“We Have An EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT…” Ashtar Commander, news from galactic federation Please click on the link for the original. Transcript below is not great.

THE LIGHT WORKERS. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9DLWtz5gUM
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This is an original narration recorded specifically for this video in the studio by LightWorkers
lightworkers #galacticfederation #light
Greetings light workers ashtar Commander news from Galactic Federation.

Recall that our souls are similar to The absolutes. They are born perfect but at the beginning of evolution have no experience and for billions of years must learned it by trying failing doing
and applying own and studying others track record.
For this the source exhaled us as Sparks from itself in order to know own creations and self through them.
Our soul Sparks plasmid cocoon acting through the monad Soul’s store experiences and the higher self mad’s manifestation body and part of it intelligence directs us to one or another dimension and space for new sophistication.

The higher self following the Strategic plans of the Soul sets specific tactical action plan for the Avatar. Us in every Incarnation they are loaded into the core of our causal body with the possibility of Correction. This is how the program of each embodiment is being prepared and fulfilled in addition there are also All causal DNA programs that support our physical Corpus shape.
Its features run health or diseases and injuries Etc to implement an individual life scenario external factors are needed the appropriate environment events people who must do certain things towards us.
Etc this is done by the Guardians Karma Lords and Specialists of the local universe’s evolutionary committee ideally we are surrounded by men with similar incarnational goals and objectives.
These are usually relatives and close friends but we also need the help of extras completely random Outsiders to create a particular situation personal and external.

This is done by the programmers of the Matrix so we as avatars Implement not only personal scenario but the co-creators global events script and agenda as well and all this together is complied with the absolute and the source’s plans.
We are used to calling all earthlings a human beings simply based on common characteristics similarity of appearance physical parameters DNA Etc but it’s no secret that the planet hosts many ETS from other planets galaxies and universes apart from that half of the terrestrial population consists of phantoms biorobots hybrids clones and other service entities in men’s bodies to serve various programs without Free Will and choice Freedom.
What is their main difference from humans Christ the ploma Supreme hierarch created man in his own image and likeness thanks to him we possess the spirit the Abode of the absolutes aspects.
The soul the carrier of the source’s spark the monad the Soul’s manifestation body and the higher self a similar structure of the monad. They are different levels of our multi-dimensionality from the spirit in 14d to the physical Corpus Avatar in 3D and each has own Consciousness to Incarnate us on Earth.

Our monad gradually unfolds its manifestation bodies first on the causal plane as a causal body then on the subtle plane in the form of mental and astral bodies and only after that enters the human Corpus.
Before during or after a couchman an experienced Soul prefers to enter us after the birth either in teenager or an adult by a powerful and piercing impulse like a projectile to accommodate the potential and energy of the spark.
Our body must already be stronger and more energy intensive When approaching the planet.
A global schematic map unfolds in front of such a soul with free bodies slots and their detailed characteristics. It can study all the indicators and parameters of the Corpus to see if it is suitable for getting a new experience scanning everyone simultaneously.

The soul in accordance with the already accumulated potential chooses the best candidate for the tasks set.
Young Souls favor an embryo at an early stage in order to adapt to the Corpus and gain a foothold in it go through the stage of experiencing pregnancy by a mother and her final decision to leave the child or not to saturate with parents energy of love and waiting for so desired kid.
But there are also many cases when the soul needs of their indifference antipathy and even abortion which also goes in own track record for future reference.

