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THEY Don’t Want You To See This! Dr. Steven Greer FULL DISCLOSURE Interview with Top Secret Footage!
Michael Sandler’s Inspire Nation
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47,324 views Premiered on 10 Jan 2025 Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler
After recording this LIVE last week, the show went silent–aka the algorithm stopped sharing it….so with Dr. Steven Greer’s permission we added “Top Secret” footage from his private archive and are re-releasing it today. So enjoy this video, that someone does NOT want you to watch.

“Battle for Disclosure” Watch Now. Link: https://geni.us/BattleForDisclosure
The Disclosure Project Trailer Link: • Battle for Disclosure I Official Trai…
Dr Greer’s website: http://drstevengreer.com/
Dr Greer’s archive: http://dpiarchive.com/
Dr Greer’s DPIA crowdfunding site: https://dparchiveproject.com/
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THEY Don’t Want You To See This! Dr. Steven Greer FULL DISCLOSURE Interview with Top Secret Footage!

Michael Sandler’s Inspire Nation
398K subscribers
“Battle for Disclosure” Watch Now. Link: https://geni.us/BattleForDisclosure
The Disclosure Project Trailer Link: • Battle for Disclosure I Official Trai…
Dr Greer’s website: http://drstevengreer.com/
Dr Greer’s archive: http://dpiarchive.com/
Dr Greer’s DPIA crowdfunding site: https://dparchiveproject.com/
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Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler
Michael Sandler’s Inspire Nation
What in the world are they what are these quote unquote drones? You don’t know that at the very top that whole project is being run illegally!
These are brand new Witnesses and they’ve got bombshell information to talk about.
G is the most significant Earth shattering disclosure in human history these Technologies are unsanctioned they are illegal operations and this can be proven in any court of law.
What do you believe is the big picture plan how do you see it going and is there even I can’t believe I’m going to say it a timeline of what’s coming next they would have so much control over everything.
If they had that if this information was all released it could fall into the wrong hands they’re using security as a cover for illicit or legal or even treasonous activities.
The members of Congress didn’t have the detailed information of the precise location where they keep the bodies the crack the debris all the evidence that we’ve been searching for the last 80 years he knew how to keep a secret secrets were a stock and trade.
They are literally making their own money to fund their own projects we have a source currently in the Deep black World it doesn’t matter if you’re president of the United States you’re not going to talk about that it. Was this large monolithic slab looked like it was elevated off in the ground it is traumatic look this is the most top secret sh you’ve ever heard of.
Here’s what’s coming; this information is going to come out the way you respond to it can determine the future of humanity? Are you ready to shine [Music] shine [Music] bright.
Hello everybody welcome back I’m Michael Sandler your host on Inspire Nation if you’ve been wondering what in the world are the drones in quotes in the sky and if there are nothing to worry about and why has the White House been holding top secret meetings then do we have the battle for disclosure show for you today I’ll be talking with Dr Steven Greer founder of the disclosure project and the creator of numerous brilliant documentaries including the battle for disclosure and that’s just what I want to talk with him about.
Today about the truth behind this cover up what the drones really are and if we’re being set up for a back Black Flag event or if UFO contact is just around the corner so welcome back to the show Steven are you ready to shine yeah we’re ready to roll baby all right.
So I was just telling you off air uh I’m down in uh West Palm Beach Florida and the last three nights in a row I’ve seen these three things flying overhead what in the world are they what are these drone quote unquote drones. Well there whole several phenomenon happening all at once, um a lot of the drones are actually people are starting to look up and seeing things that were always there all right that’s one thing.
So it’s a observational artifact we’d say or skew but the ones that really are the drones that there are these flurries of them uh those have been released in anticipation of a team of people that
I’ve been working with for about 20 months.
Coming forward from six different black sites uh in the United States that deal with uh UFOs and extraterrestrial craft or nhi n human intelligence and once it was decided they were going to come forward between now and the nauguration of the new president.
The Battle for Disclosure: A Pivotal Moment

Dr. Greer describes the ongoing effort to bring the truth to light as the “battle for disclosure.” Critical developments include:
- Insiders Coming Forward: A group of whistleblowers from six black sites is preparing to reveal their knowledge of extraterrestrial technology and covert operations. Their disclosures could include evidence of extraterrestrial craft, captured beings, and advanced weapon systems.
- Potential Disinformation Campaigns: To preempt these revelations, covert groups have orchestrated distractions, such as drone sightings, to muddy the waters and confuse the public.
- The Risk of a False Flag Event: Dr. Greer warns of a staged “alien threat” designed to manipulate governments and the public into supporting a militarized, authoritarian agenda.
Then this whole drone event started now why because it’s causing a lot of consternation and confusion it’s also causing a lot of mixed signals and sort of a diversion.

So that PE when they begin to come forward with their evidence and information people are going to say well maybe it was just all drones now what are the drones doing.
Yes I just had here with me about they left an hour ago a contractor who is a mtas with looking into this and uh he’s quite convinced they’re summer hours uh they’re all man-made none of them are alien or anything like that. But quite a few of them appear to be originating from China or Chinese assets
uh for reasons that appear to be surveillance and that is at least the conclusion these experts have reached now. He also is aware because he’s embedded with the organization and people coming forward that was so huge can you repeat that statement again and then continue um what part of the statement
from Chinese? Yeah that they that they know that quite a few of them are from the Chinese but the Chinese activity is probably being coordinated with a transnational Criminal organization that’s been responsible for keeping all the UFO secrecy!
So in other words what here’s what here’s the mistake everyone makes here in Washington where I am right now and everyone listening we all look at a map of the world and we see a boundary between Canada and the United States or China and Russia.

The organization that’s working at the level that we’re talking they don’t care about that and they have assets that are derived from many countries it’s like a United Nation of illegal covert programs, now that goes back we know to the 1960s and I can tell you a story about that in a little while it’s in our disclosure files at our archive but as soon as this group decided they were going to set a date to come forward and remember I’ve been at their one of the chief uh two of the chief black sites out in the western desert.
In a helicopter with the main uh guy who’s coming forward into affecting he’s been a special forces operator there since 1995 in those programs and uh as soon as they decided to come forward set a date and this was the big surprise about a month ago that.
I learned they’re going to unmask themselves so in other words they’re not going to just anonymously say here’s what we’ve seen these are at the highest level of Aerospace uh Contracting and Special Forces who are going to come out rank you know their name rank serial number nothing held back um in terms of their identity so that’s a game changer.

Because this is gonna this is the most significant Earth shattering disclosure in human history number one when I tell you what they’re going to be what they’ve been doing there and then number two in anticipation of that these corrupt Enterprises uh are trying to Gaslight Congress and the president and the public and the media.
And create also the Spectre this is the other part of this of something frightening in the Skies coming see this has been the plan since 1953 at least that uh Whener Von Brown warned us about.
The the man who invented the rocket fatal Hitler um on his deathbed told a member of my team Carol rosin that the plan was to eventually launch an alien threat uh or something from the skies so they could unite the world around some sort of authoritarian or militaristic totalitarian superstate.
That is what they’re doing that we’re at the point we’re at the inflection point where that’s all about to happen um and so they’re trying to set up a lot of diversionary tactics as well as things that are frightening people.
Because they manipulate people through fear and people not knowing so you go up I’m up here all the time up in Capitol Hill and you’re talk talking the members of the Senate intelligence committee or house or whoever or the incoming Administration the people I’m dealing with.

