The “Horrible Truth” about The Alien Deals.

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The “Horrible Truth” about The Alien Deals – DEBRIEFED ep. 20

What our minions do not like to know/ talk about.


282,261 views 3 Jan 2025 Debriefed
Today I’m reading through the famous document submitted to Paranet in 1987 by John Lear about the deal that the US government made with aliens back in 1954.

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John Lear’s Document:

Holloman AFB: • The UFO Landing at Holloman Air Force…

Jesse Michels Video: • BREAKING: UFOs Are Monitoring Nuclear…

George Knapp Lear Interview: • John Lear 1987

Gumby’s Close Encounter: • Gumby’s Close Encounter


282,261 views 3 Jan 2025 Debriefed
Today I’m reading through the famous document submitted to Paranet in 1987 by John Lear about the deal that the US government made with aliens back in 1954.

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2 days ago
I remember seeing this document/information in the summer of 1989 at the age of 20. My friend and I were introduced by a third party friend of ours to an older man/artist by the name of Eli Fitch. We met this man on his farm just outside of our city where we lived under the pretense he was going to show us his telescope to see the night sky where there was less light pollution and check out his paintings. He really did have some cool art and did have a telescope but hardly the size we were lead to believe. As the evening progressed, and a few beers, so did the conversation and went in a direction neither my friend nor myself expected. What started out about art and astrology, lead to jet propulsion, and then into UFO’s and aliens. He showed us the copy the Lear document and lot of other documents and various books, etc. Later he showed us some alleged NASA space shuttle footage on VHS from when NASA still had 24 hour live feeds via satellite without tape delays that the public could view live if you happen to be watching their satellite channel. This tape showed a camera view from the space shuttle and a round glowing object in earth’s orbit can be seen cruising along the atmosphere, stops, makes a 90 degree turn and accelerates at high speed and out of frame. Where the object stopped and turned, a second or so later another object which looks like a missile/projectile of sorts is clearly seen coming from the surface of earth missing its intended target. It was pretty mind blowing for its time. It wasn’t until some time in the mid 2000’s till I saw that same footage appear on line. He told us about cattle mutations, alien abduction, crashed retrievals and their cover ups, and the various races of aliens coming here, etc. Then this man started to tell us a ton of crazy shit like how the New World Order/Illuminati/Nazis were about to take over. Then president George H. Bush was going to be declaring Martial Law after the New Year in 1990 and the Reptilian race was going to reveal themselves, take over and enslave earths populations while protecting the chosen elite humans/Illuminati who sold us all out. All while they started a war with the Greys for control of earths natural resources. This man Eli told us he had a stockpile of guns, ammo, food rations, short wave radio, a gas powered generator on his property, and all terrain vehicle if he needed to bug out to the south to Mexico. He also said he was part of a network of individuals like himself preparing for it. After the New World Order stuff he told us that was our cue to get the hell out of there. I truly believe he truly believed everything he told us. My friend and I still talk about this to this day almost 40 years later. The video was truly interesting and Eli was unforgettable. Never heard or saw the guy ever again. Did try and see if we could dig up anything on this guy years later but found no trace of him. I doubt he is even alive anymore. Sorry for the rant but this topic triggered this memory.


On December 12th 2024 around 6:05 p.m. Eastern I walk right past my balcony window I live right across the River from the Newark FBI office and I saw a massive 50 foot approximately vont black Boomerang go right past my window.
Thailand floated right across the river right through the buildings downtown Newark three white lights two red uh in a line on the back made no noise ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another episode of debriefed my name is Chris Ramsey and today we’re going to take a good hard look at a document submitted to the paranet website 1987 by none other than the Godfather of conspiracy John lear. Before we do that I would highly encourage you guys to leave a like subscribe maybe hit the notification Bell if you do enjoy these uploads and if you’re listening on audio.

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Folks we’ve paid the bills I think it’s time to get into it okay before I read these out I will give you a brief history on Mr Lear himself so John lear is a former Aviation Captain a commercial pilot but also happens to be the son of learjet inventor Bill Lear.
John leer until he passed away a few years ago was one of the most prominent figures in the UFO landscape he not only had multiple FAA certifications but also flew on several missions for the CIA which inevitably made him a little bit more credible when he came out with the information that someone he knew worked for a secret facility within the United States government at Area 51 called section 4 otherwise known as S4.

Yes folks he introduced the world to Bob Lazar he met with George knap and set up the uh most famous interview in euchology I believe.

Today well there’s several uh actually nine uh flying saucers flying discs uh that are out there of extraterrestrial origin however over time Lear assertions became increasingly outlandish he would go on rants about lunar bases the Moon being a hologram and mind control projects and while some admired him as a whistleblower others felt he credibility waned as he got into more and more extreme conspiracies and say what you want about the guy but this guy was talking about mind control things before MK Ultra went public. He was also talking about underground military bases where they were reverse engineering alien craft before we even heard of Area 51.
Now there is an entire other side to this is that he potentially could be a scop meaning that the government used him uh in an active disinformation Campaign which would not be unheard of and in fact John lear admits to this he says that there is a potential that they fed him false information and that would muddy up the actual correct information that he was able to leak out and that’s
the way a lot of these disinformation campaigns function is that they will put out a vast majority of Truth and insert only one or two fibs but these fibs sounding so extreme and bizarre in nature that it makes you literally throw the baby out with a bath water and say well I guess they’re lying about everything now.