Life in the womb is a sacred time all actions are scheduled by the day and by the hour if translated into hour taking in fact there is no time in the usual sense only Cycles periods. When
one thing happens when another previous incarnations are reviewed their analysis continues the brightest moments are recalled or what needs to be worked out and achieved during the new life on
Earth. All stages of embryo formation are subordinated to numbers and signs the date of conception is also selected so that a certain code is formed and the development period fit into the Cycles
which need to be passed.
Exits to the Dark Worlds or higher Realms also occur at certain moments for example they are tied to the phases of the moon in accordance with personal par parameters and settings at the very beginning of conception. The soul gets access to the aaric records where under goes initiation receives an individual code and leaves part of its energies for storage for the period of incarnation and after completion takes it back.
We take on the embodiment only those energies qualities experience that we’ll need in this life even the gender is not immediately determined the soul tries on different options deciding which one is
best suited to perform the intended plan to gain a unique experience.
The common Consciousness with our higher aspects is temporarily fragmented and blocked for this implants are often installed in their 3D Parts which make them heavier but allow existing independently separated from the multi-dimensional hole its memory and information.
The interaction with other monards manifestation bodies is limited or cut we have no choice but listening to self and standing on own two feet and develop our Singularity.
Thus the more valuable experience can be got used and shared in the future. The removal of blocks is
provided but for this we must come to it ourselves proving that able consciously continue our upgrading it’s important to know and never forget that despite all the limitations and possible distortions not only our connection with the higher self the monad the soul and the spark is
always preserved.
But also through the latter with the source its energy and life force and any request sent to the
almighty every time reaches it and the one’s feedback always comes in the form of a batch which may be unpacked with a key access code for decryption resonating at certain frequencies.
If we are in sync with them then could unscramble it immediately if not the parcel rests in our field until we thanks to Inner work emit the needed Vibes to activate the key and open the pack in layers or entirety.
Is it possible to distort our soul or infect it with some kind of virus? Its core more precisely the
source’s spark cannot be damaged but the soul can be infected as it develops and accumulates the new it becomes denser and increases in size so its field becomes larger and part of it can be infected or turn off the Soul’s properties. Blocking the vibrations that are responsible for memory or suppress
its will covering the spark with an impenetrable shell that Shields the source’s impulses.
In that case the soul begins to behave like a huge cancer cell in our body on the other hand the more sophisticated and stronger the soul the more difficult it is to distort.
But all avatars have different capacities our Cosmic memory its activation and merging with the Soul’s aspects are links in the same chain. Many of us think that we can just take and bring knowledge abilities and talents from other lives in into this one without much cost and damage to our
psyche. For the vast majority of incarnates restoring the multi-dimensional memory is not as easy
as we would like to believe. There is a measure expediency and energy consumption that must be taken into account.
In such attempts not to mention a thousand other nuances for example if our main lesson in this Incarnation is to learn humility then it’s better to wait with the activation of x-ray vision or getting the drawings of the trans-galactic perpetuum mobile.
If the program of the current embodiment doesn’t preview the activation of memory or an aspect say of
a nuclear physicist on another planet then starting for some reason the process will require so much energy that the body will have to lie in bed for several months to rebuild and recover not to mention years of unpacking and translations into the language understood.
Here if the first grade curriculum in the earth’s school is not passed then no one will give us the
tools of the fifth or they will have to be mastered at such an accelerated Pace that the Incarnation will have to be urgently interrupted safety mechanisms are provided for this case.
Usually when incarnate we know ourselves only 1% of the true I am 10% is in the consciousness of the
Our individuality doesn’t reach Beyond these 10% we live and interact precisely Within.
These 10% the purpose of the embodiment is to restore the disabled Stellar memory with
the help of inner spiritual work to remember self with the original Consciousness easily changing and
creating see self in everyone around and change them all.
Altering self even a small Consciousness can wake up and transform the entire world when awareness is more than 1% we can ask for help and always be heard and get assistance attempts to become more than
