💥 EXPOSING THE TRUTH 💥 The Dragon Reptiles and there economic control system on planet earth.
Voice-over Recording , Audio & Video Production by Truth Can Change Your Life Youtube Channel
5D #Starseeds #EndTimeMadness
History of humanity consequences of the financial policy of the Draco reptiles?
Greetings my dear beloved children.
Continuing with my previous message I want to move on to what is happening on earth now since the current situation is the culmination of the financial policy pursued by the Draco reptilians over many centuries.

At present the tentacles of the deep State have already covered all areas of your life and since all finances are in the hands of the Draco reptiles they dictate their terms to most countries of the world and pursue a single policy.
That has Been official to them at the head of state of the world’s leading countries and act as their loyal servants who unquestioningly carry out the orders of their masters even if they go against the interests of their own citizens.
The military industrial complexes of these countries are also completely controlled by the Deep State and almost always Thrive thanks to constant military conflicts that are artificially Unleashed by politicians controlled by the Draco reptilians.
Information Technologies which have also ended up in the hands of the deep state currently play a huge role. It is what make it possible to effectively control people’s Consciousness turning them into a society of endless consumption of material Goods on which colossal fortunes are made.

By the same representatives of the deep State everything on Earth is divided between them and Outsiders very rarely manage to get to the top of this financial pyramid.
The same happens in the cultural sphere in order to lead people away from the spiritual side of their lives. The Draco reptiles have fed an entire Army of artists singers and musicians who not only sing vulgarity but also openly demonstrate to people satanic symbols and rituals that fill the audience with energies of the lowest vibrations.
It is precisely these artists who are advertised on all official channels and receive fabulous fees while pure Souls with true talents remain on the sidelines and are hushed up in every possible way.
The same thing happens in the world of fashion where clothing is artificially imposed that deprives a person of individuality and erases gender differences but now with the aggressive gender policy pursued by the Draco reptiles this is taking on more perverted forms.

When people are already losing their natural identity all this has become Possible only because colossal amounts of money are invested in such Innovations and their advertising and the official media which are entirely subsidized and controlled by the Deep State play the leading role in this.
So let’s continue the conversation about how the Draco reptiles achieved their goals how did they manage to place their people in key positions in all government structures?
In this they were assisted by the already established hierarchical structure of power which operated from behind the scenes this is what you now call the Deep State.

Over time the Draco reptiles learned to implement into society what they had already created behind the scenes and this is how it happened in ancient times.
This was much easier to do since all power was in the hands of monarchs and the highest clergy and all areas of society were determined by the highest decrees that were not subject to discussion and were unquestioningly executed.
But as Society developed and the population of the Earth increased this was no longer enough since the monarchs despite their numerous advisers were unable to cover the solution of all pressing problems. Therefore public institutions such as Ministries and departments with a narrow Focus gradually began to emerge and now the main concern of the Draco reptiles was to appoint such leaders of these departments who would blindly follow all their instructions and Carry Out
policies that meet their interests.

To achieve this they used bribery blackmail and access to high society through Masonic lodges and various secret organizations and yet money always played the main role here.
The calculation was invariably made on the pride greed and lack of principles of the appointees and since the reptilians most often met these criteria they gradually found themselves in the leading position in most countries of the world.
Big politics has always been woven far from the public eye and what came to the surface almost always had nothing in common with the goals and objectives that were presented to people behind beautiful words and Noble ideas.

There was often a trap hidden where gullible people were lured who paid with their lives for the secret games of the Draco reptiles and their minions.
Almost all wars and revolutions were carried out by the hands of pure and Noble people and the fruits of them were enjoyed by representatives of the deep State collecting the Harvest from their bloody crimes in the form of a colossal amount of low vibration energies and those who organized pushed these crimes received the most generous rewards from them.
By and large the Draco reptiles have always bought their coveted food in the form of human blood spilled and the hardships of their existence.
Today I want to continue the conversation about how man became a slave to money and now we will emphasize that recently man has become not only a consumer of various material Goods but also completely transparent for financial tycoons.