With the incoming Administration by the way I’m totally nonpartisan I have to deal with whoever gets elected president of the United States the point I’m making is that none of them know what’s going on but there’s a lot of confusion and fear about it so and then in that you build in this distrust uh of government because so far the United States government has not properly addressed it because I think they don’t want to on one level on another level they don’t really understand it now.
You know this is where you get into this whole craziness that whatever you think competence or incompetence is in government it’s way worse I mean it’s just way worse.
So are we being so much we get to dive into but this is almost on a side but it’s not you mentioned all the way back to the 1950s so I have to look at popular C culture and wonder how much we’ve been
primed and in sense forgive me brainwashed before we were even born for many of us to be ready for this fear event.

So that I’m guessing greater authoritarian Rule and the name of look out there ETS coming to get us yes and that was that plan was developed in the late 4S early 50s in fact if you go to our uh archive that we’ve just released in the last year it’s a DPI archive.com
It stands for disclosure project intelligence archive um and at dpiarchive.com
You’re going to see a terabyte or more of data but in there is a government document from 1953 where the director of the CIA writes about the psychological warfare value of the UFO subject so it was determined uh about a year before we mastered gravity control or anti-gravity Technologies uh when they would start building or man-made UFOs most of the ones that are UFOs are man-made by the way by North or Grumman and Ron and locked uh small percentage are extraterrestrial vehicles or nhi.
They’re saying now non-human intelligence but um that’s the buzz word in Washington is nhi now instead of ET but the point I’m making is that that plan was a 70-year plan to acculturate through Hollywood the media and particularly the UFO subculture and ufology and UF so-called ufologists that had been totally spoonfed false information and a false narrative and I would say 90 plus perc
of everything out there on this subject has been curated and embedded within pop culture uh by the CIA and others who are very good at what’s called a scop psychological warfare operation.
So this is all part of a long-term scop abductions are human-made events part of a scop mutil of cattle all human this drone in broo all human there are a number of events that really do look like an ET craft but what people forget is that 70 years of reverse engineering extraterrestrial
vehicles and eight to 10 trillion dollars in Black budget funding over the years studying it.
They’ve come out with devices and machines that are almost indistinguishable from an actual extraterrestrial one so those can also be you can create you look at these drones you’ll also see some of these weird uh like almost living orbs and spheres that appear those are ours those are our.

Now there are there’s
extraterrestrial phenomenon that may look that way too but what they’re doing is a copycat and therefore they can deceive the public even very well.
Informed people on the subject can be deceived because the other thing that people wildly underestimate made Michael is the degree to which we have unpacked and figured out extremely Advanced Technologies and then put them into weapon systems or deceptive operations.
And so the whole my concern is that the whole planet and never mind the White House I’m looking at right here and uh the Washington and London and Ottawa and other capitals are sitting ducks
because they don’t have enough information so what we’re in a rush to do.
I’m going around the world providing these briefing materials for uh people world leaders right now. So what do you think and people in the chat are hopping up and down and there are also people who I can tell her plants in the chat to plant disinformation what is what do you believe is the big picture plan how do you see it going and is there even I can’t believe I’m going to say it a
timeline of what’s coming next?
Well again I the group that’s defecting from these six black sites determined their own timeline.
I mean I’ve been working with them for 20 months uh they told me month or two ago that it would be between uh late December and the inauguration or early January.
So we’re it’s imminent because I mean this is you know New Year’s Eve is right now so um that is what they determine to do now. I have had people in the incoming Administration um that I won’t name who people who are up for cabinet level positions say why don’t you get this delayed until after the inauguration I said no they want to do it beforehand so it’s on the plate of the incoming president on his table right away.
So that wasn’t my call that’s the call of these groups that are affecting I want to be clear about that um and I’m simply the uh the leas one between that group and the current government and the incoming government and I’m doing the same thing in London and other places and Russia and other uh nation states that need to know. But I think that the real problem is what happens after that so let’s unpack that for a minute once these disclosures happen uh and because the proven of these men that are coming forward uh is UN is Sterling uh and what they’re going to disclose would be shocking to the conscience.
I can give you a preview in a moment utterly shocking outrageous and shocking um like you’ve never heard um that the result of that is going to be a number of issues one what does the incoming Administration do about it now having just spent a lot of time with a lot of the incoming people who are senior I can tell you they know either nothing or they know false information because they’ve had people uh like uh Louise alzando and others go in there and say Hey you know uh they’re a threat to the National Security and oh by the way all these objects you see none of them are ours.

So they have to be alien a total Gaslight in fact I won’t say who but I was in Palm Beach three weeks ago meeting with a very senior person and the person had already been gaslit by this disinformation crowd and was convinced that everything being everything that went bump in the night was alien.
I said oh no and so I had four Special Forces guys there so I had three Green Berets with me uh and a marine who has come forward uh Michael Herrera whose materials you probably have seen when he encountered that 300 foot diameter disc uh trafficking in in children and people out of Indonesia in 2009.
We waited for the next bird to come a bird did come and we uh we boarded it we went back to the ship which was USS Denver we went to the Armory to turn back our weapons in and uh we gave him back our ammunition we went to our birthing took our gear off and uh just had our Camis and uh we were told to
report to the flight deck at least everybody who participated in the operation and uh I found my camera that I actually recorded this um when I took some pictures of this before we went down the hill put it back in my dump pouch I found it on my rack and the memory card was missing out of it as
well as the battery so you couldn’t turn it on or nothing and I had it in my locker.
I had everything locked up secured always tug on that thing to make make sure cuz I want stuff stolen and uh the ironic thing too was the fact that the other five marines that were with me actually had their phones missing in case they end up getting some of this too.
Which none of them did at least I’m aware of but um I think I was the only one that actually had something that I was recording so that is out there somewhere?
Whoever’s got it um I would like to see that I would I’m sure you guys would too because the way that this thing looked it was just crazy.
He was there and the person we were briefing who will be a very senior cabinet level person there in Palm Beach literally was physically shaken because he didn’t know that we had these things because he had already looked into it and had been told oh no everything going on is alien so now imagine someone at that level of government in the most powerful country in the world uh being completely not only no information but in enormous amount of disinformation false information that’s dangerous.

So where I’m going with this is we have to do a crash course for our leaders and our people in your country whether you’re in Canada wherever you’re listening about what the truth of this is so the presidential briefing document that we have which is the biggest one we’ve ever done.
We’re going to do a sanitized version of it where we redact certain sensitive things and we’re going to put that and publish that online soon because everyone needs to get a copy of that to their members of Congress and senators or Parliament or leaders because it has everything in there.
Now what it doesn’t have in there are these new disclosures right these new disclosures coming forward um will be the most significant ones in the history of the subject there’s never been a team this senior who are current and by the way these are not old retirees these are people currently operational all right the they’re oper.
So special operators so um that’s a very significant development now if it’s handled badly so let’s say this comes out and leaders around the world say oh my God there’s an alien threat we have to unite the world then like the movie Independence Day where Will Smith Goes let’s kick alien butt right. You know the movie I mean it was right out of CIA scripting but if that happens it’s the end of the world as we know it. It’s a catastrophe if they do it now I’ve written and what does that mean end of the world as we know it forgive me that’s a huge Bomb. It means that we would go to uh sort of an interplanetary conflict and create such chaos in the world that they would be able to manipulate like they did after 911 uh but on a much grander scale it would be a cosmic 911 um and that’s unfortunately not having enough information on this is dangerous.
This is my Mantra you cannot be a member of the Congress or the president or a general or Admiral to Pentagon and by the way most of those people don’t know anything about this subject frankly nothing um you can’t be those people with that responsibility and be flying blind in a fog you’re gonna slam the whole world into a mountain side and crash it.
So I think this is the big problem is that not having enough knowledge or in a way worse partial knowledge with all this disinformation is an ex it’s a total existential threat so that’s what we’re trying to remedy but I think the masses and all of us together uh if receiving this information can rise up if it begins to spin sideways in that direction.
We can say oh but wait a minute and here’s this archive DPI archive.com that has all the proof of this and here’s all this testimony and it’s not these are man-made uh events staging and pretending to be alien so I think that is something that knowledge is power and the masses we’re supposed to be living in a democracy should have a voice in that.
In writing to people now if it goes the other way uh recently we sent out to our email list of those of you not on it should get on our email list because it’s a newsletter has all this stuff in it every few days and you go to Dr stepen greer.com um but the um letter was a sample speech for world leaders to give and here’s how that should go.
Here’s what right looks like it should be announced that we’re not alone in the universe yeah that they’re not hostile yeah that there’s been an intensive project for 75 years or more to study these objects that we have downed that are extraterrestrial reverse engineer them and we’ve had some amazing breakthroughs some of which have to remain classified right now.