What those lies are I guess is up to the public to decide and that’s something we’re going to try to get to the bottom of today as we’re going to read through a statement that he put out so many years ago in 1987 detailing the government’s involvement with Ebe or extr terrestrial biological entities.
UFOs the reverse engineering and the government’s role in future disclosure this all begins with a nice cover letter this is from John W white if I’m not mistaken John White is also a UFO researcher and he is just forwarding this document that was put up on their version of Reddit essentially and he’s saying he’s saying the following; Dear somebody I don’t know who that is but it says I’m sending this founding document about UFOs to you because I feel you will be interested and or have a need to
know. I obtained it by downloading it from an electronic bulletin board called paranet which is headquartered in Arizona and has Regional nodes. Paranet is dedicated to disseminating information about paranormal phenomena and acting as a forum for discussion memberships in paranet is free and open to the public all it takes is a computer and a modem you can dial in at 6038 376 2 then find the original node nearest you so your phone charges will be minimized, sincerely John White and whoever this was directed to wrote underneath a few questions that my guess is he fax back to this person back then and uh underlining paranet and saying who set this up who sustains it financially and why who benefits from those who really know things identifying themselves and their views via this bulletin board. I smell Federal deceit so even the person that this was sent to back in 1987 thought that this also was a scop folks we stand on the very shaky shoulders of a lot of conspiracy theorists before us let’s get into his document.

It starts by saying uh John leer has requested that the following file be published on paranet it is our philosophy to encourage debate on paranormal issues no matter how controversial and we welcome his input the information contained in this file has not been verified by paranet nor do the opinions expressed herein necessarily reflect those of the administrator or other paranet staff members we can State however that John is who he says he is and has numerous contacts and sensitive positions that could conceivably allow him to access information of this type and that folks has been known for a very long time is that John was working in the CIA and did say on numerous occasions that he was being fed information by people who were on the inside or otherwise known as people in the program.

So here is the statement We Begin this is December 29th 1987 folks almost almost 40 years to the day that is insane John leer a captain for a major US airline has flown over 160 different types of aircraft in over 50 different countries he holds 17 world speed record in Lear Jet and is the only pilot ever to hold every Airline certificate issued by the Federal Aviation Administration.

Lear has flown missions worldwide for the CIA and other government agencies a former Nevada state Senator candidate he is the son of William P Lear designer of the Learjet executive airplane the eight TR stereo and founder of Lear seagler Corporation.
Lear became interested in the subject of UFOs 13 months ago after talking with United States Air Force personnel who had witnessed a UFO landing at bent waters Air Force base near London England and three small aliens walking up to the wing Commander.

So the lacken heath bentwaters incident now when saying is it lacken Heath Lake and Heath I’m not sure but that does sound familiar isn’t that the current Air Force Base that is being incurred by a lot of these uh unexplainable drone activities so the lacken heath bentwaters incident was a series of radar and visual contacts with UFOs over air bases in eastern England on the night of August 13th and 14th in 1956. So it involved a Personnel from the Royal Air Force and the United States Air Force I mean some of these targets were detected approaching bent waters from the East at a speed estimated from 2 to 4,000 M an hour it passed overhead a rapidly moving White light was observed from the ground while the pilot of a c47 at 4,000 ft overbent Waters reported a similar light had passed beneath his craft at this point bent Waters alerted the US tenanted RAF Lake and Heath base 40 mil to the Northwest to look out for targets and then ground Personnel at Laken Heath made visual sightings of several luminous objects including two which arrived made a sharp changing course and appeared to merge before moving off and so what Mr Lear is getting to here that it didn’t stop with radar and visual sightings of a UFO but that it continued with three small aliens walking up to the wing Commander.
All right we carry on here note to the press the government of the United States continues to rely on your personal and professional gullibility to suppress the information contained herein your cooperation over the past 40 years has exceeded our wildest expectations and We Salute You.

The sun does not evolve around the earth the United States government has been in business with little grey extraterrestrials for about 20 years the first truth stated here got jordano Bruno burned at the stake in 1600 ad for daring to propose that this was real the second truth has gotten far more people killed trying to State it publicly than will ever be known that is a dark fact right there
wow but the truth must be told the fact that the Earth revolves around the Sun was successfully suppressed by the church for over 200 years it eventually caused a major upheaval in the church government and thought a realignment of Social and Traditional Values that was in the 1800s now about 400 years after the first truth was pronounced we must again face the shocking facts the horrible truth the government has been hiding from us for over 40 years. Unfortunately the horrible truth is far more horrible than the government had ever imagined in its effort to protect democracy our government sold us to the aliens and here’s how it happened but before I begin I’d like to offer a word in the defense of those bar who bargained us away they had the best of intentions we know that’s saying the road to hell was paved in Good Intentions.

Germany may have recovered a flying saucer as early as 1939 General James H dittle went to Sweden in 1946 to inspect a flying saucer that had crashed there in spitsbergen in 1947 President Truman established a group of 12 of the top military scientific Personnel of their time they were known as mj12 or Majestic 12 the people that control this information is a organization that we know of as mj12 although the group exists today none of the original members are still alive the last one to die was Gordon Gray former Secretary of the Army in 1984 as each member passed away the group itself appointed a new member to fill the position there is some speculation that the group known as mj12 expanded to at least several more members there were several more saucer crashes in the late 1940s one in Roswell New Mexico one in Aztec New Mexico and one near Laredo Texas about 30 Mi inside the Mexican border.
Consider if you will the position of the United States government at the time there are several crashes reported here one of which is mentioned is Aztec New Mexico and this is one I’m currently looking into as I’m reading a book on it and there seems to be a substantial and overwhelming amount of evidence of documentation of this. Retrieval to have happened and that this craft was eventually potentially brought into Los Alamos you know by looking at the forchan Whistleblower.