This happened because cash was gradually replaced by electronic money the kind that people
have in their bank accounts why do you think this transformation happened so quickly mainly because this is the only way financial institutions can control all of people’s spending while simultaneously studying their individual needs and requirements and as always such tricks are dressed in a beautiful rapper promising a person a lot of Privileges and conveniences.

Remember the commercials in which young people enthusiastically demonstrate the wonders of progress which has truly already reached Great Heights for example they are happy that they can pay for their purchases not only with a bank card but also with fingerprints and even their faces.
But few of them think about what lies behind such conveniences in fact they become Pawns in the game of large Financial corporations which now control their every step their every purchase and therefore at any moment they can at their own discretion stop this game.

Depriving a person of access to his honestly earned money the fact is that all your savings lying in bank accounts are nothing more than virtual currency and which banks dispose of at their own discretion.
Now in many countries of the world a person cannot withdraw a large sum of money without reporting in detail what he intends to spend it on and this is already real Financial slavery which has imperceptibly entered your daily life and all this is presented to you as a good thing.

As security measures taken to combat crime but few people know that the most dangerous criminals are precisely the Financial Corporation that have lured into their Nets billions of people who trustingly keep their Savings in Banks and even ordinary Bank employees sometimes have no idea
about the very essence of the banking system remaining the same pawns on the chessboard of the deep state which is ultimately the main beneficiary.

Here it is not easy to get out of such slavery now since the banks have tied a person’s hands in F feet the majority of the planet’s inhabitants have not received their salaries in cash for a long time but only through transfers to their bank accounts which is precisely what served as the beginning of universal Financial slavery on an international scale.

Thus gradually people became completely controlled and dependent on the financial institutions created by the Draco reptiles.
Today I want to continue the conversation about money and this time focus on your mental and emotional attitude towards it since time IM Memorial money has played the role of an indicator of a person’s well-being and since this has lasted for thousands of years it has already been absorbed into your flesh and blood but people have always managed money differently depending on their upbringing.

National and family traditions level of culture and degree of spirituality thus on Earth there have always been misers and Spen thrifts.
Thrifty and generous people those who knew how to use their money wisely and those whose money slipped through their fingers and all this happened because the money that fell into people’s hands.
Read their energies and tuned into their mental and emote waves and then the laws of the universe came into play which reflect outward all the internal impulses of a person of course people’s interaction with money has always been indirect since it occurred through relationships between people.

That is why the laws of the universe also Influence People indirectly since money was only an instrument for the development of these relations ships from time immemorial.
Money has been the main object of Temptation for man and at the same time a test of the purity of his soul it is no coincidence that they most often end up at the center of plots in literary Works films and plays money like a tempting snake touches all the strings of the human soul playing on them like a musical instrument and depend depending on how pure the soul of a person is.

They either create the music of love and kindness generosity and gratitude joy and happiness or on the contrary an ominous atmosphere of greed and avarice self-interest and ingratitude Sadness and Sorrow.

How many crimes have been committed because of money how many lives have been ruined how many destinies have been destroyed and the Draco reptiles plunged people into this merciless Whirlpool of monetary relations realizing what a Rich Harvest of negative energies they could collect by taking advantage of people’s weaknesses and creating such living conditions in which these weaknesses turned into vices atrocities and crimes.

Today I want to talk to you about the role money plays in your daily life since everything is energy money is no exception in themselves they are neutral just like any material object which
acquires energy only when in contact with a living being and precisely the energy that this being
emits thus each person’s relationship with money is purely individual.
You’ve probably noticed that people with the same income can have very different Financial situations and this is explained by the fact that these people have different energy different levels of vibration different perceptions of life and therefore different attitudes towards material well-being.
So some people perceive money as an opportunity to diversify their lives they live for today have confidence in the future and therefore do not save money for a rainy day and spend it on what gives them pleasure. Others fearing the future prefer to live frugally in order to have a financial safety cushion and this is what happens at the energy level in the first and second cases people who part with money easily give it Freedom releasing it into life and thereby nourishing it with positive life-giving energy.

Those who are engaged in hoarding deprive money of living energy since they do not have the freedom to easily dispose of it as a result the first ones usually win since they live life to the fullest here and now without waiting for better times when they can start spending their savings and if you consider how often representatives of the deep State create artificial Financial collapses then people often lose all their savings and those who fearlessly put their money into business remain winners in fact the ideal approach to money as always is the golden mean treating money wisely will help you to have a harmonious relationship with it and fill it with high vibration energy.