But the Basic Energy Systems that would run the planet fix the biosphere eliminate poverty those were going to work to bring out and the other programs that have not been overseen properly were in the process of getting them under control.
Now what’s behind that now this I’m summarizing about a you know a few minute speech that I’ve drafted for um and that’s gone to a number of leaders around the world already whether they take my advice or not I don’t know.
I mean you know it’s like as being a medical doctor you know I’ve had patients come in with a heart attack and get up off the bed and say I’m going to go home and they dropped dead in the parking lot and we told them that’s what would happen and you know I mean hey you give advice.
I don’t have I’m not any I don’t have any official position right I’m just a regular civilian so um private so then if it goes in that direction it’s a golden age of human civilization of free energy no pollution no poverty and in the recommendation and executive orders for the president and others is that we start an initiative like our Close Encounters of the fifth kind initiative to make peaceful contact but officially.
From the government where instead of shooting at these objects and Downing them with direct energy weapons and electromagnetic pulse weapons which I’ve seen we’re doing it in the context of one Universe one people.
That we’re all conscious beings that we need to have a ro Pro and reach out to these civilizations in peace and move us into a whole new chapter where eventually not right away because we’re not quite yet civilized that we can become interplanetary ourselves.
So that’s the vision that’s very beautiful so it couldn’t be and what I’ve said is that there’s a thousand ways for this to go sideways and go wrong.
Yeah there’s basically one way it can go forward where it’s a hopeful event where we create not World Peace but Universal peace that we bring all these Technologies out carefully evaluating their National Security implications when it comes to some of the things that fly at you know a thousand times the speed of sound you know you can’t let every Terrorist on the planet have that.
In their toolkit to deliver a dirty bomb to downtown Toronto but um my point here is you there are wonderful breakthroughs in science and technology and medicine that can be a peace dividend for all the trillions and secrecy that have gone on.
So I think you know this is where the battle for disclosure you know we just released this documentary it’s been number one on Amazon called battle for disclosure and it was timely that it
came out I mean it’s been trying to get it out for over a year but there been some problems um with distribution but uh that documentary is very important that people Network it to their friends
and every because it lays all this out and it lays out how Stark the choice is between a dystopian future of endless war and expanding War into space.
Versus um a whole new world you know a new civilization that is beautiful and and this is our choice and our leaders need to hear from us right because this is going to break and then people are gonna be going well now what.