If you haven’t checked that video out yet I highly recommend but we did a deep dive on this person who said he basically worked for a secret branch of the government that did these crash retrievals um but he would say that yeah near Mexico and New Mexico that’s where they would go down they avoid that spot like the plague currently but back then they would find quite a bit of them uh go down in that vicinity it really makes you ponder that during that time obviously there was the Manhattan Project that came from there. And you know Oppenheimer and all that where the Germans were racing against the Russians and the Americans to try and build a nuke and during that time you know there was a ton of nuclear um work being done and thus UFO incursions were happening at all these bases and namely if you want to check it out there’s an amazingly brilliant video by YouTuber Jesse Michaels American Alchemy who put that out. Go check that out what a fun Rabbit Hole to jump down he did a brilliant job on that so think about this the government we know that during the Cold War when they even heard about psychics or Russia’s sort of psychic activity into M reading and mind control and all that they started their own branches of the very same work because they said hey if this stuff is real we can’t take a chance and not look into it. We have to at least pour some resources into it and look at it you know ourselves the same has to be said about the UFO thing I mean Foo Fighters in the war were avoiding these things because they were almost colliding with them during their Miss there had to be an extreme amount of research into this topic by both the axis and the Allies back then you’d be a
fool to think they weren’t at least trying to uncover what was going on and militarizing it somehow.

I digress consider if you will the position of the United States government at that time they proudly thought of themselves as the most powerful Nation on Earth having recently produced the atomic bomb and achievement so stupendous it would take Russia 4 years to catch up and only with the help of traders to democracy they had built a jet aircraft that had exceeded the speed of sound and flight they had built jet bombers with InterContinental range that could carry weapons of enormous destruction the post-war era and the future seemed Bright.
Now imagine what it was like for those same leaders all of whom had witnessed the Panic of Orson Wells radio broadcast the War of the Worlds in 1938 we are bringing you an eyewitness account of what’s happening on the wilmouth farm Grovers Mill New Jersey lord they’re turning into flames the whole heel caught by the woods of bar the gas tank for the automobiles ladies and gentlemen due to
circumstances beyond our control we are unable to continue the broadcast from Grover’s Mill thousands of Americans panicked at a realistically presented invasion of Earth by beings from another planet imagine their horror as they actually viewed the dead bodies of these frightening looking little creatures with enormous eyes reptilian skin and claw-like fingers. Imagine their shock as they attempted to determine how these strange saucers were powered and could discover no part even remotely similar to components they were familiar with no cylinders or Pistons no vacuum tubes or turbines or hydraulic actuators it is only when you fully understand the overwhelming helplessness the government was faced with in the late 1940s that you can comprehend?

Their perceived need for a total thorough and sweeping cover up to include the use of deadly force when something this Paradigm shifting on the military
Battlefield is encountered you have to acknowledge that putting this in the wrong hands can lead to devastating and obviously world changing consequences so their use of deadly force to Pro protect this secret according to them was justified the cover up was so successful that as late as 1985 a senior scientist with the jet
propulsion laboratory in Pasadena California Dr Al Hibbs would look at a
videotape of an enormous Flying Saucer and state the record I’m not going to assign anything to that UFO phenomena without a lot more data Dr hibs was looking at the naked Emperor and saying he certainly looks naked but that
doesn’t prove he’s naked sounds a lot like arrow in July of 1952 a panicked
government watched helplessly as a squadron of flying saucers flew over Washington DC and buzzed the White House the capol building and the Pentagon it took all the imagination and intimidation the government could muster to force that incident out of the memory of the public I’m am here to discuss the so-called flying saucers we can say that the recent sightings are in no way connected with any secret development by any Department of the United States a pretty incredible incident had that happened today it kind of is happening today if you think about it thousands of sightings occurred during the Korean War and several more saucers were retrieved by the Air Force some were stored at right Patterson Air Force Base some were stored at Air Force bases near the location of the crash site what I’m going to read to you next is interesting
because this was actually echoed by Ross colard recently recently as recent as
last year Ross had said that there was a giant UFO somewhere that was too big to
move so they built the base around it and that really made headlines.

In the UFO Community people are going to question what I’m about to say what if some of that is so big it can’t be moved so big they built a building over it in a country outside of the United States of America but in fact John lear I mean he’s got it right here one saucer was so enormous and the logistic problems in transportation so enormous that it was buried at the crash site and remains there today the stories are legendary on transporting crashed saucers over long distances moving only at night purchasing complete Farms slashing through forests blocking major highways sometimes driving two and three low Boys in tandem with an extra terrestrial load 100 ft in diameter on April 30th 1964 the first communication between these aliens and the US government took place at Hollowman Air Force Base in New Mexico. Three saucers had landed at a pre-arranged air area and a meeting was held between the aliens and Intelligence Officers of the US government all right folks Holman the hullman Air Force incident is pretty Infamous in UFO lore and one of the reasons why is because there was a documentary actually put out by the CIA back in the day and at the very end of this documentary is about an 8sec clip this 8-second clip is what seems to be has a flying saucer uh coming down on sort of desert terrain and about to land and the video feed Cuts turns out the I believe director of that very
documentary says that that video exists uncut and that as the video goes on this
craft comes to the ground lands and exiting from it are multiple alien
beings and that’s where a meeting happened but hidden in plain sight they decided to keep in footage in this documentary and here’s a clip and in 1973 they go to Bob egger and Alan Sandler two producers in Los Angeles and
they asked them to do UFO documentary and Bob Egger’s a total UFO skeptic said what do you mean this is for real and at that point the security manager Paul shardell at Norton Air Force Base said what would you what would you say if I
told you an alien ship landed at hman Air Force Base 6:00 in the morning in May of 1971 and we filmed it from three different Vantage points two on the ground one in a helicopter and we will allow you to use the film for your documentary so he puts his documentary and then what happens at the end of the documentary is they say we can’t use the film we can’t let it’s a Watergate it’s bad timing we can’t allow you to use the film and they pull the film and then I find out that there’s 8 Seconds of the hallan air for space film in the film so Bob’s my
friend i ph up Bob there’s 8 Seconds of film in there and he goes well yeah and I said you told me to hold the film oh no he said it’s background and I said background what do you mean it’s background and he said it didn’t show anything and what it is is you see the hills of Holman and you see this object this brilliantly lit object at 6 o’clock in the morning coming over the hills but it’s in a distance so you don’t see it close up and you don’t see the alien when the alien gets out that’s the classified part so they want you to know the Hallman happened and they allowed them to use this the 8 Seconds of the film but the rest of the film to classifi part was pulled make of that what you will but that is one compelling story so During the period of 1969 to 1971 mj12 representing the US government made a deal with these creatures called ebees or extraterrestrial biological entities named by De live Bron he was an original mj12 member and sixth President of John Hopkins University John’s Hopkins University the deal was that an exchange for technology they would provide to us we agreed to
ignore the abductions that were going on and suppress information on the cattle
mutilations and to further illustrate this point here’s a 1988 episode of Gumby.


