the beach this was in Southern California they would find homeless families down at the beach and they would tell them hey we’ve got a nice home in the Hills well we care about you we really want to we really want to help you we know that you’re really destitute we’re gonna help you find a job and we’ve been watching you guys for a while now and we think you would be perfect and so we’d love to take you to our house we’ll give you a meal and we’ll feed your kids and we’re gonna get you a job. We’re gonna get you guys back on your feet okay so this sick couple this Kazarian couple within get this family to hop in the van and they would take them up to the hills where they lived in Southern California and when they got them to the house they then would act like they’re going to be all friendly and all this stuff. Then they would capture them one at a time and take them into a room and tie them to the wall and they then it would be a father a mother and then however many kids they have and no kids should be around okay this is really this is unbelievable
they would torture the father in front of the mom and the kids and then they would kill him and then we torture the mother in front of the kids while the dad’s dead and they then begin to peel their skin off and begin to eat the meat raw in front of the kids and then they would torture the kids and eat the kids and the meat that they had at the meal they were eating.
There with Kurth was meat they had Frozen from their harvesting and the reason they did that was because it made the meat sweeter it made the meat taste better it was full of adrenaline it was a drug they would drain the drug the blood from the kids and drink that blood and this story completely matched almost word for word the story that Cliff High then told months later as I was researching this stuff.

This gets us to 100 A.D and how the Kazarian nation grew the way the khazarian nation became the Powerhouse that it became in history was because they took over the trade routes that came out of China if you look at this map here this is from 100 A.D this is about when it started you have the Eastern Han Dynasty and you have the Kush empire and these empires in the uh in India that are spiced and then you have the Chinese who are developing all kinds of silks and fabrics and so you have Caravans of families that will make all these spices and fabrics and so forth.

They’ll load all their goods that they’ve been making for a few years onto their carts and then they would begin this long journey from China all the way to Western Europe, yes all the way to Spain and the UK or what became the UK. These Western Empires just north of the Mediterranean and to get there though look how you would have to travel directly over the Caspian and Black Sea as these families were traveling from China and India and passing through this area of kazaria.
The Kazarian people like a family would find a traveling group and say hey we know you guys are really tired you’ve been traveling for thousands of miles we live here in this area and we’re happy to put you up for just a few dollars we’ll set you up we’ll get you a nice meal tonight good place to Bud to sleep in you’ll be you’ll feel a lot better in a couple days and you can be on your way and we’re happy to do this it’s just part of our helping and being neighborly okay?

So the group the family would believe them and they would follow them to their place and they would that night they would make them a big meal the kazarians would make them a big meal and they’d get them nice and full and they would also that they would get them drunk and they would lace their food with plant hallucinogens because they had learned that technology right and so they would get these people in a mind State whereby they would tell their whole life story. They would tell where they’re from they would tell all the merchants that they deal with in China all the family and everything about them all the names ages and all that good stuff and then after a night or two they then
would tie up all the family and then the kazarians would then torture them in front of the kids they would first torture the father and then they would torture the mother and then they would torture the kids and kill them and what they would do is uh they would carry out this same technology we now see happening of what they do to children.

To draw a dream out of them and to draw hallucinogenic properties out of their blood and that’s by convincing the child or convincing the victim that they’re going to die so the initial part of the
the ritual a part of the torture is just simply physical attack you just are physically doing torturous proceedings to the body so that the person is filled with a German and then after that you then convince as the abuser you then convinced that uh victim that they’re going to die and so they no longer are in this mindset of being focused on the adrenal portion, they’re now moving into this depressive portion which is they’re believing and knowing that they’re about to die and
this releases a whole different set of chemicals into the blood so you have not only the adrenaline flowing through the blood but you also have these other hallucinogenic properties of chemicals flowing through the blood so that when the victim then their blood is drained and drank you get both the adrenaline effect as well as the hallucinogenic effect and this is all technology.

This is all torturing human torturing and manipulating technology that has been passed down by these sick groups and I heard this story from uh oh and then after they had killed the family and drank their blood and ate their meat and all of that they would obviously they would take all their goods and then they would travel to where they had described that they were going.