And I have always said if the people will lead the leaders will follow and I hear this from members of the Senate and Congress all the time they say we want to hear from our constituents about this so people need to actually take some action.
Thank you so I want to I want to double back um first off you mentioned the URL of the archive because people here are screaming we need proof we need to see proof we need to see proof so a where can people go for the archive and then B would you mind sharing some of what’s going to be disclosed um you said as much as we can handle we’ll fasten our seat belts for a minute yeah it’s DPI archive.com and we are crowdfunding that by the way and we’ve spent about half a million dollars putting that together because we had to digitize my archive but it has 115 named whistleblowers video and their transcript testimony it has 122 events of these objects ET objects crashing and being retrieved and research with named Witnesses and illustrations.
Forensic illustrations it has photos has videos it has government documents from US Canada former Soviet Union French all of that’s in there and it’s all for free.
you have to register because otherwise we’d have Bots destroy the system but it’s a free you don’t have to pay anything so uh it’s all there it’s 34 years of research and material it would take you a year or two to get through it but you can search it it’s a searchable database so it’s been put into a database um so that’s available to anyone who wants to take the time to look at it great thank you.
So then now would you mind sharing you said that we would get to some of the stories of what are going to be released or what people have seen or heaven forbid done because I know people are thinking earthquakes weather phenomenon all sorts of crazy stuff well these covert programs have
the ability to do all that.
I mean they certainly have the ability to uh in fact the this one guy called the knock uh in no and stands for non-official cover so he’s I don’t want to say what his cover is yet I mean he’ll he’ll unmask himself in the next week or two um but uh when I first met him it was through an encrypted handoff from one of his security officers Special Forces guys out of jok join Special Operations Command um and you know went to some bar in the not part from the CIA and he handed me a thumb drive and I took it and he was scared shitless when he met me.
I don’t know why they’re all so afraid of me but um but then I went and had to get someone who could help me even open it and basically it was a 10 year 10 10 page explanation of this issue and this man’s involvement so he is a senior operator for an aerospace Corporation and uh intelligence Community uh operative uh at U two major black sites out west I won’t say which ones.
What’s a black site for people black site Black Ops uh Shadow government I’m not sure people are familiar with these terms they’re highly classified secret bases most of the activity is in a stiff a Subterranean facility some people call them Dums deep underground military bases and um you will see in the archive some photos of us above one of them we were out at the Lock heat Skunk Works out in the desert High Desert and I was in a chopper and videotaped and photographed underground opening where the manmade objects the man-made UFOs come up and then are tested. And you’ll also see what that test range looks like now we’re releasing all that now this man has been operational there uh meaning that he’s been there when they have used uh illegal electromagnetic pulse weapon systems those are banned by the international nuclear proliferation treaty but they’re used and some are as small as a bread box I mean they’re not big and you can take down an airliner or ET craft or anything um so those he’s been operational and in fact one of the sites I was at he says we knock down uh one or two ET craft per per year at that one site and another one or two at the other one where I was that’s about hundred maybe 100 miles away North and we were in his Chopper so we were in a classified you know thing.
But um and I had with me the director of a Green Beret group that’s been pulled into law enforcement civilian to get these under control that’s another discussion we should have what do you do after all this comes out you got to fix the problem. Now so what he has dealt with there all kinds of issues for example when they are going to operate an electromagnetic pulse weapon and strike one of these uh non-human craft they to get them to come in they have trained people to be kind of biom machines where they have gone to very impoverished poor areas around the world and they’ve said you can come with us if you don’t want to die here. Like after a natural disaster or war or something and certain people are screened for their ps ability siic their ability to uh be telepathic or intuitive the ones who pass a certain screening process are then put into what’s called a P3 program and it’s what I’ve talked about for years where the interstellar vehicles are have a their guidance system systems and their communication systems uh are hooked into the Consciousness field and thought.
But scientifically it’s not just woowoo seances or something and or just normal remote viewing and telepathy it’s Hightech interface between mind and thought and machine and that’s how we that’s how they travel you were telling me Interstellar travel takes place from thought communication okay guidance systems and communication. The physical travel of machine is different but related we can talk about that um I’m now talking about you know guidance systems so let’s say if you wanted to hijack an Airbus right and you had a way of breaking into their guidance system and autopilot and you would then be able to hijack it. Now visualize that being done by these P3 operators who are taken into a program they put on a lot of drugs most of them end up dying or end up in a coma permanently but the ones that survive these poor innocent people those become these operators who can then latch onto an Interstellar vehicle nhi and basically if they sneak in grab it and pull it over this site and then kill it. Hit it now so it’s like using the concepts of C5 in a high-tech way but for a murderous purpose um also some of the objects are not destroyed they come down intact and there are a number of ETS that are captured that they euphemistically call refugees that are in these underground facilities. That we want to have liberate them and save them they’re still living some of them so imagine this happens one or two times a year at this one side I was at and one or two times a year to the other side so this man has been operational I mean to the point where he has fed deceased they call them Biologicals deceased bodies not human bodies um and he feels terrible about it.
Now the other part of it that’s horrible and shocking in order to operate those systems they have to put up what’s called a TFR and it’s a it’s a total temporary flight restriction so in other words that they notify FAA there’s a flight restriction goes up over a Zone around these sites and the aircraft are told to go around or if you’re a private Cessna pilot or learjet Pilot it you’re told to go around however this is what’s really terrible sometimes people ignore don’t see the TFR and they fly in there if they fly in there and this team is operational they kill them they knock their aircraft down all the humans are killed they’re incinerated turned into powder and there’s no trace of them um and that has happened too many times uh worse occasionally the beam from the electric magnetic pulse goes wider and goes outside the TFR and people who are even trying to obey the TFR so there are a number of cases of missing aircraft that vanished because they were
hit uh by these weapon .
So there are a lot of problems we have to fix it’s going to take an executive order from the president um I’ve drafted those are in De briefing materials um or recommended what they need to be so the folks coming forward are not trivial they’re not incidental uh many of them have been there for many years the one gentleman 29 years uh since 1995 read into this now he’s senior enough to have
U all this knowledge now what isn’t known is how much of the actual physical like the videos of the bodies that are ET or the videos of the man-made or ET craft or photos or data that he’ll be able to release because he doesn’t want to get him and his family killed and he doesn’t want to have someone Trump up some charges and him arrested.
So that is an unknown to me and it’s an unknown to everyone else so that’s pending so um and that’s I’m leaving that totally to his discretion.
I know what he has because when these events happened 100% of it’s filmed uh photographed radar uh sensors um infrared it’s all there right now how much of that will be dumped into our hands.
That we will that we build a blockchain protected site to put it and you will all be notified of this um I do not know um and I don’t know how much of this story uh he’s going to tell initially because some of it does shock the con uh and so much of it sounds like Star Trek or something you know but um
it’s all real and that’s what we’ve I’ve known this for 30 some years and uh now it looks like it’s going to come to a head. If they can pull it off in the next couple weeks thank you so a whole bunch of questions related to uh protection here and then I want to D dive back probably to Star Trek in many different areas.
First off forgive me how are a used still alive how are these people still alive and what will be done to protect them if they come forward does it even matter if they put x amount of data out or Y amount if they come forward it would sound to me like they’re sitting ducks?
It’s high risk I mean when he first approached me 20 months about 20 months ago his big concern was for he and his family um and his children that are young fairly young not babies but young uh and um younger than my children and um and that’s one concern. The other concern is that he doesn’t want to release this and it’s the tree that fell in the woods nobody heard in other words he wants it to be known by billions of people so I’ve set up a system where I’m asking people when we announce this coming out it’s going to be open sourced it’ll be on a blockchain site it’ll be downloadable all the testimony everything he’s releasing and I’m want everyone to send it to everyone.
They know every and every celebrity I know I put them on high alert to receive this and we will create a link we’ll create a little you know like a little Sizzle reel of it and a link and it’ll then hook right into this blockchain because you can’t put in the cloud I mean I think Amazon Cloud would be uh it’d be ripped out of the cloud if we put it there so he I build all that in the last couple of months um for the to come forward um but we’re going to need help from all of you.
Like you Michael with your show and following to get the word out you got it so okay and then I want to double back to how you’re still around and I love you I’m so glad you’re still here but you brought up a very interesting point um if I’m putting all these pieces together.
Because people are going what are the drones what are the drones what are the drones and it’s it’s a reasonable question. But the bigger question is are part of the reason the drones are here not just to base fear but to make us Blas ah so that whatever comes forward we it it’s totally for lack of a proper word yeah part of.
It is that part of its fear and part of it create confusion because people are going to go well maybe everything these guys were working on were some version of a drone in other words what this group likes to do is confuse take a clear picture and muddy the waters and the media the mainstream media by the way which is in the back pocket of the corporate and corrupt interests running all these secret projects. They don’t know it the average reporter doesn’t but I can tell you in every major media situation.
I can think of when people have tried to hand off the truth about this the networks all of them your networks my networks in the United States Fox CNN NBC ABC CBS they all kill.
It all the way back decades so the idea that we have a free press on this is a joke um we don’t it’s a COR corrupted uh media it’s a corporate corrupt media so the way around that is through podcasts and through celebrities dropping the link.
So you know um there are some people in my network who have you know 100 to 300 million followers right so if that type of celebrity drops this link uh and it goes viral who needs CNN or Fox or PBS or the Canadian Broadcasting Company right so that is something.

I built for that for this gentleman and his team because they didn’t want to risk their lives and it ends up being something no one hears about and we can’t trust the mainstream media.
Now maybe they’ll cover it but even when they cover it I have never been part of an event dealing with this subject where when it breaks into the mainstream media it’s not distorted or lied about or
debunked or you can’t trust them.
I went this building that has 300 condos in it I have more ability to hurl this over the Washington Monument than to trust anyone in the media. I hate to sound that way but I simply don’t trust the me big media trust you I trust I trust Emy levado to get the word out you know I was just with her and out in Sedona beautiful so it’s interesting.
So I’ve been seeing these drones here so you go online you click clackety Clickety you go at USA Today or anything the top th 10.
Things you should know about the Drone sightings in Florida for instance and it starts out it sucks you in at the beginning and it seems like it’s going to be telling you about the Drone sightings and then it starts to compare things to airplanes and then it talks to talk about FAA rules and then it and before it’s done it’s wrapped up neatly in a nice tight package and you forget.