hey what’s going on here we need samples of genes and chromosomes from your kind to develop a stronger breed of people because on our planet radiation damaged our DNA so that we are dying off to Extinction we’ll help you but you know we need help too what do you need the people on Earth are suffering from many kinds of pollution we need your advanced technology to help us develop a clean source of energy the ebees assured mj12 that the abductions usually lasting
about 2 hours were merely the ongoing monitoring of developing civilizations
and here John lists out the purposes for the abductions and what they turned out
to be number one the insertion of a 3mm spherical device through the nasal
cavity of the abductee into the brain the device is used for the biological
monitoring tracking and control of the abductee this is something touched on in
several books by thousands of abductees actually which is interesting you know looking at the work of John Mack David Jacobs Bud Hopkins this would come up quite frequently that this Rod which had a very tiny ball on the end of it was inserted into the nasal cavity way far up and then when extracted that ball was gone what’s also interesting to me is that it says to control the abductee which makes me think that these gray beings maybe perhaps not the other beings but the gray ones specifically couldn’t mind control you maybe without it number two implementation of post hypnotic suggestion to carry out a specific activity during a specific time period the actuation of which will occur within the next 2 to 5 years well there’s that I mean this was 1987 that would make it 1992 at the latest maybe they did I don’t know carry out some specific activity that is unbeknownst to us that has perhaps little little or no consequence to our daily lives I don’t know but that seems speculatory at best number three termination of some people so that they could function as living sources for biological material and substances okay number four termination of individuals who represent a threat to the continuation of their activity in the last couple of years have you had incidences that have caused you to be in fear for your life for addressing these issues yes personally I just want everyone to note that he’s coming forward in fear of his life to put in perspective if they were really not scared about this information coming out why would someone be intimidated like that number five effect genetic engineering experiments number

six impregnation of human females and early termination of pregnancies to secure the cross breed infant seems like the craziest but honestly this is the most widely reported among abductees is the genetic engineering that is taking place on board and most of the time has to do with what seems to be some type of hybridization program again this isn’t stuff that I’m making up it’s stuff that I’ve read and that’s quite

expansive in terms of the literature that’s out there and the documentation
of the like this has been documented extensively uh mainly through post
hypnotic regression because for some reason apparently the people who’ve been abducted they just you know their memories are wiped but for some reason I guess these ebes don’t have access to the subconscious the impregnation thing I mean that again that comes up quite a bit does this mean all extraterrestrials are doing this no does this mean any of them are doing this no but it does suggest it with extraordinary claims I mean you require extraordinary evidence and the E the only evidence that exists that’s out there today currently is for the most
part at best anecdotal and let’s be clear that doesn’t imply that I’m invalidating this anecdotal evidence but it is someone’s word against another what is interesting is that there are thousands of these someone who are saying essentially the same things and I think when that happens and you have it
you gain enough human intelligence testimony I I think you have to start looking at it more seriously and I think that’s what some of the work of a lot of these researchers did including you know potentially here John le believe it
don’t believe it we’re going to keep reading I think this is really interesting I’m not saying that this is what’s going on by the way folks all right so don’t work yourselves up for this I would love to hear your opinion on this whether you think it’s true or not but I would encourage you to at least do some research on it because you’ll find that in the research that I’ve done with multiple people who have you know great educational backgrounds and varying degrees of credibility have talked about this very thing for a very long time um it’s kind of like the dark
side like euphology and the UFO stuff you know there’s the UAP the Drone all this but then there’s like a deeper more nefarious section to euphology um that he’s touching on and that’s it can be disturbing for some to look down that road and others choose just to ignore it completely and that’s totally fine so the US government was not initially aware of their far-reaching consequences of their deal they were led to believe that the abductions were essentially benign and since they figured the abductions would probably go on anyway whether they agreed to or not they merely insisted that a current list of abductees be submitted on a periodic basis to mj12 and the National Security
Council does this sound incredible an actual list of abductees sent to the National Security Council read on because I have news for you all right here we go into um what I assume is some speculation I mean this whole document might just be speculatory but regardless the ebees have a genetic disorder in
that their digestive system is atrophied and non-functional some speculate that
they were involved in some type of accident or nuclear war or possibly on the backside of an evolutionary genetic curve meaning they’re like devolving in order to stain themselves they used an enzyme or hormonal secretion obtained
from the tissue that they extract from humans and animals note that cows and humans are genetically similar in the event of a national disaster cow’s blood can be used by humans we’ve talked about this before with the ebo document the
secretions obtained are then mixed with hydrogen peroxide applied on the skin by spreading or dipping parts of their bodies in the solution the body absorbs
the solution and then secretes the waste back out through the skin this sounds
familiar obviously this document came out way before the ebo document came out suggesting that

