This is an original narration recorded specifically for this video in the studio by LightWorkers. Please click on the link for the original.
Urgent Call: Humanity’s Ascension and Cosmic Awakening The Watchers
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🤲🏻 Love and Light! Namaste💞
lightworkers #galacticfederation #light
Greetings light workers we are the Watchers.
We Stand United in our thoughts in our vision we see you climbing that ladder to more of you sometimes with ease sometimes with effort we recognize your contribution and the part that you are playing and we honor it.
All as part of the larger game we are all playing we are the Watchers watching you from afar and yet we are as close as your breath for in essence we are one.
We have been watching your transformation without interference we have been watching and
keeping that Vision alive for all of you. To March forward to The Fifth Dimension where you now belong. It’s been planned all along nothing is random it is all happening according to plan a larger plan of which you are an integral part.
Today we come forward to remind you of how precious you are of how loved you are of how supported you are on this journey to Ascension. You’ve been here before and you managed well so it’s not something new for you we told you previously to believe in yourself for you are more capable than you know and trouble may come challenge may arise you are not here to fight.
These at all you are here to embody more of you more of that powerful presence that is you while your soul has a plan you as an individual have a choice always have it would be nice if you can trust the larger part of you to show you the way as it was planned from the beginning.
So you don’t have to struggle along the way for sooner or later you are going there singing or Screaming you are going there we urge you to start taking good care of yourselves we urge you to start paying attention to your emotions we urge you to let go of all that you cannot control.
We are the Watchers We Stand United in our vision for your Ascension we believe in you we trust you will make it through and now it is time that you believe that you trust it.
So we leave you now in peace we will keep monitoring your progress we will keep holding that vision for you we will keep standing in that higher Place unaffected because we know we trust things are unfolding in perfect order for you to rise to your glorious destination.
Wisdom of the counsel the upgraded version of You Are you willing to let go of everything that you once deemed yourself to be and allow yourself into all that you are and all that is here for you and all that you dear powerful Master have created.
Are you worthy of realizing everything that you have created are you worthy of receiving all that you have created can you truly allow that which you have imagined and wished for and desired to be your experience here and now.
To become your new normal it will be a moment just like every other moment and in a flash in the blink of an eye your new normal will be the reality that you once desired that you have dreamed of that you have imagined. Your reality will be Beyond even what you could have thought to ask for but some part of you could feel it some part of you was receiving the communication from the energy and the energy doesn’t lie?
It is impeccable are you ready for your everyday new normal to be the reality you once dreamed of can you receive it will you receive it are you worthy of it we know you are we know you are we know you are do you know that you are do you know that you are our worthy powerful Creator.
Can you allow the reality that you once wished for to be your new normal everyday way of being way of living way of receiving you have heard from every great teacher that you can create your reality and yet there are things like Divine timing like Divine orchestration and there are times when what it is that you think you want is not fully in alignment to all that you are.
When what you want is merely a settling for something a little bit better and what the universe is trying to present to you is the Quantum Leap so many times you outgrow you expand beyond what it is you think you want and this is what we refer to often as the LeapFrog effect.
You think you want this particular thing but what is really aligned for you is levels Beyond a Quantum Leap beyond that and it would only slow down the expansion of your soul and its manifestations. For you to settle for what it is you think you want when your Soul’s desires are so much bigger so much Bolder so far beyond what you would be willing to settle for.
You still are creator of your reality but when you fully receive the reality that you have created you will see that it was so far beyond what you were willing to settle for just because it was a little bit better than where you were.
Can you allow fully your Soul’s desires to present themselves to you even though you are the powerful creator of your reality you begin to create from the quantum you create from a much more expansive Place Beyond The needing’s and wanting’s of a human and we love your magnificent humans.
We know it thinks it needs things and wants things and that’s all very fine and good but there isn’t one of you that doesn’t want to experience the fullness of the powerful creator that you are in this time in this now in this life. Your Soul’s desires are so far beyond and yet so much easier to manifest than the pushing and the forcing and the resistance of the human’s wanting’s and seedings.
Can you fully receive are you Worthy is it time is it time now to fully receive for your new normal to be that which you once dreamed of the answer is within you and only you can answer the you the realized you knows the answer as you come fully into the realization of all that you are.
Everything is known everything is now everything is known and everything is now to come into realization of the integration of every part of you to come into realization the fullness and the wholeness of all that you are to come into realization into your Perfection into your magnificence where everything is known and everything is now.
You lack nothing you need nothing you want nothing you are everything you have everything there is absolute knowing and time is a tool that works for you in the Magnificent unfolding of the powerful creation of your reality into your physical experience you are literally running from the inside out. Everything is changing and upgrading.
Life is getting messy and pushy and demanding it is demanding that you pay attention that you listen like an old Nanny the universe is tweaking your ear and squeezing your elbow to get your attention.
It is demanding that you listen with your heart and not your hard head the brain that has kept things SE secret is now is ready to speak its peace it is ready to tell you about yourself who are you really why are you really you are so afraid to look at yourself you busy yourself in relationships in cleaning with worry and menial chores.
When you finally do stop you switch off and sleep you are running from the inside out.
Everything in your world jumps up in front of you and says look at me I am a part of the Hologram AKA life. You are not dealing with to you imperfections frailties and failures are negative one look and you turn your pretty head and walk away to the universe. They are a place of opportunity they are gifts that demand to be unwrapped. Life is constantly giving to you there is a balance of give and receive that must be met.
Giving to you the Miracles that you need to keep you afloat during the low tides those much needed magical thumbs up message in the form of a rainbow a little bluebird or a beautiful rose.
Something that is for your eyes only is your gift when the magic of the moment is spoken aloud it disappears like fog in the morning sun.
How do you take theelements of magic and miracles and show Slack?
Tell them to another the Earth is happy to share her Secrets supporting you in all of your shifts it is time to stop running from your humanness, the hamster gets nowhere in a self-imposed enclosure.
The limitations are always self-imposed you were taught that being a good person was doing for others and it was selfish to do for S you.
Were taught to love thy neighbors as thyself but do you love yourself is that the way you love your neighbors do you love them to the best of your ability or only love them as much as you love self which is little or none.
You come into a time of loving self learning to love being human love when you have a headache knowing that you are responding to your body is giving you a message a signal could be that you have eaten something that is not in agreement with you or that someone is using your psychic phone line.
Everything in your body speaks to you everything in your world speaks to you reflecting back just what you need respond to that call it is an SOS. You try to walk the talk or so it seems do not give up on who you are do not think there is something wrong with you. You cannot toss away who you are and become something else you are who and what you are honoring who you are and being who you are in truth will ease the evolution.
It is when you go against the grain of self that situations become immovable like mountains many of you just try too hard you are trying to be you should not try to be it.
Should be an easy natural thing to do it should not be something that causes impasses in your life do not strain so hard to be just relax into it. It is what you do naturally it is what you do the best
just be we are asking you not to try so hard to be and at the same time not to give up trying.
It is as a river meeting an ocean as they meet the waters churn but eventually all is calm.
Do not try so hard but do not give up either it is the point where the river meets the ocean where creation is birthed and the new is given freedom of flight.
Humans have sought their true selves for too long now it is time to relax into whom you really are how you really look how you really smell and how you really feel.
We ask you to go into the eye of the wave see it above you see it below you and then ride it.
Do not give up on what you know in your heart is right for you even though you do not see it manifesting see it as you are watching a movie and you are the star you are.
The Visionaries you are the prophecies and you are the future you walk ahead of the pack do not give up because others do not understand.
You are beautiful beautiful beings it is time that you see that.
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