What you’re reading the article about it is brilliantly engineered to deceive without any clue yes yeah they’re very good at the Sops psychological warfare and these sort of PR spins uh they’ve had many decades to practice it uh it’s propaganda most people fall for it but with what these guys are going to disclose this is not going to be ambiguous.
So um and we also know that if it were to go through a government entity it would just get buried.
I just concluded a meeting with a contractor for the US government who had gotten a contract to look into the UAP issue millions and millions of dollars spent uh from Arrow.
This or this office at the Pentagon and that he got all these images uh he got sensors he turned them over and they wouldn’t do anything with it and they didn’t disclose it to the members of Congress and the current uh Dr Patrick was there when he handed it over the new director of Arrow which
is that office at the Pentagon um that’s been ordered to investigate this.
The new people there can’t even find it it’s all vanished so this cover up just happened in the last year so anyone who thinks that any government entity can be trusted with this this is why we’re doing it privately because uh I just unfortunately I don’t see that happening and also people who are members of Congress some of them sincerely want to know the truth others are on the payroll of these big corporations to keep it secret so you know it’s got to be.
That this battle for disclosure is a really big battle okay thank you two key areas.
I want to go on I want to go and follow this 8 to10 trillion dollar before I do that um the questions coming up in the chat, are um why a well the question that came to me is why are all these ETS still coming here if so many are being shot down and the corollary to that is people are asking if they have such advanced technology meaning the extraterrestrials how are we able to shoot them down they have very advanced technology but they’re not infallible. Only God’s infallible and U the people are way underestimating what we have all right um now the kill rate I hate to use that term isn’t very high I mean they’re trying attempting it more than they succeed obviously so it’s not like it’s every minute it happens but it’s happening enough that it’s very worrisome.
I mean we have 122 documented crash retrieval downing’s and our archive that I mentioned but there have been probably a thousand or two or more. I mean these two black sites I was at have been around for 40 or 50 years one or two ET craft a year you can go do the mat uh and there are sites like that all over the world out in Australia in Asia over the oceans in space um other places in the United States the Northern Nevada test range North of Nellis in Area 51 there’s an operation there.
We have a whistleblower who was there when we knocked down a crap that kind of did a soft land and then took off again but you know I think this is I mean it’s a real problem and what’s important to understand is that the oversight committees in the United States Senate and house and the White House don’t know any of this is going on. P
People say that cannot be I said oh yeah it is now like I said there are few people in the Congress who then lie to all their colleagues and say oh no there’s nothing here there’s nothing behind the curtain right it’s like The Wizard of Oz and they’re liars and they’re treasonous Liars but um you know and this is at the point where we have to begin to hold them accountable.
And I have recommended uh Criminal prosecution of the former director of arrow for lying to Congress and covering up the evidence he received.
I’m just put that on the table I’ve already recommended that to the Senate intelligence and armed services committee as well as to uh an FBI team.
Thank you why do you think the ETS keep coming forward and forgive me some of the comments that are here are saying well if Dr Steven Greer thinks that all ETS are friendly there must be something wrong with what Dr G Steven Greer is saying well that’s a non setter. If they were hostile we would be dead I mean think about what we have been doing uh we began using early primitive scaler electromagnetic weapons in the 40s that’s what Roswell was uh Downing these so if they were overtly hostile we would have been kicked back and kicked back hard and that hasn’t happened.
So I tell people you know I that question was asked to me when I was at Wright Patterson Air Force Base meeting with the head of the division where all the early ET materials were sent in the 40s and 50s and uh and the colonel canola and uh asked me say well what if there hostile I said then you and I wouldn’t be having this conversation.
Co of the galactically stupid things we’ve been doing for 70 years so that’s one point the other is that they keep coming here because they know that our planet Humanity has great potential but the whole Enterprise the whole human endeavor our civilization has taking a bad left turn into the ditch not only for the environment collapsing but geophysical problems but the Spectre of ongoing nuclear war and the proliferation of nuclear weapons all over the world.
Why are they concerned about that because when you detonate an atomic bomb or thermonuclear weapon it sends out not only electromagnetic pulse but embedded it and it is a type of signal that’s called scaler that goes faster in the speed of light and it disrupts transdimensionale through other dimensions.
Interstellar Communications and trans and transportation or travel so that is why when we started detonating atomic bombs in the 40s in 1945 at White Sands the ETS responded in large number because they knew that this civilization was in trouble. Now I think they’ve been observing us for thousands of years I don’t think it’s anything new but I think when a civilization goes from in a hundred years from you know muskets and rifles and maybe clubs and swords to thermonuclear weapons right in a hundred years from 1845 to 1945, if you’re an advanced civilization observing the evolution of life on this planet uh and at the same time they’re collapsing the biosphere to the point that thousands of species of plants and animals are become in extinct.
So this is all being watched by these civilizations and I think they have a very good reason to be concerned not only their interest philanthropically let’s say or altruistically of Earth and Humanity but also their own protection so here’s another problem and I talked about this about a year and a half ago for the first time our technology transfer our reverse engineering of ET Technologies has advanced to such a point that we’ve almost reached parity equal with what ETS are capable of.
Which means that with the consciousness of violence and militarism we can turn those Technologies and Target distant places in space, so that humans become an existential threat to other worlds see humans are so self-absorbed and narcissistic that they’re always looking at this only through our eyes but let’s look at this Through The Eyes of a ET civilization you have a rampaging unevolved group of primates known as Homo sapiens people with a kit now not only the thermonuclear weapons but technologies that they reverse Engineers from the ETS and the largess and patience of the ET has a limit, the limit is using those against innocent places in space and putting weapons out in space and traveling on aircraft or spacecraft with weapons that is a red line and we’re very close to going over it.

Now at that point if we don’t fix it they’ll have to because there are innocent worlds out there they don’t even have a concept for war. I’ve said this for years and so humans have to begin to uh look at themselves to the eyes of not just each other but of intelligent life out there what would we look like uh this behavior is so sociopathic and insane that it isn’t rational and so endless Wars look what’s going on in the Middle East Ukraine Russia it never ends and so at a certain point these civilizations have a a prevailing concern not only for this beautiful planet and the good that is human the goodness of humanity but they’re very aware of the evil that we can do and the warlike and destructive.
But now we’re not banging around in an airplane or a rocket you know forget Elon musk’s you know SpaceX we have our own spacecraft that are electrogravitic and can do all manner of technological advances and but we’ve done this with a military US versus them mindset.

Instead of a consciousness of we’re all intelligent sentient conscious life right so I’ve had people who are in those programs say the big mistake was militarizing that relationship in the 40s and 50s and it’s never been corrected.
We need to correct that thank you so okay 8 to 10 8 to 10 trillion dollars I’ve seen the documents I’ve seen the archive we’ve actually posted some of that on the show where are they getting their
funds from and what can’t you do if You’ shot down one craft and you have eight to 10 trillion dollars what can’t you do well what they can do almost anything.
This is I call them the Masters of the Universe and they’re they view themselves as uh having so much power and money and it’s not just from black budget funding you know the United States for example when we fund the B2 stealth bomber we may be charged charged $2 billion doll a plane or something
like that it actually doesn’t cost anywhere near that, it maybe it’s 150 million the rest of it goes into the back door and it goes into these projects so it’s this is why you all saw on the news last week or week before the audit the Pentagon just failed its eighth audit.
It it’s audit so no one knows where the money is going now we do we know where it is I told some of incoming Administration people I said ramas Swami and Elon Musk need to you know.
Here’s 2300 billion dollar being embezzled and it’s not just from the Department of Defense and CIA it’s from many agencies so that’s one source of funding another source of funding is I hate to say it spinoffs.
So let’s say you’ve reverse engineered certain um materials Sciences or digital techn Oles and you spin them off into a corporation that brings out things like fiber optics or the way you and I are
talking right now. Those Technologies were spin-offs of studying extraterrestrial materials and systems and so they make their way into the public and that creates a huge profit Centers in these trillion dollar companies part of which goes back to these clandestine organizations and then there’s another one that’s a little more that’s not as obvious as embezzling. Black budget money and then another one that’s a little more disturbing is the billions that are made in human trafficking and Drug trade so this organization has a aspect of it that is highly involved in moving vast quantities of drugs around and people. So there’s another lucrative cash on business that this corrupt Enterprise has. So uh now this is highly compartmented someone working on a widget with North gruman doesn’t know anything about the other uh but what I’ve been able to do by debriefing over seven 800 of these kind of whistleblowers over the years is to put that puzzle together uh and so if you go through my archive carefully you’re going to see that that picture becomes quite clear um so that’s where the money.

So it it’s almost an unlimited amount now there’s another creative way to get money and that is through the banking system and I had a member of this group explained to me in 1993 that they’re able to grab the odd amounts of transactions that are between different currencies say between a Canadian dollar and a US dollar or a Euro and US dollar that’s less than a penny right and those get dropped into a black fund that then and but you’re talking trillions of dollars every day so a tiny percentage of trillions of dollars daily, every day of the year amounts to a lot and this guy was a very genius digital guy embedded in the uh supercomputers that back up the banking system so there’s a lot of little creative tricks like that that we’ve learned about from people who have come forward and explained it to us.
Thank you so many directions I want go with this more um I mean there’s part of me that wants to understand well if you have 8 to 10 trillion dolar and a group of people come forward aren’t they gone and then there’s the other part which is what about uh uh Elon Musk uh SpaceX NASA.