the pores on their skin were made to sort of secrete whatever it was uh but
what he says here is the secretions are mixed with hydrogen peroxide to
disinfect like why would that be necessary the ebo document said that they assume that they drank liquids what John Lear is alluding to here is that instead they dipped parts of their body or spread this solution now how can you tell the difference between what you’re consuming and what you’re excreting like your body for instance it doesn’t make sense that’s like feeding ourselves through
our own anuses like it just doesn’t seem uh obviously doesn’t seem delectable but it also doesn’t seem very logical uh um yeah who knows so the cattle mutilations that were prevalent throughout the period from 1973 to 1983 and publicly noted through newspaper and magazine stories and included a
documentary produced by Linda Linda how for Denver CBS affiliate kmgh TV were for the collection of these tissues by the aliens the mutilations included genitals taken rectums cord out to the colon eyes tongue and throat all surgically removed with extreme precision in some cases the incisions were made by cutting between the cells a process that we are not yet capable of performing in the field that’s really interesting wow how is that even how can you even verify that in many of the mutilations there was no blood found at all in the carcass yet there was no vascular collapse of the internal organs this has been also noted in the human mutilations one of the first of which was Sergeant Jonathan p luette at the White Sands Missile test range in 1956 who was found 3 days after an Air Force Major had witnessed his abduction by a dis shaped object at 0300 hours while on a search for missile debris down range and the following is a little explicit folks for warned his genitals had been removed rectum CED out in a surgically precise plug up to the colon eyes removed and all blood removed with again no vascular collapse from some of the evidence it is apparent that this surgery is accomplished in most cases while the victim animal or human is still alive the various parts of the body are taken to various underground Laboratories one of which is known to be near the small New Mexico town of Dolce this jointly occupied CIA Das alien facility has been described as enormous with huge tiled walls that go on forever in quotes Witnesses have reported huge Vats filled with Amber liquid with parts of human bodies being stirred inside now this folks sounds

like a hellish nightmare let’s let’s let’s just stop here for a second because I do want to acknowledge something that John leer has never seen any of this stuff this is absolute speculatory uh information at best but he’s given zero sources know that I don’t assume that this is the truth I do find it interesting that there are connections to cattle mutilation that there are military sites here that are named uh military personnel as well as I mean many factors that would indicate that something is going on but none of which proves anything before some of you you know log off being scared of this and like this is frightening you know that this might not be the situation and when disinformation happens which I’ve mentioned before a lot of times the truth is told and a few little lies are sprinkled throughout of which are probably the most unbelievable things and so you know with this stuff I look for the things that stand out and I say to myself it’s either an exaggeration a misinterpretation or disinformation I think like a vat mixing it with human body parts to me that sounds completely ludicrous I’ll be honest is it real you know maybe who knows but to me that sounds like you would add something into a story to try and incite fear instill fear in someone and so maybe that’s him regurgitating information that he was given to make him
fearful of you know whatever’s going on I don’t know your guess is as good as mine we’re guessing here after the initial agreement Groom Lake one of this nation’s most secret test centers was closed for a period of about a year sometime between 1972 and 1974 and a huge underground facility was constructed for and with the help of the ebees the bargained for technology was set in place but could only be operated by the ebees themselves needless to say the advanced technology could not be used against the ebees themselves if
even if needed now that is very interesting this part I find extremely
interesting because if you were an advanced civilization the last thing you would want to do is give your most advanced technology to the most
primitive life forms that you’ve ever encountered instead you’re going to bargain some deal where they can play with your toys as long as you can supervise it and in exchange yeah you’ll get access to whatever you were going to get access to anyways but it seems like you’re playing fair you know this even kind of corresponds to some of the claims that Bob Lazar made whereas when he went to S4 especially on one occasion when he was giving a tour he had to look
down sort of this uh hanger hallway and saw one of these what he refers to as
children having a conversation with air force staff for the staff that was present and you know this thing was very very short and it seemed like a child and so it would be interesting to find out that they are indeed working with
them but I suppose if you were working with them it wouldn’t be under our um
set of rules it would be under theirs During the period between 1979 and 1983
it became increasingly obvious to mj12 that things were not going as planned it
became known that many more people in the thousands were being abducted than were listed on the official abduction lists in addition it became obvious that some not all but some of the nation’s missing children had been used for secretions and other parts required by the aliens in 1979 there was an altercation of sorts at the Dolce laboratory a special Armed Forces Unit was called in to try and free a number of our people trapped in the facility who had become aware of what was really going on according to One Source 66 of the soldiers were killed and our people were not freed okay what source you know according to a source anyone can say that by 1984 mj12 must have been in Stark Terror at the mistake they had made in dealing with the ebees they had subtly promoted Close
Encounters of the Third Kind and ET to get p to get the public used to oddl looking aliens that were compassionate benevolent and very much our space brothers
so again he’s stating here thatum you know Close Encounters and ET both Spielberg movies by the way were scops to prepare the public the general public to sort of become aware of these benevolent weird strange looking creatures it is interesting and it is interesting as well that in Close Encounters of the Third Kind Jay Allen has a cameo and I think was probably
used as a consultant um during that movie and Imean Spielberg’s fascination with UFOs goes on to today he’s currently I think working on another UFO movie or alien or UFO related movie that is slated for I think 2026 mj12 sold the ebees to the public and were now faced with the fact that quite the opposite was true in addition a plan was formulated in 1968 to make the public aware of the existence of aliens on Earth over the next 20 years to be culminated with several documentaries to be released during 1985 to 1987 period of time these
documentaries would explain the history and intentions of the ebees the discovery of the grand deception put the entire plans hopes and dreams of mj12 into utter confusion and panic well these documentaries are still coming out you know there was the recent one which was I believe was it called encounters or it was on Netflix and it was Spielberg once again so very interesting so meeting at the Country club a remote Lodge with a private golf course comfortable sleeping and working quarters and its own private Airship built by and exclusively for members of mj12
it was a factional fight of what to
do now part of mj12 wanted to confess the whole scheme and shambles it had
become to the public beg their forgiveness and ask ask for their support the other part and majority of mj12 argued that there was no way they could do that that the situation was untenable and there was no use in exciting the public with the horrible truth and that the best plan was to continue the development of a weapon so that it could be used against the ebees under the guise of Strategic Defense Initiative which had nothing whatsoever to do with the defense for inbound Russian nuclear missil as these words are being written Dr
Edward Teller father of the hbomb is personally in the test tunnels of the Nevada Test Site driving his workers and Associates in the words of One Like a Man possessed and well he should for Dr Teller is a member of mj12 along with Dr Kissinger Admiral Bobby Inman and possibly Admiral po Dexter to name a few of the current mj12 members. Now before the grand deception was disced covered and according to a meticulous plan of metered release of information to the
public several documentaries and UFO tapes were made William Moore a Burbank California based UFO researcher who wrote the Roswell incident a book published in 1980 that detailed the crash recovery and subsequent coverup of a UFO with four alien bodies has made a videotape of two newsmen interviewing a military officer associated with mj12 and the cover up the recovery of a
number of flying saucers and the existence of a live alien one of three aliens captured and designated or named ebe1 Ebe 2 and E3 being held in a facility designated as yy2 at Los Alamos New Mexico. The only other facility of this type which is electromagnetically secure is at Edwards Air Force Base in Mojave California the officer names is previously mentioned plus a few others Harold Brown Richard Helms General Vernon Walters jpl’s Dr Lou Allen and Dr Theodore Von Carman to name a few of the current and past members of mj12 the officer also relates the fact that ebees claim to have created Christ now this did come up as well in the blue documents that was sort of that were read allegedly by Bob Lazar during his briefing at S4 him and Jean Huff had made a project about this and this was really really fascinating to a lot of people extremely classified document dealing with religion and it’s about that that that were containers that’s how that’s how supposedly the aliens look at us that religion was specifically created so we have some rules and regulations for the sole purpose of not damaging the containers,
meaning well the souls or the bodies whatever right that’s meaning like we’re we’re containers for Souls that they’re going to use at some other point right and that they had something to do with the different ETS and and biblical
figures yes supposedly uh Jesus and two other uh two other beings were genetically engineered they were implanted in people on Earth in biblical times and their uh births were closely monitored now just some little connections to that that my wife had brought up were um in the Bible they said that uh the star had followed Mary wherever she went and uh you know that all UFO sightings always start out as people well do you that looks like a bright star and uh well in fact they said in the Bible the brightest star in the sky followed her where she went and and just made little connections like that the ebes have a type of recording device that has recorded all of Earth’s history and can display it in a form of a hologram this hologram can be filmed but because of the way Holograms work does not come out very clear on movie or film

