Hell within heaven?


Are You Living in Hell While Standing in Heaven? Here’s the Fix
Cosmic Wealth
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5,127 views 1 Jan 2025 #BreakTheIllusion #ParadiseWithin #AwakenNow
Are You Living in Hell While Standing in Heaven? Here’s the Fix

What if the heaven you’re searching for has been right in front of you all along—but your mind has been tricking you into living in hell? It’s time to shatter the illusions, break free from invisible chains, and discover the truth about your power to reshape reality. Are you ready to step out of the shadows and into the paradise that’s always been yours? Watch now to uncover the key to transforming your world.

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In this video




Are You Living in Hell While Standing in Heaven? Here’s the Fix
You’ve been lied to your entire life not by strangers or governments but by the one thing you trusted most your own mind.

Every struggle every heartbreak every ounce of suffering you’ve endured it’s not what you think it
is what if I told you that you’ve been standing in Paradise all along but you’ve been blind to it not because you’re unworthy not because you’re unlucky but because the very way you see the world has been designed to keep you trapped the life you think you know it’s not real it’s a distorted reflection carefully crafted to keep you from discovering the truth.

Intermezzo: In 1947 a saucer crashed in Roswell New Mexico with one survivor later to be named Airl by Matilda Macelroy his interpretator. The communication was telepathic. Because of lack or refusal to answer questions by his interrogators being the US military they decide to try electroshock to make him more cooperative and resulted in his passing. He told Matilda a lot about planet earth and the universe one was that planet earth was a prison. That between every lifetime a soul was captured and submitted the a very high voltige shock of a few million volt and that would arise his total memory including all his incarnations, who he was, came from capacity history just name it and reprogrammed? That is why we cannot remember anything other than our re-programming.

Think about it how many times have you looked around and thought why is everything so hard but here’s the twist it’s not the world that’s broken it’s the lens you’re looking through and that lens it wasn’t even yours to begin with.

From the moment you were born you’ve been taught to see lack instead of abundance chaos instead of order struggle instead of peace they told you heaven was a place you had to earn something far away somewhere you might get to someday.

But what if it was already here waiting for you to know notice what if the only thing standing between you and everything you’ve ever wanted is the illusion you’ve been living in this isn’t about positive thinking or blind optimism no this is far more dangerous than that it’s about uncovering the programming that’s been running in the background of your mind distorting every experience. You’ve ever had the truth is brutal the paradise you seek has always been with Within Reach but your beliefs have turned it into a prison and the [Music] cruestv Never dared to imagine.

So the question isn’t whether you can find Heaven it’s whether you’re ready to face the Shadows that have kept you from seeing.
It this isn’t a story of Escape it’s a story of Revelation the rules you thought you had to follow the limitations you believed were real they’re nothing more than smoke and mirrors and if you’re willing to look closer to see Beyond the Veil you’ll discover the truth that changes everything but be warned once you step into this awareness the world as you know it will never look the same.

The Illusion of Reality – A Divine Mirage?

Again what if the world you’re living in isn’t even real no not in the sense of holograms or simulation theories but in the sense that it’s not what you think it is.

Imagine this every sound you hear every face you see every challenge you face is it reality or is it simply the echo of your own mind reflecting back at you. Consider how two people can wake up in the same house walk the same streets breathe the same air yet one feels Unstoppable while the other feels like a prisoner could it be that reality itself is neutral a blank canvas and it’s your perception that paints the picture of Heaven or Hell?

Here’s something to think about have you ever felt trapped in a moment convinced there was no way out perhaps you were certain the problem was external a cruel boss a distant partner an unfair twist of fate but what if the real trap isn’t out there what if it’s inside locked within the endless stream of judgments assumptions and expectations running in your mind.