What’s going on why isn’t there an understanding there of any of this that’s going on well part of it is will-ful Blindness and part of it is that when they in their High fat way assign some academics to look into this they don’t know even where to begin to look.
So I actually met a man he was here at my condo where I am right now last uh earlier this year
who had been on the NASA UAP or UFO investigation committee and he didn’t even know where to look and they closed the report and said well there’s nothing here I said well this is ridiculous here.
So I gave him a hard drive of data but that is typical of government bureaucracy and Academia you know their laziness is surpassed only by their incompetence so sorry to tell you.
I guess in my old age I’ve become less and less enamored of it all but um but you know and that that is what happens the other part of it is that it’s so compartmented.
That it wouldn’t matter if Elon or SpaceX knew about this they wouldn’t be allowed to apply it right in other words the best that they would be able to do even if they know about it is an old-fashioned rocket from the 1940s right. Because I mean they’re fancier now and they’re have better computer assistance systems but you’re still it’s basically a roaming candle going up uh with you know people on board and when they’re humans and so it’s a ridiculous uh system. But that’s the best SpaceX has or any other contractor has and I will say if you look at these large corporations North Grumman lock heat uh Martin 90 huge overwhelming percentage of people working that are working on conventional things right and the ones that are in these other projects uh are actually very patriotic good people at the at the operational level not at the management level who got stuck in that system.
Let me give you an example the knock who’s coming forward he has a special operator who when I go to Southern California will pick me up and will drive me around in an armored thing um and last year
when we were having the premiere uh in La for the Lost Century the movie about all these lost Technologies um when he dropped me off where I was staying this gentleman said uh thank you for what you’re doing for those of us stuck on the other side. And it was very tearful and I because these are people who were very they were young they were good people they got pulled into a compartment operation and it’s only years later 20 years later they rise up high enough to realize they’re in a complete illegal criminal Enterprise.
So now they didn’t have the advantage I had as a young doctor briefing the director of the CIA in 1993 December 93 it’s 31 years ago where I realized that this covert group dealing with UFOs was decapitated and there was basically silent coda in the United States.
That happened back in the late 1950s because it was on Eisenhower’s watch that this whole thing went sideways and you know he died a very bitter man about this by the way because he had been betrayed by people he thought he could trust like Paul melan and Alan Dulles and others.
Well it begets the question timing we’ve got one Administration going out we’ve got another Administration coming in the new Administration very different shall we say than the old Administration and this isn’t about administrations but will they have, is there the potential because they’re so different to be able to move things forward?
More which is why a black flag operation ladies and gentlemen may need to take place before then?
Is that what you’re thinking or seeing that’s why they’ve launched all this black uh this false flag operations with drones uh because the incoming president and his people do not have enough information on this?
But we have delivered the briefing materials but everyone’s so busy trying to get confirmed by the Senate if you’re a cabinet level um it’s.
I have to say I’ve been frantic in the last few months going to Europe and London and here and everywhere trying to explain look I’m sort of like a cosmic Paul rer.
Here’s what’s coming this information is going to come out uh and the way you respond to it can determine the future of humanity not being .
So now it could be they’ll muck it up and it’ll get back on track so you know there’s no way to predict how people are going to react to all that? I’ve gamed it out like a war game in multiple Dimensions uh but I’ve concluded that there’s it there are a thousand ways it can go bad and there’s probably only one way it’ll go correctly. And that’s the risk of it that’s the big risk so I have a show that deals with energy that deals with spirituality it deals with your original or yes e do but you’re also meditation teacher how much can we affect things as an inside job.
So that we effect and have the effect of that one positive possibility coming true.
Yes I mean it’s like Luke Skywalker H in that right place on the Death Star just before it blows the planet up uh that’s my analyze.
I always joke we’re collectively that but um yeah so prayer and meditation and higher Consciousness is what everyone needs to be connected to know what right action is. What the correct action is and so I try to stay in that state everyone on my team are meditators and able to remote View and also anticipate things and um we ask people for there prayers and protection because I you know last year I don’t know if you know I was almost killed U yes I do it was terrible you’re talking about the accident that happened with you accident yeah accident yeah um it was about 14 months ago and um you know if it had gone another way I would have been killed um and I know that one of the investigators uh deployed from Senate armed services and intelligence committee uh that was going out the field you know trying to look into this was also murdered last year.
Yes oh no this is serious stuff so we know we’re in Mortal danger right so that’s part of it too.
You want to call on Heaven and Earth now we have our own opx operational security um but ultimately uh one of the reasons why I’ve been withholding so much material is it’s my dead man trigger so if something happens to me it gets released and boy it would be a page Turner so the the archive and there’s certain information and materials I have that wouldn’t come out unless I’m did and you know I made that very clear in the 90s because I was told you know you need to get enough information um that you know and and don’t play all your cards at once.
Because you need to be able to have some materials that this organization this criminal uh organization would be more worried about coming out than you still living.
So the best way they’ve done is to defame me and to put out false information about me a week or two ago I was told that it’s being put out that I’m a Russian spy how I’m a Russian spy never even been to Russia uh that I’m you know some kind of criminal um I’ve been called a felon and a treason a traitor I mean it’s endless defamation.
So you know you have to get Battle hardened that they’re going to throw every false thing at you
um and that’s just the way it is but there also these physical dangers U which I’ve made my peace with.
I mean if I die then you know I’ve have plans in place but um you know plus I mean I started this effort when I was 34 now I’m 69 so I’ve lived with that threat for a very long time right um and I’m you know and these men who are coming forward they’re you know Delta Force Green Beret type Guys these are no strangers to danger and risk um and they’re also big boys they know how to protect themselves right so uh but it still doesn’t mean it’s not dangerous. It is dangerous and one of the things that I’ve been recommending is that you need the equivalent of a witness protection program uh that has real muscle for these Heroes that doesn’t exist. It was gutted I mean these bills that have come out of Congress there are some people in the Congress who have been gutting the key provisions and taking them out uh and we know who they are uh and I have named them to law enforcement so uh but ultimately it’s it’s people willing to take the risk at this first stag.
It now here’s what I think needs to happen after these guys come forward we need an executive order
immediately standing down the weapon systems targeting these ET craft right.
That but to enforce that you’re going to have to have an enforcement arm now I’m working with a group of people who all of them were Green Beret Special Forces they’ve separated from the military and they’re prepared to operate under a US law enforcement . I can’t name and but that’s gonna have to get funded that’s probably going to cost at least half a billion or a billion dollars um and I’ve met with the seven top commanders who would be involved. The senior guys and I’m their source of information of where do you go where is the corporate action secret area where is the underground base opening the other thing in our archive at DPI archive.com.
You’ll see a map with I think it’s 150 sites where UFO projects have been and some of them actually have. The points where the underground opening is it’s there go look at it you know people
go really I said yeah I’m putting all this out now the last few months is all going to come out now to fix that problem because remember if you’re an unconstitutional group that’s powerful you’re you know you’re just going to thumb your nose at the president.
So you’re going to have to be able to enforce that now to enforce it here’s another complication everything that the legal let’s call it team blue the legal government and military have would be the equivalent of going up against an Apache helicopter with a spear because this other group have weapons and Tech Technologies based on reverse engineering uh Interstellar capable systems that are thousands of years in the future so even with the full force and weight of the legal government of the United States or Canada or anywhere else they’re going to be the David against this .
So the other strategy that we’re doing and people listening to this listen very carefully
if you are someone you know is involved with any of those operations if legal law enforcement approach es you, are to defy the orders of your superiors and not fire on them if they are there officially under the egis and authority of the of the government, that is the legal constitutional government of we the people. And I have been saying this now for about a year Preparatory uh to this team being stood up because here’s what I think how it can happen it can be a bloodless peaceful transition where more people like this gentleman.