The crucifixion of Christ on the Mount of Olives has allegedly been put on film to show the public the ebees claim to have created Christ which in view of the grand deception could be an effort to disrupt Traditional Values for undetermined reasons it’s a that’s a big one to swallow there I’m not going to go down this hole because I know um I do respect people’s right to you know belief I do understand that some might take offense even at the speculatory nature of this being true
and I do understand that this can be blasphemous to those who do believe um
but for the sake of research you know we are going to entertain these ideas throughout this podcast another videotape allegedly in existence is an interview with an Ebe since ebees communicate telepathically an Air Force Colonel serves as an interpreter just before the recent stock market correction in October 1987 several newsmen including Bill Moore had been invited to Washington DC to personally film The Ebe in a similar type interview and distribute the film to the public apparently because of the correction in the market it was felt the timing was not propitious in any case it certainly seems like an odd method to inform the public of extraterrestrials but it would be in keeping with the actions of a
panicked organization who at this point in time doesn’t know which way to turn I mean you want to talk about a panic organization you know just look at the people in charge right now of telling us what the hell is going on with these
drone incursions Moore is also in possession of more Aquarius documents a few pages of which leaked out several years ago and detailed the super secret NSA project had been denied by them until just recently in a letter to
Senator John Glenn nsa’s director of policy Julia B Wetzel wrote apparently
there is or was an Air Force project with that name Aquarius which dealt with
UFOs coincidentally there is also an NSA project by that name nsa’s project
Aquarius deals specifically with the communications with aliens the ebees within the Aquarius program was Project Snowbird a project to test fly a recovered alien aircraft at Groom Lake Nevada this project continues today at the location in the words of an individual who works at Groom Lake our people are much better at taking things apart than they are at putting them back together so wait this is 1987 this is before the world was introduced to bobazar that person he’s referring to might very well be Bob more claims he has a contact with mj12 feels that they have been stringing him along slipping him documents and providing him leads
promising to go public with some of the information on extraterrestrials by the end 1987 certain of more statements LED one to believe that Moore himself is a government agent working for mj12 not to be strung along but string along ever
hopeful ethologists that the truth is just around the corner he has done nothing but collect the most outrageous Rumor Mill stories that are floating around on the grave violence but says Lear Moore may be working with the
government and only exposing parts of the truth Parts aim to mislead the truth
Seekers well consider this number one Moore States emphatically that he is not
a government agent although when Lee Graham a Southern California based ethologist was investigated by dis the defense investigative service for possession of classified documents received from Moore Moore himself was
not oh Moore States emphatically that the cattle mutilations of 73 to 83 were
a hoax by Linda Molton how producer of strange Harvest to create a publicity
for herself he cites the book mute evidence as the bottom line of the hoax mute evidence was a government sponsored book to explain the mutilations in conventional terms okay Moore does seem like he’s seeming like a disinfo guy seeming spooky little spooky Vibes coming off more number three more States that the USAF Academy physics book introductory space science volume 2
chapter 13 entitled unidentified flying objects which describes four of the most commonly seen aliens one of which is the
Ebe was written by Lieutenant Colonel Edward R thuron and major Donald B
Carpenter Air Force personnel who did not know what they were talking about and were merely citing crackpot references he Moore states that the book was withdrawn to excise the chapter excise the chapter if the government felt they were being forced to acknowledge the existence of aliens on Earth because of the overwhelming evidence such as the October and November sightings in Whiteville Virginia and recently released books such as night Siege by hinck and taking into consideration the grand deception and obviously hostile intentions of the ebees it might be expedient for mj12 to admit the ebees but concealed the information on the mutilations and abductions if mj12 and more were in some
kind of agreement then it would be beneficial to Moore to tow the party line for example mj12 would say here are some more genuine documents but remember no talking about the mutilations or abductions this would be beneficial to
Moore as it would Supply the evidence to support his theory that ETS exist but deny the truths about ETS however if Moore was indeed working for mj12 he would follow the party line anyway admitting the ETS but poo pooing the
mutilations and abductions if working alone more might not even be aware of the grand deception that’s something that I’ve pondered myself recently looking into the abduction phenomenon it is terrifying it is scary some people you know would say that it isn’t even happening and to them I would say the people who I’ve spoken to seem to be legitimately psychologically affected by whatever it is they believe had happened to them they are thousands of people like this that have come forward over the years denying that what they said happened actually happened is I think just plain mean I think you have to look into it more than that I don’t want to be this type of person that says I believe that this person believes that they were abducted even though that is the case I do believe that they believe they were abducted looking at all the evidence and the testimony leads me to believe that they were but that is as mentioned
here I think not a conversation a lot of people are ready to have especially in a
time where we’re still debating whether or not UFOs are real it’s very hard to bring up the topic that oh they are real
and they have pilots and the pilots have a deal with the government and the government knows about these abductions
and the abductions are still taking place that is a big pill to swallow and so although Lear here says that it you
know they don’t want anybody knowing about the abductions which is true I also think what benefit does it provide
anyone if you were to go public with these abductions you know it would just cause mass panic in there I’m I’m
looking at this from a devil’s advocate point of view by the way if you were the US government you would probably find a
way to disseminate this information in the most subtle manner in a way that
doesn’t completely upend the entire economy and you know religious beliefs of its citizens it’s such a touchy
subject that the last thing you want to do is say oh and they also take you apart and like study you and like inject
you and so I understand their reluctance to do that I do
understand that but I also understand people’s willingness to come forward and
say that these things are happening time will tell it is possible that Moore will go ahead and release the video interview
with the military officer around the first of the year as he promised people in the UFO Community promising
information and not delivering no that can’t be true who would do such
a thing who would say that something’s going to happen and then it doesn’t no I don’t believe any prominent
figure in the UFO Community would ever do or say such a thing and not deliver
from mj1 12’s point of view the public would be exposed to the information without really having to to believe it
because more is essentially not as credible as a source say the president of the United States after a few months
of digestion and discussion a more credible Source could emerge with a statement that yes in fact the interview
was essentially factual the scenario would cushion somewhat the blow to the public if however Moore does not release
the tape by say February 1 1988 but comes instead with a story similar to
the following okay