So the kazarians would then take all this information they had got from them after they had gotten them drunk and filled with uh hallucinogenic medicines they take that information they take all their goods and they would sell them at to posing as that family posing with the names and everything of that family so the folks in the uh in the west thought it was the same folks they had been communicating all this time that were in China and so this is how they would put on disguises the Kazarian Mafia became very Adept at putting on disguises and taking on a different role and a new name and uh by doing that you could then coerce even more people by posing that you’re this helpful caring individual but really you’re this sadistic murderer and folks have no idea that you’re the serial killer because you’re so Adept at putting on all these different costumes.

And what do we see here in Dylan Monroe’s uh um a map that he gave costumes these groups have just simply been wearing costumes just like the ancient khazarians did in kazaria they simply put on a costume of these in this case this helpful group that would help this family and nowadays you have a
government that poses as this helpful government or a Medical Institution that poses as a helpful institution or this religious group that poses as this helpful institution and on the outside and the Mirage is that they’re this helpful uh human oriented compassionate love-centered group that
is there to totally help society and we are the ones or the caregivers and we’re going to help everybody but behind that curtain is this sadistic murderer and that’s what we see in our governments now that’s what we see in the medical systems look with look at the medicine they use to treat people they poison people to quote unquote heal them. And it’s the same thing with religion they get people to believe certain characteristics about themselves which poisons them and then they offer them the only solution which is the religious belief system and it’s the same with medicine you pose this disease that they’re going to get and then you pose the only solution which is this particular uh Elixir that you inject and it’s the same thing with government they pose as this helpful group and after we have this war you’re gonna have this peaceful Society it’s gonna be awesome because we’re like this helpful society when really all the government’s doing is instigating War as much as the
Medical Institution is instigating disease and as much as as the spiritual institutions of religious institutions are instigating uh a degraded view of oneself.

A compromised view of one’s create a force you see and it’s the same pattern of deception as what was going on with Esau and Jacob as what was going on with the kazarians and these people that traveled through and that’s what was going on with poor um with uh Kurth Barker and his involvement with CP
and the luciferins that were talking to him these all these people are doing the same thing posing as kind humanitarian people but there are vicious murderers they’re the exact antithesis of what they claim to be and this is how you know this is the situation now that we’ve been in for over ten thousand years is because it’s the same patterns it’s the same patterns of harm it’s the same patterns of Destruction that have been permeating our society since the very beginning and this technology is what they used to harness all the money harness all the power and you’re about to hear that story with this accounting that these two Scholars have done for us they have written the story The gentleman are I mentioned them earlier uh Preston James and Mike Harris who wrote this essay called the hidden history of the incredibly evil khazarian Mafia and it basically is going to walk you through 180 to Modern time and it’s going to show exactly how they not only infiltrated the west but they infiltrated all of the ruling families they infiltrated all of the money they infiltrated all of the religions they infiltrated all of the medicine I mean heck even in 1913 you have Rockefeller established the American Cancer Society to shut down naturopathy one of the first prerogatives desires and even said it one of the first things he wanted to do was to get rid of this quote-unquote witchcraft which is which is what they wanted to do to move people away from using plant medicines to heal people to moving to using oil-based Pharma petrol based chemicals to quote unquote heal the body which is an adulteration which is a blasphemy against nature here
Rockefeller is posing as this humanitarian this person who wants to raise money to heal people whereas the whole thing is a Ponzi scheme.

Around the same time the John D Rockefeller seized U.S media he also hijacked U.S medicine when it was discovered that drugs could be produced from petroleum America’s top oil Mogul ordered his army of propagandist to invert reality accordingly medicines used for thousands of years were suddenly classified as alternative while the new petroleum-based highly addictive and patentable drugs were declared the gold standard after buying the German pharmaceutical company that manufactured chemicals of War for Adolf Hitler Rockefeller leveraged his political influence by pressing Congress to declare natural healing modalities unscientific quackery.

Rockefeller then took control of the American Medical Association and began offering massive grants to top medical schools under the Mandate that only his approved curriculum be taught.

Any mention of the healing powers of herbs plants and diet was erased from most medical textbooks doctors and professors who objected the Rockefeller’s plan were crucified by the media removed from the AMA and stripped of their license to teach and practice medicine those who dared to speak out were arrested and jailed.


When evidence began to emerge the petroleum-based medicines were causing cancer Mr Rockefeller founded the American Cancer Society through which he suppressed that information thank you Johnny Rockefeller is duly credited as the founder of the pharmaceutical industry and the reason that medical error is currently the third leading cause of death in America.