Think about this when was the last time you looked at something without assigning meaning to it what if the cage you feel around you is just the accumulation of stories you’ve been telling yourself for years let’s take this deeper. What if the entire concept of reality is nothing
more than a mirror not the kind of mirror that shows your face but one that reveals your soul every fear you bury every dream you abandon every truth you avoid it all reflects back at you disguised as the world outside. This isn’t mystical conjecture even Quantum science suggests that the Observer
changes the observed but what’s more startling is this if you’re both The Observer and The observed are you shaping your life or sabotaging it and if the mirror is cracked how do you know what’s real and what’s just a distorted. Image perhaps the mirror has never been clear not because it’s broken but because something has kept it clouded it’s subtle elusive working in Whispers and shadows weaving layers of perception so fine that you mistake them for Truth.

The Veil doesn’t break easily it tightens with every belief you accept every lie you mistake for fact yet somewhere buried beneath the Distortion lies the faint echo of what you forgotten an echo what grows louder waiting to show you what you’re truly seeing.

The Curse of Perception – Who Cast the Spell?

They say the eyes are the windows to the soul but what if they’re also the windows through which the soul sees the world and what if those windows aren’t clear?
Every belief every fear every assumption acts like a filter bending and twisting what you perceive it’s not the world that’s harsh or unkind it’s the veil you’ve placed between yourself and reality.

The colors of Life dim the beauty Fades and you begin to see Shadows where there was once light the curse isn’t the world itself it’s how your mind has learned to see it from the moment you’re born.
Whispers shape your mind you can’t have it all they say life is a struggle these words aren’t just phrases they’re spells sinking into your subconscious and binding your perception like invisible threads.
You don’t notice it at first it feels like the truth like the way things simply are but with each passing day the threads tighten turning the open expanse of your life into a maze of Doubt fear and limitation and the most cunning part of this curse it convinces you it’s not even there.

Think of all the times you felt trapped convinced that the world itself was against you was it really the world or was it the lens you were looking through the subconscious mind doesn’t just create your dreams it filters your Waking Life. Deciding what you notice and what you ignore the result you see what you expect to see and what you expect is shaped by the beliefs you’ve absorbed a single thought repeated enough times becomes the law you live by.

But whose law is it and how did it come to rule you the curse of perception doesn’t shatter all at once it unravels slowly revealing its intricate design piece by piece as one threat loosens you begin to Glimpse what lies Beyond a world that was always there.
Hidden in plain sight it’s not the end of the spell not yet but it’s the beginning of something far
more dangerous once you start to see the truth you can’t unsee it and with every thread that breaks you step closer to understanding what’s truly holding you.

The Invisible Chains – Trapped in a Beautiful Cage?

Captive Freedom what does it truly mean is it the ability to move to choose to act without restraint or is it something far more elusive there are those who appear to have everything wealth love opportunity yet beneath the surface they carry a weight they cannot name it’s not the world that binds them.
It’s something invisible something within doubt fear guilt they cling to the mind like chains forged from the inside trapping you in a cage so beautiful you almost forget. It’s almost have you ever felt a moment of Joy only for it to be interrupted by a whisper in your mind this won’t last you don’t deserve this these thoughts are not harmless they’re the links in the chain forged from the stories you’ve been told and the ones you tell yourself.

The world could hand you everything you’ve ever desired and yet these invisible forces would keep you from reaching out and taking it and even if you do they ensure you don’t fully enjoy it.

The cruestv ever wanted but unable to move toward it it’s not a lack of opportunities or resources it’s the doubts that whisper not yet it’s the fears that Echo what if you fail.
These Chains aren’t physical yet their grip is tighter than any rope they don’t shatter easily because they were never imposed they were accepted often without question and so the cage remains not because it cannot be escaped but because you’ve forgotten it exists.
Yet even the strongest chains begin to weaken when exposed to light the invisible threads that bind you are not indestructible they are only as strong as your belief in them and belief as powerful as it is can change. But here’s the Paradox the closer you get to understanding your chains the more you begin to see their purpose they don’t just hold you they guide you the question isn’t how to escape but what lies waiting when you Finally Break

The Sacred Key – Unlocking the Portal to Heaven.