The knock and his team coming forward that becomes a flood and they the people who are the really bad actors those are the suits those are the power people but the order for them to enforce their sociopathic policies they have to have the grunts who actually pull the trigger or fire the electromagnetic pulse weapon so if we can message this to the people who actually they have to act through because you’re not going to get Dick Cheney out of his house in Wyoming to you and he is part of this. So how are you going to fix this well you need to communicate with the people who actually do it so what I’m doing I’m going on Military podcasts wow that have a military audience and I’m saying what I just said you stand down you know you need to stand down so that’s how it is.
Something like the orange Revolution you know the in in Europe where when the Soviet Union fell
there were all those Eastern European countries had a peaceful transfer without any Bloodshed that’s my goal that’s my vision but to do that we have to communicate all of this properly to the boots on the ground because if you’re a 25-year old guy and you’re doing the op-pet operational security at
one of these black sites you’re just taking orders from up there right you don’t know that up there on that project is an illegal unauthorized unsanctioned program.
That’s what we have to communicate and then most people of conscious because they are patriotic people they’re just good people stuck in a bad system, constructed by a bunch of fascists so frankly and so in order for these guys to uh have their Awakening and then allow these systems to be stood down uh they’re going to have to not follow the orders from the sociopaths who are running those C programs so they have to defy it’s against everything in their training but they’re going to need to defy their senior opper it’s like you know think about all the SS and the people in Germany if they had all defi Adolf Hitler right, all right we wouldn’t have had a holocaust so I think that this is where it gets into more of the idea of the Consciousness and but also communicating.
This properly to the right people and it’s not just it’s not the UFO and you new AG crowd it’s the military so this is why I’m spending a lot of time with military organizations on Military podcast because those guys follow what I’m doing and then if they’re educated about this when they see the legal constitutional government authorities come in they’re not going to just kill them right they’re not. They’re and they’re going to lay down their weapons uh and that’s what we’re recommending we’re looking for a peaceful nonviolent transfer and just let’s close the chapter on this.
In the past and uh start a new era so when I speak to you I tend to hold a prayer Stone and I’m going I’m send love I send love I send love scary so well you do have some good protection and I’m happy for that but for people who are here for the first time you’re going well that sounds so woo woo that sounds so this what we’re talking about here is Shifting consciousness at the highest level guys this may be the cliff where either Humanity goes off the cliff because we followed these fear loving uh uh people or we go to a place of love and if not love at least amnesty for to shift consciousness of the world.
So that we can welcome in you’re coming forward oh my God I love you I don’t care what you did I love you let’s get you into the light get this program into the light and then bring Humanity to a golden era and that’s what we’re that’s our plan is that it should be based on let’s close that chapter and forgiveness and in fact almost exactly a year ago the National Defense authorization act had
in it a provision that I had helped advised to do it was passed unanimously out of the Senate intelligence committee that would have given amnesty to anyone coming forward even if they had done
terrible things in the past and but it would have been a six-month window they would had to come through it.
That provision when it went to the House of Representatives was gutted out by some operatives you know like uh Mike Rogers and Mike Johnson uh Turner and Mike Mike uh Mike Turner is the chair was the chair of the house intelligence committee and Mike Rogers chair of the house armed services and they and a few other people gutted all that out. It passed unanimously out of Senate intelligence and overwhelmingly out of the Senate but it all got taken out and that’s when we knew that getting this resolved in the Congress isn’t going to happen because there are people there because of the way our system works who can take out any of those protections and Provisions.
So then it leaves you with What’s called the unitary the chief executive which in the United States is the president of the United States and so that’s going to fall squarely on that whoever is in office when this happens uh and of course it’ll cross between uh Mr Biden and Mr Trump uh because it’s going to happen as I understand between now and inauguration.
So um that’s why we’ve been going at you know 20 hours a day at this it’s intense to say the least I mean and it’s something that you’ve been you’ve talked about it on this show for I think almost
half a decade that you’ve been on the show you’ve talked about this for almost 30 years what do people do today so we’re hearing this and we can go to that place of fear they’d love us because it’s so easy to have authoritarian rule in a place of fear.
How do we go someplace else what do we do what’s the action that we take based on this and then then after that guys I want to I want to talk about people are asking about abduction and other things but what’s the action that we take.
Well the action you take first of all you have to be informed so that’s why you need to go in and study this material uh what’s the saying and as knowledge is the greatest purifier so if you have
knowledge it will purify clarify your action and how you’re thinking on it um so that’s number one.
Everyone needs to get properly educated on this and then secondly you know you do need to engage in you know prayer and meditation that the world and Humanity’s guided forward across this Chasm uh we have a hundred years of lost Evolution due to this outrageous secrecy um and that we come out on the other side you know as a peaceful Global and interplanetary Society that’s prosperous and using a whole new group of technologies that don’t destroy the planet but heal it.
So that’s what people need to see but then they have to take action so as we as this comes out I’d ask everyone to follow what we’re doing and like I said what comes out from this group is going to be on a site blockchain protected but you can download it and pass it to anyone, through social media anywhere in the world no restriction.
So and the way that’s how you become a sort of a Force for good by getting the truth out even
as the coverup artist and the Liars are moving forward this is why it’s a battle for disclosure so you have to be on thearmy of light instead of the people who are liars and whatnot so that’s what everyone can do anyone with a computer or smartphone can do that and the other thing which I think is very important is that we know Theo C5 cont. We have an app called C5 contact and that app trains you in becoming an ambassador from humans to these extraterrestrial people and it’s using not only Consciousness and remote viewing but other techniques and it works and uh everyone can do .
I mean it’s an app available at whether you have a iPhone or a regular and it is an entire training program actually if you do it and then you can gather with other people and go out and do contact within the context of universal peace instead of endless war.
So that conscious field we talk about that 1% effect or Mahar effect when a lot of people begin to do that it changes the hearts and minds of people who don’t even know you’re doing it.
Has this field effect in Consciousness or morphogenic propagation uh that one effect that that really Alters everyone else and so that’s something everybody listening can do it.
Not only fun and it’s beautiful to do it but it’s also results in some amazing contact experiences uh which if you look at our movie Close Encounters of the fifth kind you’ll see how we unpack that in about an hour and a half uh or so and it shows uh you know the kinds of experiences people have but it’s not just you seeing and experiencing something it’s this larger effect in in Universal Consciousness uh and non-local mind.
You know the quantum entangled aspect of our awareness that it begins it will shift the whole world so we need to be doing that also so that’s something everyone can do.
I mean anyone thank you so and that’s the game that I play that’s our school of Mystics that’s everything we do automatic writing going with the other side.
I want address abduction I know we’ve got we got less than 10 minutes left um I used to watch a TV show in the 70s this like Air Force show where they went out and know swamp gas it’s this it’s that what is abduction what are these things that are taking place because so many people are saying well they can’t all be good because this happened and that happened.
The other thing happened sure that’s called stagecraft and it’s a psychological warfare or scop campaign that began in the late 50s and early 60s now go back to the fact that we mastered gravity control in 1954 all right October 1954 we have that date from sources in the system who have
seen the documentation so we’re now 70 years into an era where they could simulate an alien craft and then engage in actions they realized this is the psychological warfare part of this that in order for this to come out and benefit the military-industrial warmonger complex it needs to come out within the the context of creating a new enemy well what’s you and you need if you’re G to bring the whole world together against an enemy you need an external one out in space so they came up with this hair brain idea and began to Stage abductions and mutilations.