1% are met with the fear of our brain which screams you will go crazy.
The scare produced by mind is a blocker when we approach the border the brain makes us blind and death and prevents expanding. Generates phobias and paralyzing programs they are like a network
connected to each other broadcasting the necessary thought forms wherever we are but fall away on their own if we have learned to trust ourselves more than others.
Believe in self our higher aspects and rely on the power of the spark in us.
Our Cosmic memory awakens when we are ready the space constantly offers scenarios that allow it. Should we step outside the comfort zone and expand our Consciousness the recollection evolves
with us if we miss the opportunity to do this then feel frustrated a few missed opportunities
plunge us into a deep depression.
Human Phantoms and hybrids don’t face similar problems as are devoid of monads Souls and spirits and the maximum level which can reach is the causal plane this is a relatively High degree of
There are also many entities on Earth that haven’t a causal body but only mental astral etheric and physical and are semi biorobots their complete 100% copies get only an aetheric and physical body.
How did this ugly zoo and serpentarium appear on Earth?
Every Creator designing and devel veloping the life form gives it what he can give.
If negative alien agenda or techno geek or demonic and parasitic space races don’t have soul
and monad such are their Springs in the latter’s hive Consciousness the modern Neo feudal Elite uploaded the programs that Force the subjects to do the dirtiest and hardest work for a pittance.
Established mutually exclusive rules violations of which are built-in and inevitable and keeping the muzzles and whips courts and prisons at the ready.
Imposed a collective sense of victimhood guilt and responsibility made everyone believe that nothing depends on them and never see or hear anything but at any moment be ready to cross the last moral
line the entire system and power pyramid are based on this?
How many monads manifestation bodies can be avatars some have only one others may have dozens hundreds and even thousands in different spaces and dimensions simultaneously.
In the past present and future and everywhere they get the necessary evolutionary experience for
their maternal being as for Incarnation on Earth taking into account its transformation.
Major adjustments are made now in accordance with the Soul’s plan each higher self independently
elaborates Ates and set the tasks of avatar for one or many embodiments and chooses a dimension Planet place and time of incarnation. For this specific databases are carefully analyzed which contain the most detailed description of all densities and worlds of the universe their evolutionary and planetary conditions including our three-dimensional Earth.
And everyone who came on it knows what awaits them and what they are going to do after the higher self has completed the Preparatory work. It submits an application to The evolutionary Committee of the local Universe this higher hierarchical structure and only it decides on admission to incarnation
in a particular place. After a careful consideration of the request it indicates in detail what kind of experience the higher self wants to receive from the avatar on Earth and in its current circumstances. The committee is very carefully studying the level of Spiritual Development of the Avatar his experience and the results of previous embodiments in the case of a positive decision.
It is binding the planetary logos fulfills it opening access for incarnation in its field this is a strictly sanctioned legal procedure.
The committee forbids it if the level of a awareness and spiritual maturity of Avatar does not
correspond to The Chosen Dimension or Society, for example if he hasn’t learned love and positivity then will be forbidden to Incarnate in civilizations that live according to these laws and will be sent to a place where Wars and violence Reign and they gain knowledge and experience wisdom and greater spirituality. If could the new seeding and redistribution of humanity between 3D 4D 5D and higher which is now in full swing is carried out only on the basis of decisions already made by The
evolutionary Committee of course it takes into account the wishes of the higher selves but specific and Justified and not some Warner list.
So who stays and who goes higher recall that for long exist a single 3 D 4 d 5 D Eon that the fourth density is Transitional prep stage and last depending on our Readiness to enter Fifth Dimension whom the committee banned according to the new rules.
These are avatars Phantoms because in 4D and higher they don’t exist and simply not needed.
There avatars unauthorized to stay anymore on 3D Earth avatars not ready for mind spiritual and physical transformation.
Those who have not received the necessary 3D experience even to a minimum extent and will continue to evolve on the renewed 3D Earth after death and birth in a new body or will be moved to another 3D
three dimensional World.
Avatars whose higher selves have decided to continue incarnations in other parts of the greater Cosmos.
Avatars which have to be evacuated from Earth to their home worlds due to fulfilled program or Mission avatars that have not get rid of their karma the rest will enter 4 d in existing