This is not an indictment against doctors more than anyone they are under the Stranglehold of the single largest lobbying power in Washington every year the pharmaceutical industry spends at least twice the amount as big oil to influence laws policies and public perception.

Thanks Mr Rockefeller the architect of American monopolies no industry has more power over our lives than big Pharma.


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Complete List Of Rothschild Owned And Controlled Banks
August 30, 2016 Baxter Dmitry News, World 45 Comments
An increasingly number of people are waking up to the fact that 99% of the Earth’s population is controlled
by an elite 1% – but did you know that one family, the Rothschilds, rule everything, even that elite 1%?
An increasingly number of people are waking up to the fact that 99% of the Earth’s population is controlled
by an elite 1% – but did you know that one family, the Rothschilds, rule everything, even that elite 1%?

Behind the scenes the Rothschild dynasty is unquestionably the most powerful bloodline on Earth and their estimated wealth is around $500 trillion.

Here is a complete list of all Rothschild owned and controlled banks. The U.S. entries might surprise you.

Afghanistan: Bank of Afghanistan
Albania: Bank of Albania
Algeria: Bank of Algeria
Argentina: Central Bank of Argentina
Armenia: Central Bank of Armenia
Aruba: Central Bank of Aruba
Australia: Reserve Bank of Australia
Austria: Austrian National Bank
Azerbaijan: Central Bank of Azerbaijan Republic
Bahamas: Central Bank of The Bahamas
Bahrain: Central Bank of Bahrain
Bangladesh: Bangladesh Bank
Barbados: Central Bank of Barbados
Belarus: National Bank of the Republic of Belarus
Belgium: National Bank of Belgium
Belize: Central Bank of Belize
Benin: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Bermuda: Bermuda Monetary Authority
Bhutan: Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan
Bolivia: Central Bank of Bolivia
Bosnia: Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Botswana: Bank of Botswana
Brazil: Central Bank of Brazil
Bulgaria: Bulgarian National Bank
Burkina Faso: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Burundi: Bank of the Republic of Burundi
Cambodia: National Bank of Cambodia
Came Roon: Bank of Central African States
Canada: Bank of Canada – Banque du Canada
Cayman Islands: Cayman Islands Monetary Authority
Central African Republic: Bank of Central African States
Chad: Bank of Central African States
Chile: Central Bank of Chile
China: The People’s Bank of China
Colombia: Bank of the Republic
Comoros: Central Bank of Comoros
Congo: Bank of Central African States
Costa Rica: Central Bank of Costa Rica
CΓ΄te d’Ivoire: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Croatia: Croatian National Bank
Cuba: Central Bank of Cuba
Cyprus: Central Bank of Cyprus
Czech Republic: Czech National Bank
Denmark: National Bank of Denmark
Dominican Republic: Central Bank of the Dominican Republic
East Caribbean area: Eastern Caribbean Central Bank
Ecuador: Central Bank of Ecuador
Egypt: Central Bank of Egypt
El Salvador: Central Reserve Bank of El Salvador
Equatorial Guinea: Bank of Central African States
Estonia: Bank of Estonia
Ethiopia: National Bank of Ethiopia
European Union: European Central Bank
Fiji: Reserve Bank of Fiji
Finland: Bank of Finland
France: Bank of France
Gabon: Bank of Central African States
The Gambia: Central Bank of The Gambia
Georgia: National Bank of Georgia
Germany: Deutsche Bundesbank
Ghana: Bank of Ghana
Greece: Bank of Greece
Guatemala: Bank of Guatemala
Guinea Bissau: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Guyana: Bank of Guyana
Haiti: Central Bank of Haiti
Honduras: Central Bank of Honduras
Hong Kong: Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Hungary: Magyar Nemzeti Bank
Iceland: Central Bank of Iceland
India: Reserve Bank of India
Indonesia: Bank Indonesia
Iran: The Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Iraq: Central Bank of Iraq
Ireland: Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland
Israel: Bank of Israel
Italy: Bank of Italy
Jamaica: Bank of Jamaica
Japan: Bank of Japan
Jordan: Central Bank of Jordan
Kazakhstan: National Bank of Kazakhstan
Kenya: Central Bank of Kenya
Korea: Bank of Korea
Kuwait: Central Bank of Kuwait
Kyrgyzstan: National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic
Latvia: Bank of Latvia
Lebanon: Central Bank of Lebanon
Lesotho: Central Bank of Lesotho
Libya: Central Bank of Libya (Their most recent conquest)
Uruguay: Central Bank of Uruguay
Lithuania: Bank of Lithuania
Luxembourg: Central Bank of Luxembourg
Macao: Monetary Authority of Macao
Macedonia: National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia
Madagascar: Central Bank of Madagascar
Malawi: Reserve Bank of Malawi
Malaysia: Central Bank of Malaysia
Mali: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Malta: Central Bank of Malta
Mauritius: Bank of Mauritius
Mexico: Bank of Mexico
Moldova: National Bank of Moldova
Mongolia: Bank of Mongolia
Montenegro: Central Bank of Montenegro
Morocco: Bank of Morocco
Mozambique: Bank of Mozambique
Namibia: Bank of Namibia
Nepal: Central Bank of Nepal
Netherlands: Netherlands Bank
Netherlands Antilles: Bank of the Netherlands Antilles
New Zealand: Reserve Bank of New Zealand
Nicaragua: Central Bank of Nicaragua
Niger: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Nigeria: Central Bank of Nigeria
Norway: Central Bank of Norway
Oman: Central Bank of Oman
Pakistan: State Bank of Pakistan
Papua New Guinea: Bank of Papua New Guinea
Paraguay: Central Bank of Paraguay
Peru: Central Reserve Bank of Peru
Philip Pines: Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
Poland: National Bank of Poland
Portugal: Bank of Portugal
Qatar: Qatar Central Bank
Romania: National Bank of Romania
Rwanda: National Bank of Rwanda
San Marino: Central Bank of the Republic of San Marino
Samoa: Central Bank of Samoa
Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency
Senegal: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Serbia: National Bank of Serbia
Seychelles: Central Bank of Seychelles
Sierra Leone: Bank of Sierra Leone
Singapore: Monetary Authority of Singapore
Slovakia: National Bank of Slovakia
Slovenia: Bank of Slovenia
Solomon Islands: Central Bank of Solomon Islands
South Africa: South African Reserve Bank
Spain: Bank of Spain
Sri Lanka: Central Bank of Sri Lanka
Sudan: Bank of Sudan
Surinam: Central Bank of Suriname
Swaziland: The Central Bank of Swaziland
Sweden: Sveriges Riksbank
Switzerland: Swiss National Bank
Tajikistan: National Bank of Tajikistan
Tanzania: Bank of Tanzania
Thailand: Bank of Thailand
Togo: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Tonga: National Reserve Bank of Tonga
Trinidad and Tobago: Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago
Tunisia: Central Bank of Tunisia
Turkey: Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
Uganda: Bank of Uganda
Ukraine: National Bank of Ukraine
United Arab Emirates: Central Bank of United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom: Bank of England
United States: Federal Reserve, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Vanuatu: Reserve Bank of Vanuatu
Venezuela: Central Bank of Venezuela
Vietnam: The State Bank of Vietnam
Yemen: Central Bank of Yemen
Zambia: Bank of Zambia
Zimbabwe: Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe

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The Fed and the IRS

Virtually unknown to the general public is the fact that the US Federal Reserve is a privately owned company, siting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws.


This privately owned company (controlled by the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Morgans) prints the money FOR the US Government, which pays them interest for the β€œfavor.” This means that if we would reset the nation’s debt today and would begin reprinting money, we would be in debt to the FED from the very first dollar loaned to our Government.

Also, most people living in the USA have no clue that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is a foreign agency.
To be more accurate, the IRS is a foreign private corporation of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and is the private β€œarmy” of the Federal Reserve (Fed).

Its main goal is to make sure the American people pay their tax and be good little slaves.

In 1835, US President Andrew Jackson declared his disdain for the international bankers:

β€œYou are a den of vipers. I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God I will rout you out. If the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system, there would be a revolution before morning.

There followed an (unsuccessful) assassination attempt on President Jackson’s life. Jackson had told his vice president, Martin Van Buren: β€œThe bank, Mr. Van Buren, is trying to kill me.”

This was the beginning of a pattern of intrigue that would plague the White House itself over the coming decades. Both Lincoln and JFK have been murdered for trying to rid the country of banksters.

The world’s Megabanks

There are two Megabanks that offer loans to all the countries around the planet, the World Bank and the IMF.
The first one is jointly owned by the world’s top banking families, with the Rothschilds at the very top, while the second one is privately owned by the Rothschilds alone.