Now how do we know this because we have Air Force intelligence people on videotape saying that yes we’ve been doing that uh we have a document that jock Valle has admitted to having Dr jock Valle has a document he won’t release it but I think the FBI will be able to get it from him when they stand up this program.
I’m telling them where to go and who to getthings from um but it’s a CIA document from 1985 and you know what it says he summarized it in his jock for book in 1992 and this is in our archive that the
CIA was conducting abductions alien abductions in Argentina and Brazil against quote peasants for its psychological warfare value using these Advanced Technologies now everyone who would see it would say it was alien they’d all be deceived same thing with the cattle mutilations so whatever technology you think this covert group has it’s worseand their ability to Stage things to sort of propagandize this good versus bad aliens uh and that’s what they want.
They wanted Cowboys and Indians in space they want to they want conflict and in order to have conflict you have to have an enemy or to have to have an enemy you have to create that enemy.
If it’s not legitimately there so that’s how you end up in World War II my friend so people
drinking that Kool-Aid is the real danger here okay so one more and then we’re gonna GNA leave it on some positives here um oh my god um Antarctica weapon system down there have we been traveling across the Galaxy scaring the crap out of other civilizations as well with the technology we now have we’re not physically traveling but we can project weapon systems and systems out there at beyond the speed of light and Antarctica isn’t where you should be concerned.
It’s the South Pole there’s a rathon we disclosed this last year uh about a mile under the ice
neutrino light system that can be activated as a weapon system it’s both monitoring and an a weapon system and uh when they first switch that on uh is when they had all those huge earthquakes in Christ Church New Zealand by the way um and so those systems uh are really worrisome and again Aon is one of the big operators of these covert programs they’re also in possession of ET craft and they have built the most convincing simulated ET crap that are human and they’re almost indistinguishable from an ET one. Up to an including being almost living and making living sounds like a living organism I mean really weird stuff so which by the way the really Advanced extraterrestrial craft are both conscious have a living component and are a machine and but it’s a spacecraft and we I’ve known this for a long time so imagine reverse engineering aspects of that and having the stagecraft to hoax alien events and this is where knowledge is power.
Because if people know that they won’t be it’s like the who saying we won’t be Fooled Again well they were talking about the Vietnam War hello 50 years later we’ve been fooled over and over and over the big one they want to trick us with is this and hoax is this threat from outer space and uh if they were a threat you know even some of the people in the House of Representatives have said publicly that if these were a threat.
We I think one Congressman said we’d be a charcoal Bret floating through space burned up because of what we’ve been doing so I don’t really see you know but everyone.
Here’s the other problem with the human nature on this everybody wants to have someone to hate everyone, we’re people who love to have someone to dump on who’s lower. Than we are we’re better they’re less whether it’s religion uh sex uh sexual orientation uh ethnicity uh identity politics here and there everyone wants to have someone with their Superior right and the exploitation of that is resulted in racism and religious wars and on and on and on and on.
Now this same organization knows how to exploit that by portraying the ETS in a certain racist way and caricatures and staging events and they’re playing on the primate brain of chimpanzees of which we are 98% identical. That do organize into troops and kill each other in Wars so that part
of human nature the only way to overcome that it’s in higher Consciousness and seeing that all life is one and all conscious living beings the light of awareness in your eyes and my eyes is a singularity. It’s one and so I think that’s the only way to do this and not have it be an Enterprise that goes sideways so there is a deeply spiritual component of this that needs to get addressed and I think you know we’re prepared to do that as people begin to ponder these big issues.
So as we look up to the stars and we see drones in quotes any clue what they are that’s making drones and what do we do in that moment to keep from to get centered to keep from going to a fear-based place we just know that they’re all man-made and they’re just part of a clown car show trying to deceive people.
I just look at it I just brush it off and go yeah whatever first of all we anticipated it we said it was going to happen and then on top of it started happening just as this group of people were ready to defect out in into the public with all the truth about this.
So I think people have to be um you know stay calm and not get all hysterical about these drones and whatnot now doesn’t mean that they couldn’t start hitting some other triggers right.
Okay I mean there are nuclear triggers to hit there’s Earth change triggers to hit you know who knows it Earth change triggers begins to come out how this organization that’s a bunch of psychopaths will react or how quickly uh any given Administration could get stood up to get them on a leash or stand them down this is this is the danger of the moment.
Right is how does this play out and so much of that is going to be dependent on people having enough knowledge to not be deceived but also taking right action on behalf of humanity to fix the problem
and the good news is that we know how to do that.
The bad news is that the people who are going to be in charge don’t know 1% of what they need to so we have a lot of work to do.
Thank you so. One more time where can people go to find your work to find battle for disclosure we’re going to have some links down below as well to find the archive.
All of it where can people go yeah battle for disclosure I mean it’s been a limited release at this point it’s on Amazon and apple our archive is DPI archive.com and you can get in there and see all this evidence and information and my website is Dr steven.com so you can sign up for free to get our newsletter and briefings and stuff um and U and then also you can go to your app stores and get the C5 contact app and I say if everyone were to become an ambassador to the universe the Consciousness shift would guide this whole disclosure project in the right direction where we’re actually have the governments of the world coming together in peace making peaceful contact with these other civilizations.
That’s where we should have done in the 40s but so let’s do it now thank you and is there anything at
this point that’s giving you hope for what may be coming next yes I mean the great hope is working with these people who are taking enormous risks who are actually very spiritual men even though they’re battle hardened Special Forces guys and taking risks to their life and their freedom.
To do something that’s where I have the most hope um and then secondarily the average person doing the right thing and supporting this effort but also engaging in the uh C5 contact we have so many people doing it having amazing experiences and I think that people underestimate how powerful a single individual is and how each of us but when we join together it becomes this amazing positive force for change.
So that’s where the hope is woohoo all right got to let you go thank you so much thank you everybody for being here and you as well so for everyone out there this is Michael Sandler saying be well have fun check out everything Dr Steven G has to has to offer and then step forward in your own
way out of love but do take action and above and beyond all else shine bright.
woohoo thank you so much thank you thank you bye-bye as I wrap things up I want to let people know few things that we have to offer we have a school of Mystics where we can help you shift your
Consciousness to that higher level to that higher plane it’s something so many people in the chat will tell you about.
We do four weeks each month to come together raise Consciousness shift the energy inside of you to help you live at that higher plane you’ll find that link for the school of Mystics down below we
actually if you’re seeing this before the beginning of January or even in the beginning of January. We’ll give you a free month to try it out how does it get any better than this to help shift your Consciousness I also have another program where you can write on a daily basis and you can literally write to the other side of the veil and write to extraterrestrials write to whomever or whatever you wish. To contact that’s called automatic writing I wrote the best seller on it you’ll find the link
for that down below it’s automatic writing.com lastly if you just want to shift your energy each and every day
I’ve got a free newsletter to bring your energy up and way up notice.
I didn’t keep this in the dark I broughtit out of fear to a place of love to a level of higher Consciousness that’s every challenge that we’re facing can be played with and dealt with at that higher level taking us from a three-dimensional physical fear-based chimpanzee time creature.
I love you guys chimpanzees not meaning the people watching this but I literally was watching chimp an yesterday and take you to that higher dimensional energetic being that you are were and were alwaysmeant to be.
You can get that newsletter at Daily woohoo. again that is daily wo.com
I love you so much I’ll keep you posted keep your eyes peeled to the sky take action out of love and let’s all bring in that new golden age of humanity together.
Woohoo and thank you a bear and bear bobic bear our entire Dream Team who’s helped get us through this because you guys are amazing so sending much much love your way and keep on shining bright.
Society’s tech has stalled for 100 years
Society’s tech has stalled for 100 years, still using fossil fuels since 1908. Zero-point energy tech exists. Time for awareness and change. #Disclosure #FutureTech
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