transformed Corpus or through death and birth in 4D or 5D in a new body.
Everything depends on own Readiness one of the saliant features of the new rules is that they refer not only to individuals but also to entire races Nations and ethnic groups which either overwhelmingly leave or remain on the planet as a dominant civilization.
ation dracos and Reps had been told bag and a baggage this is how Co creators separate the grain from the chaff after which they plan a great new receding on Earth.
The current evolutionary Mega cycle is
closing and after a short transitional period a next one will open in succession to the active phase of the terrestrial reformat and one more thing we used to think that Earth is negative alien agenda.
Mine and Colony a concentration camp in the service of the dark and the gray and the worst place in the entire to Divine Evolution it’s Unthinkable for us to take and even imagine that Earth
is the most desired place for Incarnation and for the sake of just one we needed to stand in a huge cue in terms of time a number of applicants and pass the toughest selection and those who graduated terrest Ral school have a special honorary status in the entire greater Cosmos.
This is another reason to seriously make wonder why we are here at this time and to realize the
significance of every day hour and minute given to us on that planet.
The capacity of the Incarnation field of the Earth’s causal Matrix is limited and designed to host only a strict amount of avatars.
We don’t feel or see it but the planetary logos serves our embodiment 24/7 online everything
that happens to us is instantly recorded in personal Incarnation cell which is located in the causal Matrix of the terrestrial logos.
Trough it communication constant energy. The core of the causal body are carried out previously.
The Incarnation capacity of the Earth’s logos the maximum number of avatars that it can correctly serve was planned for 7 b777 m777 777 people.
Then due to Karma ours and of darks it was reduced to 777 billion 777 million 777777 people 6
b666 M 666,666
Now co-creators have increased it to 99 b999 M 999,999 for the next evolutionary cycle and specified that in the new 14 dimensional logos.
All the terraia the number will be much larger not disclosing details so the new us has where to
expand of course this doesn’t apply to Phantoms which are not counted as part of humanity and don’t have personal Incarnation matrices dark and gray races who settled here as a result of space wars and
invasions of Earth don’t enter the new civilization as well.
Today all of them are being deported from the planet on mass and their evil evolutionary experience here is not officially recognized because they stayed here illegally without registration in the
earth’s causal Matrix.
The world that surrounds everyone is created by us our thoughts our emotions our fears all the
feelings that we have put into it during all incarnations and it’s we who have chosen to be in consciously or unconsciously and it’s only on us depends in which world to live today and
But we still don’t understand and accept this, many are living in war torn countries suffering poverty and hunger violence and unrest constantly ask why don’t co-creators the light hierarchs and the friendly space races step in and save us?
Wwhy are we not protected from the forces that have been doing evil for thousands of years and
keeping Humanity in total slavery and at the same time give a hateful reception to any reminder that we ourselves decided to Incarnate here and in these conditions to get the new experience which couldn’t obtain anywhere.
We can feed a hungry person and help the poor stand up for the exploited and deprived of All rights to be reformers and heroes and many are but if any light beings ETS or their groups arrive and say calm down and relax.
Will redo everything instead of you for you and much better than you to live happily Forever.
After we’ll simply lose what we came to Earth for no matter how frantically we demand Mass arrests and thousands if not hundreds of thousands or even millions of trials in order to reveal the truth and punish those who committed horrid Deeds on our planet.
Co-creators will never be judges jurors or executors of sentences because this is exclusively our task and responsibility whether we realize it or not.
They help in a different way completely transform the planet and Us in sync with the local Universe send high frequency energies upload soft codes and new knowledge into us so that we can live and evolve in new vibrations. Be successful in our aspirations and daily work.
They are not going to do it instead of us to balance the scales for us but expect and believe that we can do it ourselves and not hold on to the resentment and condemnation of co-creators who in our opinion are responsible for all the problems in our world and when we get rid of all this
mud heaviness and darkness inside selves we no longer need to endlessly wait for help and do nothing but only whine suffer and demand.
On the contrary with Awakening honesty and growing Consciousness our responsibility for the energies which we generate and radiate will increase and the experience that we receive here and now as avatars will be much greater
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