Money should be loved as a source of gaining a certain freedom in the world in which you still have to live but at the same time you should leave some reserve for unforeseen expenses ideally they should be spent on something that carries High vibrations.
For example money spent on vulgar and low quality shows and money spent on buying a ticket to a concert of beautiful classical music bring completely different energies into the world.

Moreover it does not matter whether you paid for them with bank notes or a bank card since in this case your financial transactions manifest themselves on the subtle plane as the energy of what they were paid for.
This is where the expression dirty money comes from such as that which circulates in drug trafficking and criminal circles.
Conversely money that goes to a good cause always carries pure energy therefore my dear before you buy something think about what your financial transaction even the most insignificant one launches into space.
Does it fill it with high or low vibrations and only your soul can help you with this and not the advice of loved ones friends fashion or advertising.
Continuing with my previous message today I want to go into more detail about the religious secret societies that have played a key role in controlling the population of your planet since time immemorial but first let’s figure out what religion is as such it is based on man’s dependence on God and it does not matter what religion a person adheres to.
What does it mean to depend on someone first of all it is the loss of one’s individuality and freedom of choice thus religion without man noticing has replaced the essence of his relationship with the Creator?
If at the dawn of humanity people knowing that they were particles of God embodied on Earth felt themselves to be co-creators and possessed inner Freedom.

Then with the emergence of various religions that hid true knowledge from people they began to feel themselves to be its weak willed slaves which has already been discussed a lot in my messages and the main task of a Believer became to please his master blindly observing all the Cannons of behavior and thinking.
Established by religious ministers thus another institution of power was created not secular but religious and the fact that this was precisely power was indicated by The Untold wealth that religious institutions possessed where did the funds come from to build luxurious temples churches mosques and other religious buildings?

Why were the Robes of religious ministers so Lush and Rich all of this was financed by the Deep state whose Representatives understood what a huge service religion could provide them in controlling the population of the Earth.
This is why a campaign was launched to introduce Christianity even to why tribes far from
civilization the purpose of this was to establish control over the population in these remote corners of your planet and to completely subordinate them to the dictates of the monarchical families we have already talked a lot about.
How and why the True Divine postulates were distorted so now I want to draw your attention to the crimes that have been committed on the basis of religion over many centuries Catholicism which was established in the monarchical countries of Europe was especially distinguished by this over time.

It was Europe that became the main stronghold of the deep state from where its power spread further to other countries and continents it was in European countries that secular and religious power merged into one which allowed the Draco reptiles to effectively control people’s Consciousness and first of all to provoke them to the emotions that they fed on in order to maintain complete control over the high clergy.
Its Representatives also became members of secret societies and most often highlevel Masons which means they were also involved in satanic sacrificial rituals.
Unfortunately my dear the most terrible crimes on Earth were committed where people could not even imagine it.
I Royal palaces castles churches Cathedrals temples Those whom millions of people sincerely considered to be God’s Viceroy on Earth and to whom they unquestioningly obeyed turned out to be bloodthirsty and merciless criminals who worshiped not God but the devil.

Human life had no value for them and the most desirable energies for them were the pain and suffering of people that’s where we’ll stop today.
The father absolute who loves you immensely spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta
You chose Red pill or Green pill. Outcome is the same but you think or believe had a choice? Similar politicians telling their electorate they have a real choice while being a member and having signed on to the WEF agenda & member secrete organisations like the illuminati.
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‘Dismantling’ USAID Is A Distraction From The Real Agenda | Whitney Webb
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Whitney web continues to challenge mainstream narratives exposing the connections between Financial Elites government policies and surveillance agendas from operation warp speed’s.
Hidden motives.
Aid driven Financial control and political hypocrisy web lays out why these stories matter.