Finally Break Free the doors to Freedom are never locked yet so few manage to walk through them the key isn’t hidden in some distant land or ancient text it’s far closer than you think it lies within waiting quietly unnoticed by the noise of daily life.

This isn’t just about breaking free it’s about stepping into something greater gratitude mindfulness surrender. These aren’t just ideas they are tools powerful mechanisms that unlocked the gates you thought were impenetrable but the truth is the door was never locked it was only your perception that made it so.
Gratitude it seems almost too simple doesn’t it? Yet this act of acknowledging the good that already exists begins to dissolve the illusion of lack.

It shifts your focus changes your vibration and rewires the energy you bring into the world. It’s not just an emotion it’s a frequency a tuning fork that aligns you with the life you’ve been longing for but gratitude alone isn’t enough mindfulness is the next step.

Learning to Anchor yourself in the present moment where the past has no power and the future holds no fear.

Here in the now the illusions of suffering lose their grip and then there surrender the most misunderstood of all it’s not about giving up it’s about letting go of the need to control every detail of your life it’s about trusting that the Universe with all its infinite intelligence conspires in your favor.

This act of surrender isn’t passive it’s transformative it allows you to step into a state of flow where resistance Fades and synchronicities begin to unfold. The key you see is not a single act but a combination of these practices forming a sacred formula for Breaking Free from the illusion of struggle but every key opens a door and every door reveals something unexpected as you turn the lock and step through what you find is rarely what you imagined the world doesn’t change it’s
you who changes and with that shift comes a startling realization: the Gates of Heaven were never guarded they were wide open all along waiting for you to awaken to their presence yet even as the illusion begins to fade another layer of the mystery reveals itself pulling you deeper into the design that brought you here.

The Hidden Blueprint – A Cosmic Conspiracy?

Here what if your struggles aren’t mistakes but Precision crafted lessons imagine a blueprint ancient and intricate etched with the patterns of your Soul’s Journey every heartbreak every detour every obstacle it’s all part of a grand design one that isn’t here to break you but to awaken you the universe doesn’t waste energy nothing you’ve experienced is random no matter how chaotic it might feel there’s a Code hidden in the chaos a pattern meant to guide you toward the self you’ve

But to see it you must first be willing to look beyond the surface life’s challenges aren’t here to punish you they’re here to teach you think of the moments that broke you the times when you felt lost and defeated.
Weren’t those the moments that eventually revealed your greatest strength it’s as though the universe places roadblocks not to stop you but to force you to rise the discomfort?

You feel isn’t cruelty it’s a signal a call to awaken the dormant parts of your higher self the design may seem harsh even unfair but its purpose is transformation and transformation never comes without fire the signs are everywhere but they rarely look the way you expect synchronicities gut feelings unexplainable coincidences!

They’re The Whispers of the blueprint nudging you back onto your path but here’s the secret the blueprint doesn’t lead you to something outside of yourself its purpose is to bring you back to you to the infinite potential hidden within the struggles you face are the tools that chisel away the Illusions carving out the truth of who you are.
The pain isn’t the problem it’s the portal and just when you think you figured it out the design reveals another layer deeper and more intricate than before.

It’s not a straight line it’s a spiral pulling you ever closer to the core of your being the blueprint isn’t static it evolves as you do and with every challenge overcome every illusion
shattered you step closer to understanding the Alchemy of your life.

But before the transformation is complete there’s a secret you must uncover one that lies not in the challenges themselves but in what they’re trying to transmute.

The Inner Alchemy – Turning Shadows Into Light.

Transmute Alchemy isn’t just the ancient art of turning lead into gold it’s the secret to transforming your inner world.
Every shadow you carry every wound you’ve endured is raw material waiting to be transmuted pain isn’t the enemy it’s the Catalyst the element that fuels transformation.