First of all strategically speaking that would make sense that if you put out something have
you know let’s say today let’s take this example and apply it to today’s landscape of social media if you were to put out a video of a craft that is so freaking clear or an alien talking or whatever it is so clear most of the internet would deny that it’s true they would blame AI CGI actors whatever.

Maybe half but probably less than half of the people would believe that this is true in the in the UFO Community by the way in general most people would just dismiss it if the president came out later and said oh that video is real. It would lessen the blow because everybody’s seen it and digested it already and toyed with the idea oh what if this was real you know and just like kind of sat with that it would lessen the effect.
That this would have you know in terms of an autological shock that’s a valid Strat right there release the information by an uncredible source and then confirm it by a credible Source later wow you know if I look at what one of those things might be today maybe Bob maybe what Bob Lazar
saying maybe the immaculate constellation sort of documents that came out recently those photos that
everybody says were fake.
What if those you know oh no those were true I don’t know that’s a cool that’s a cool way to
put out information and cushion the blow so now he’s saying uh if he didn’t do that uh he would have a story similar to the following: Mj12 has informed me that they are definitely planning a release of all information by October of ‘ 88.
I’ve seen the plan and have seen the guarantee that this will happen so I decided to withhold the release of my videotape at this time as it may cause some problems with mj1 12’s plans this
would in effect by more time for mj12 and time is what they desperately need okay.

Now you ask why haven’t I heard of any of this well who do you think you would hear it from Dan rather Tom broka Sam Donaldson wrong these people just read the news they don’t find it.

They have ladies who call and interview Witnesses and verify statements on stories coming over the wire it’s not like Dan Rather would go down to Whiteville Virginia and dig into why there were 4,000 reported sightings in October and November of 1987.
No one but no one is going to risk their neck on such outlandish ideas regardless of how many people report sightings of 900t objects running them off the road.