Let’s break down some of her latest tweets grandson of the mob upsed Lou Wasserman.
If you think organized crime disappeared and didn’t just Rebrand as philanthropy and merge with private capital.
I have some books I can recommend web suggests organized crime never disappeared but evolved into philanthropy and private Capital pointing to Casey wasserman’s background sorry but operation warp speed was not an extraordinary accomplishment.
Mr Kennedy it was a military operation to normalize Mass use of Gene therapies that previously couldn’t make it through clinical trials and get them onto the market via an emergency deregulatory Paradigm give CIA front volunteer access to American Health Data and mass welfare for corrupt big Pharma firms at the Public’s expense.

Whitney web argues operation warp speed was a military-backed gene therapy push benefiting CIA surveillance and big Pharma at public cost here’s a primer on what top National Security officials mean when they say “continuity of government”.
Attached a post Tweet about a Blackhawk crash being part of a continuity of government training Mission.
Well web highlights government continuity programs that are often tied to covert military operations for people saying Elon is trustworthy and USA ID is bad.( CIA_Darpha?)
Do you guys remember Elon’s we will coup whoever we want deal with it statement over the 2019 coup in lithium Rich Bolivia that he was poised to benefit from.

Even if usaid is completely dismantled that certainly does not mean that regime change Ops will stop oligarchs can just fund them directly they largely control the controversial NOS that usaid funded anyway.
Sorry for reigning on the parade but handing over major government Ops to intelligence and Military linked oligarchs is unlikely to be the win against the Deep State.

You think it is it is ultimately a deeper centralization of power and historically
that doesn’t end well.
Attached Whitney web’s own previous tweet reiterating usaid’s intelligence connections and its restructuring under the Rubio Leed State Department.
Web warns that dismantling USA ID won’t stop regime change operations as oligarchs will continue funding them leading to even greater power centralization.
While it is true that usaid is an intelligence cutout that has engaged in financing regime change and other terrible things.

I feel that the Independent Media focus on usaid being dismantled it is actually just going to be rehoused at the Rubio Run State Department. It is distracting us from the fact that musk who is trying to turn X into the everything app that he wants to run more than half of the US Financial system and which is launching payment rails this year.
Just gained access to Americans private banking information via the treasury payment system.
The everything app model embodied by the infamous WeChat is effectively a public private app used to surveil people’s Communications and financial activity with often Orwellian consequences.
Usaid absolutely sucks but we also need to keep our eye on the ball as big Tech oligarchs beget techno tyranny and will do so very easily if we fail to scrutinize them and pay attention to the things they are openly building.

Musk in his new role does not have to divest from any business interests including X and can easily use Doge or other means to fulfill his everything app desires and King make companies which he owns controls or in which he is deeply invested.
Web warns musk’s everything app will control Financial transactions and enable mass surveillance under a public private model amazing how many people think I am sing for usaid.
No I am saying that usaid which I believe should be dismantled is the focus of hype around current Doge activities and that we should also pay attention to the recent news that they just obtained practically every American’s banking info at a time when the man leading doge is trying to turn one of his companies which he is not required to devest from into a core component of the US Financial system.

Nuance really has become a dirty word over the past year.
Whitney web dismisses claims she supports usaid and urges focus on how musk’s Financial moves intersect with government power I tend to want to scrutinize the world’s richest man whose family tried to implement technocracy decades ago and who is a major military intelligence contractor.

I don’t personally put him in the regular person who happens to have money category web question.
Musk deeper ties to intelligence and technocracy rather than seeing him as just a billionaire team. Tulsi and team McCain LOL wait what attached a tweet about Megan McCain supporting Tulsi gabbard’s confirmation web sarcastically reacts to the unexpected political alliance between McCain and gabard until Doge or any other aspect of the Trump Administration meaningfully addresses fasab s56 which literally allows the US government to cook its own books.
To enable Secret/black budget projects I will remain skeptical that it truly intends to reign in runaway spending and the misuse of taxpayer funds for more on fasab s56.

See this article or the work of at solar web criticizes fasab b56 a law allowing the government to hide black budget spending putting a regime change cheerleading neocon like Rubio in charge doesn’t mean the corruption at usaid ends now.
Quit being taken for a ride attached a tweet announcing Trump appointed Marco Rubio as acting director of usaid web warns Trump’s appointment of Rubio won’t end usaid corruption it’s just a reshuffle.

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