The Great Alchemists of the past didn’t seek gold for wealth they sought Enlightenment a purification of the self. Your life follows the same principle the question isn’t whether you’ll face suffering it’s whether you’ll let it refine you or Define you.

Transformation begins with awareness look closely at the parts of yourself you’ve been avoiding the fears you bury the doubts you ignore these aren’t weaknesses they’re the doorway to your power visualization becomes the fire in which these Shadows dissolve picture your pain as energy swirling and dense and then imagine it breaking apart dispersing into light this isn’t just imagination it’s an act of inner creation.

What you see in your mind becomes the blueprint for the reality you step into energy flows where attention goes and with focused intention you can reshape the patterns that hold you back.
But Alchemy isn’t only about thought it’s about energy practices like breath work meditation and energy healing aren’t just rituals they’re the tools of the modern Alchemist.

Each breath you take is a chance to release the weight of the past and anchor yourself in the present moment. Each conscious thought is a seed planted in the fertile soil of your mind waiting to grow into something new this is where inner Alchemy takes place not in the absence of Darkness but in your ability to turn it into light and as you step further into this process something extraordinary begins to happen the more you transmute your pain the more you begin to see the world itself transform.

The same reality that once felt heavy and suffocating becomes lighter more vibrant alive with possibilities but this isn’t the end of the journey it’s the beginning of something even greater with every shadow you dissolve you uncover a new layer of Truth a deeper connection to the essence
of life itself and with this Awakening comes a realization that changes.

The Awakening –
Seeing Heaven for the First Time everything there’s a point on every Journey where the familiar Falls away leaving you face to face with a truth.
You didn’t expect Awakening isn’t a destination it’s a breaking apart a dissolving of everything you thought was real it’s not comfortable nor is it gentle.
The illusions that once defined your world begin to crumble revealing glimpses of something far more profound and in those moments of clarity you feel it the world hasn’t changed you have.

Heaven and hell are no longer distant places they are states of being layered within you waiting to be recognized but Awakening is not a light switch it’s a gradual process a peeling back of layers
the beliefs you’ve carried for years the identities you’ve clung to begin to lose lose their grip what remains isn’t empty it’s raw alive.

Unfiltered you start to see the patterns that once dictated your life with a Clarity that feels almost surreal the same arguments the same fears the same Cycles they all reveal their Roots their origin buried deep in your subconscious and as you see them for what they are they begin to lose their power not because they disappear but because you stop feeding them.

This is where the world itself starts to look different the things that once triggered you now feel distant as though they no longer belong to you. Your perception sharpens not into something grandiose but into something deeply grounded the ordinary moments a breeze a conversation a quiet pause take on a richness you’d never noticed before.
It’s not that the world has suddenly become perfect it’s that you’ve stopped resisting it the struggle Fades but here’s where the real challenge begins what will you do with this awareness seeing the illusion is one thing dismantling it is another.

The truth is you hold the power to bend reality itself to take the chains of fear guilt and doubt and turn them into the Stepping Stones of your greatest transformation but Power demands responsibility it’s no longer about blaming the world or waiting for someone else to fix it it’s about stepping into
the role of the Creator the alchimist the one who turns Shadows into light and limitations into possibilities.

Now look at your life not as it was yesterday not as you fear it will be tomorrow but as it is right now what do you see?

Are you still standing in the cage or have you realized the door has been open all along the keys have been in your hands this entire time gratitude mindfulness surrender but knowing isn’t enough you must act you must choose to wake up every day and see the world not as it is but as you want it to be.

Because here’s the secret they never told you the world changes when you change so I’ll leave you with this?

What if your entire life has been leading to this moment every challenge every Heart Break Every Triumph it’s all been part of a grand design urging you to remember the truth.

You’re not a victim of reality you are its creator and the paradise you seek it’s been waiting for you all along the only question left is whether you’re ready to claim it to step out of the illusion and finally take control of the Masterpiece that is your life because heaven isn’t somewhere else it’s right here waiting for you to see it!






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