They had a report the sheriff’s department did of a car being run off the road by a round circular aircraft just north of withfield and Grahams Forge the sheriff himself confirmed it was credible people and they were unfamiliar with the previous sighting so therefore there was no reason for a copycat sighting.

Other sightings would follow one by a state police dispatcher two weeks after the
first UFO report a skeptical Gordon and his old friend Roger Hall decided to check things out for themselves it was about 6900 ft long at least we’re talking humongous craft and we based that on he and I watched it go over a couple houses rain style houses and if it had fell it would have obliterated them that’s how big it was.

It was absolutely no sound to it was flying probably under 1,000 ft and less than 1,000 ft away the craft as it went away from us we noticed the Dome shape in the back had three picture winded like
lights in the back.

In the case of the Whitefell writings dozens of Vans with with NASA lettered on the side failed to interest newsmen and those that ask questions were informed that NASA was doing a weather survey.

Well I’ll tell you one person who would do these interviews and doesn’t mind a potential blemish on his career and that person is George knap because George knap is in fact the person who John leer went to and broke the story of Bob Lazar and if it wasn’t for that collaborative event that took place in 1989 I think the UFO landscape as we know it wouldn’t be as far along as we’ve come.

Well then you ask what about our scientists what about Carl Sean Isaac azimoff Arthur C Clark wouldn’t they have known if Carl Sean knows then he’s committing a great fraud through the solicitation of memberships in the planetary Society to search for extraterrestrial intelligence.

Another charade into which the US government dumps millions of dollars every year is the radio telescope of aasbo Puerto Rico operated by Cornell University with guess who Carl Sean Cornell is ostensibly searching for signals from outer space a sign maybe that someone is out there it’s hard to believe that relatively intelligent astronomers like Sean could be so ignorant.

Okay shots fired what about Isaac azimov surely the most prolific science fiction writer of all time would have guessed by now that there must be an enormous coverup maybe but if he knows he’s not saying perhaps he’s afraid that foundation and Empire will turn out to be inaccurate what about Arthur C Clark surely the most technically accurate of Science Fiction writers with very close ties to NASA would have at least a hint of what’s really going on?

Again if so he’s not talking in a recent science fiction survey Clark estimates that contact with extraterrestrial life will not occur before the 21st century if the government won’t tell us the truth and the major networks won’t even give us serious consideration then what is the big picture?

Anyway are the Ebe having done a 100,000 or more abductions possibly Millions worldwide built an
Untold number of secret underground bases Groom Lake Nevada Sunspot Dayal Roswell and Pinetown New Mexico just to name a few getting ready to return to wherever they came from?

Or from the obvious preparations are we to assume that they are getting ready for a big move or is the more Sinister and more probable solution that the invasion is essentially complete and it’s all

But the screaming a well-planned invasion of Earth for its resources and benefits would not begin with mass Landings of ray gun equipped aliens a properly planned and executed Invasion by a civilization thousands and probably hundreds of thousands of years in advance of us would most likely be complete before even a handful of people say 12 realized it was happening.

No fuss no mus the best advice I can give you is this next time you see a flying saucer and are AED by its obvious display of technology and gorgeous lights and pure colors run like hell.

Wow what a read through dude for those of you interested in the Majestic 12 documentations and the alleged proof thereof by the way which the FBI completely said was bogus um numerous times they double down they’re like this is not real this is not real but you know mj12 has come up quite a lot like it was all the craze in the ‘ 80s and 90s.

I will probably eventually do a deep dive on Majestic 12 looking into its members looking into you know when it was formed how it was denied the Foy requests Etc if that’s something you want to see just let me know in the comments.

Might get started on that I think the 4chan whistleblower was asked about mj12 and he said oh that’s old news but he didn’t did its existence he just said that that was not something that they were currently uh like that was old news.

It was just not something that they dealt with which you know in this landscape could just be another scab who knows I think it takes you know in my closing statements here I’m going to digest a lot of this information it’s hard for me to really comment on the exact thoughts that I formed but I will say it takes a brave person to publicly confront you know such an establishment.

That bravery can be confused for insanity if this establishment is non-existent but it only takes a person with an open mind to listen and that’s exactly what we’ve been doing here you know from the beginning.

I’ve stated this channel isn’t about doubling down on an opinion that I
have and just received a text from Chris bledo by the way very fitting um yeah
this channel isn’t about doubling down on an opinion that I might have formed or that I may be forming this channel is
about telling story and letting those stories fill in
some of these potential gaps that we’ve inherited you know through listening to other stories and those connections will
be made by you they’ll be made by me and this discussion continues in the comments on
Discord and together hopefully we’ll form a more clear
picture but I will never assume that the picture will be complete there are
things that I’m just unaware of that I will potentially never be aware of but I
am in favor of the sharing of information and that is why we read
through documents like these they are not to propagate some fantasy propaganda
and they are certainly not to instill fear within my audience I enjoy this
because this brings me some weird type of sustenance in creative thinking all
right I’ll leave it at that I’ve got nothing left to offer you today 2024 especially the last 6 months of
2024 is really where I applied myself to this Channel and in those six months
we’ve gained about half the subscribers that we have already it has been an absolute honor to
be able to host these videos for you for you to listen to them and comment on
them and for you to even join uh you know the communities that I’ve set up and to be a part of
them is such a great feeling I will not express my gratitude enough and so
pardon me for being redundant but thank you again for everything you do and I wish you all the best in 2025 let’s just
keep this conversation going well and Alive regardless of what you believe and
uh and encourage that Curiosity among one another as we move forward into the
New Year guys thank you so much peace and love we’ll see you on the next one






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