These two Megabanks offer loans to β€œdeveloping countries” and use their almost impossible-to-pay-back interests to get their hands on the real wealth: land and precious metals.

Rothschild new world order

But that’s not all! An important part of their plan is to also exploit a country’s natural resources (like petrol or gas) via their covertly-owned companies, refine them, and sell them back to the same country, making a huge profit.

But in order for these companies to operate optimally, they need a solid infrastructure, which is usually lacking in the so called β€œdeveloping countries.” So before the banksters even offer the almost impossible-to-pay-back loans, they make sure that most of the money will be invested in β€” you’ve guessed it β€” infrastructure.

These β€œnegotiations” are carried out by the so called β€œEconomic Hitmen”, who succeed by handsomely rewarding (i.e. bribing) or threatening with death those who are in the position to sell away their country.

For more information on the subject, I suggest reading the Confessions of an Economic Hitman.

The one bank that rules them all, the β€œBank for International Settlement,” is β€” obviously β€” controlled by the Rothschilds and it is nicknamed the β€œTower of Basel.”

The true power of the Rothschilds goes FAR beyond the Banking Empire

If you are not yet amazed by the power of the Rothschilds (I know you are), please know that they are also behind all wars since Napoleon. That’s when they’ve discovered just how profitable it is to finance both sides of a war and they’ve been doing it ever since.

In 1849, Guttle Schnapper, the wife of Mayer Amschel stated:

β€œIf my sons did not want wars, there would be none.”

So, the world is still at war because it is very, very profitable to the Rothschilds and their parasite bankster bloodlines. And for as long as we will continue to use money, the world will never know peace.

It is shocking for many to find out that the United States of America is a corporation ruled from abroad.
Its original name was the Virginia Company and it was owned by the British Crown (it should not be mistaken for the Queen, which functions largely in a ceremonial capacity only).

The British Crown donated the company to the Vatican, which gave the exploitation rights back to the Crown. The US Presidents are appointed CEOs and their business is to make money for the British Crown and the Vatican, who take their share of the profits every year.

The British Crown covertly rules the world from the 677-acre, independent sovereign state, know as The City of London. This other Crown is comprised of a committee of 12 banks headed by the Bank of England.
Guess who is controlling the Bank of England? Yup, the Rothschilds!

In 1815, Nathan Mayer made the following statement:

β€œI care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply.”

The House of Rothschild is really at the top of the pyramid of power. They are behind the New World Order and the complete domination of the world agenda. They are behind the European Union and the Euro and they are behind the idea of a North American Union and the Amero. They are controlling all of the world’s secret services and their private army is NATO.

Links from

End of the wars worldwide to be ended soon?

Our world is much Stranger than you’ve and I been made to believe not even in control but being controlled?


WEF/NWO and UN sustainable agenda 2030 and their minions?

Source, heaven and earth?


The end of democracy, UN dark side?

War and it’s participants by Dr Jung?

Behind the Veil?

Use of Fear and guilt to control/push humans.


Edgar Cayce and Baba Vanga and 2025?

5D new earth?

Pushing the NWO/WEF agenda within the UN.

β€œNovo Nordisk, which has made nearly $50 billion in sales off of Ozempic and Wegovy, charges Americans almost $1,000 a month.

Aspirin’s Forgotten Anticancer Function.

The origin of the climate change agenda.

New Earth, Did they the deep State see it ever coming?

Earthquakes tsunamis and other Elemental forces now active and will change planet Earth

End of the wars worldwide to be ended soon?

Our world is much Stranger than you’ve and I been made to believe not even in control but being controlled?


WEF/NWO and UN sustainable agenda 2030 and their minions?

Source, heaven and earth?


The end of democracy, UN dark side?

War and it’s participants by Dr Jung?

Behind the Veil?

Use of Fear and guilt to control/push humans.


Edgar Cayce and Baba Vanga and 2025?

5D new earth?

Pushing the NWO/WEF agenda within the UN.

β€œNovo Nordisk, which has made nearly $50 billion in sales off of Ozempic and Wegovy, charges Americans almost $1,000 a month.

Aspirin’s Forgotten Anticancer Function.

The origin of the climate change agenda.

New Earth, Did they the deep State see it ever coming?

Earthquakes tsunamis and other Elemental forces now active and will change planet Earth forever.






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